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Bible Study Question about the 12 tribes of Israel...


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Why are there different variances in the 12 Tribes of Israel in the Bible?
The most common variance is due to Joseph having two sons, Manasseh and Ephriam, which divided his allotment, and thus you almost never see a "Tribe of Joseph" mentioned. And since Joseph's allotment went to his two sons it created a subdivision in Israel that actually made 13 Tribes, however Levi was not given an allotment in the land for they were to have God and ministering in the Tabernacle/Temple as their portion & they were to live among several of the tribes, dispersed all throughout the land. Thus since Levi was not given a land allotment Israel was divided into 12 sections only, thus it equaled out because of Levi not having a land allotment and Joseph's sons getting a "double allotment" by actually splitting Joseph's allotment in two. In Revelation I believe it includes Levi but leaves out Dan, because Dan sinned greatly against God and it seems they were left off from blessings on that occasion, yet the number given is still twelve because Joseph's two allotments (via his sons) are counted. Those account for the most common variations seen in the Bible.

Hope that helps.

God Bless,



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