Does female circumcision have health benefits... Yes.
A clitoridectomy is often done to remove malignancy or necrosis of the clitoris. This is sometimes done along with a radical complete vulvectomy. Surgery may also become necessary due to therapeutic radiation treatments to the pelvic area.[3]
Removal of the clitoris may be due to malignancy or trauma.[3][4]
Clitoromegaly and other conditions
Female infants born with a 46,XX genotype but have a clitoris size affected by congenital adrenal hyperplasia and are treated surgically with vaginoplasty that often reduces the size of the clitoris without its total removal. The atypical size of the clitoris is due to an endocrine imbalance in utero.[1][5] Other reasons for the surgery include issues involving microphallism and those who have Müllerian agenesis. Treatments on children raise human rights concerns.[6]
Okay, so it isn't anything like male circumcision which
prevents certain things and is
not to deal with "malignancy or necrosis." Your explanation is no different than any sort of male surgery required to deal with cancer, necrosis, or some other issue.
You think my term is vulgar and inaccurate. OK let's walk you through this, at what age can a person consent? Usually around adulthood right? Is the excuse she didn't say no valid? No as she may be intoxicated, unconscious etc...
Again, nothing to do with circumcision. This isn't a sexual issue, but essentially a medical procedure. We do all sorts of medical procedures on newborns and young children without consent. As for "age of consent," it depends where in the world you live. Iran is supposedly set to lower it to 9.
So male circumcision is done to minors without consent and it's permanently effects their genitals and sexual life for the rest of their lives... You're right circumcision isn't just rape its worse. A rape doesn't cut off part of the victims genitals yes there may be damage and emotional trauma, but the same could be said for circumcision and more.
A part this isn't even necessary and has benefits to being removed. Doing it at an older age can have negative consequences.
Explain the covenant to me I apparently don't get it.
It's a rather large discussion:
"In divine covenants, God sovereignly establishes the relationship with His creatures. There are other nuances, but a divine covenant given after the fall is, fundamentally, one in which God binds Himself by His own oath to keep His promises.
Still, there are conditions attached to that oath on the human side. If the human party involved in a covenant with God does not keep the covenant’s conditions, there will be consequences. When Adam and Eve broke the commandment that they should not eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, they suered numerous consequences (
Gen. 3:16–19). After the fall, the conditions of the Lord’s covenants with man are ultimately met by God Himself. For example, in
Genesis 15, God swears that He will keep the conditions of His covenant with Abraham and will bear the consequences of Abraham’s breaking it. This does not mean the human conditions are irrelevant. We must trust in the Lord to benefit from His covenant promises. Abraham responded in faith: he “believed the Lord, and he counted it to him as righteousness” (v. 6), and the Lord blessed him. Even here, however, God by His Spirit grants to His elect the response of faith that they must exercise. God guarantees that His people will fulfill the condition of faith, and so guarantees our fulfillment of our covenant obligations Himself (
Eph. 2:8–9).
One post-fall covenant stands out in this respect: the old covenant made with Israel. This was the covenant made under Moses between God and His people at Mount Sinai (
Ex. 19–24). Some theologians have labeled this covenant as a
law covenant in opposition to
promise covenants, such as the Abrahamic or new covenant. However, this sharp distinction between
law (conditional) and
promise (unconditional) covenants often creates more problems than it solves in terms of understanding God’s covenants with humanity."
God chose Abraham through whom he would create a people that would live under the old covenant, the ultimate purpose of which was to bring salvation to all mankind. Being a part of the people of God required circumcision:
"After giving Abraham exceedingly great and precious promises, the Lord commanded him to give the covenant sign of circumcision to all the males in his household on the eighth day (see
Gen. 17:11–14). Closely related to the covenant promise itself, the Lord calls the sign of circumcision “My covenant” (
Gen. 17:10). God commanded Abraham to apply the sign of circumcision to the male reproductive organ since, in procreation, spiritual corruption passes from generation to generation. This corruption started with Adam and spread to all his posterity—Christ alone excluded. Since all have received a sin nature from Adam, God promised that He would deal with that corruption and bring renewal by means of a bloody judgment. In this way, circumcision was typifying the covenant promises of the gospel.
Circumcision, then, represented God’s covenant promise of curse and blessing. First, circumcision carried the promise of judgment for those who broke covenant with God. If someone rejected the covenant sign, he was rejecting the covenant Lord of the sign. If someone rejected the covenant Lord, he or she would incur the judgment of God. The act of “cutting” formed the signatory element of circumcision. The cutting away of the foreskin of the flesh denoted God’s promise to cut off covenant breakers from His presence, His people, and His blessing.
Simultaneously, the sign of circumcision represented the cutting away of the filth of the fallen, sinful human nature. This was the promise of covenant blessing in the gospel. If the demands of the covenant were met, God would fulfill His promise to cut off the sin of His people."
I'm imposing too much 'current cultural ideology' on the old testament? I thought God was all knowing, and you're saying he didn't know about things like consent or gender equality? Whoops just slipped his mind...
No, consent isn't an issue. God required males to be circumcised on the 8th day. And, it has nothing to do with gender equality.