The way I see it, the welfare programs are in place to provide some level of help for those in dire situations. When it becomes necessary to use the programs I don't see it as being a leech. My opinion may be somewhat biased however because I did find myself in that situation once.
In January, 1982, I had a good paying job. In today's dollars it would be about $58,000.00 per year. In February of that year I got married. In April of that year I signed my name on a new home mortgage. In mid-May of that year, just a few weeks after buying our house, I was informed that I would be laid off on May 31. So, in the course of four months I was married, bought a house, and got laid off. On top of we were expecting our son in July and the iron range economy in northern MN was at an all-time low. Unemployment was high and there were few jobs available. By late summer I was forced to sell down everything I could afford to get rid of, refinance loans, negotiate payments of other debt, and pay down debt as much as I could to reduce our monthly obligations which included a college student loan, car loan, and medical bills from our son's birth. We managed to survive on unemployment benefits for about a year as the government continued to extend our benefits similar to what was done in recent years due to the economic down-turn. By the spring of 1983 the well was running dry and employment was not in site. We eventually had to turn to the state for assistance. We received food stamps, medical insurance, housing support, and monthly financial support for about three months until I finally managed to find a minimum wage job. We went for about three years without paying any income tax due to low income. I can tell you that I was never so happy to pay taxes as I was the year that I finally earned enough income to have a tax liability.
I don't believe anyone "deserves" help. When I begin to think that the world owes me a living, it will be time for a reality check on my pride. What I believe is fair is help me put food on the table, clothes on my back, and a roof over my head so I can have a chance to pull myself up by my bootstraps and get back on my feet. I do not expect my neighbors to guarantee me my current standard of living. I do expect the state to guarantee that I won't lose my home or any other possessions that I have.
Am I liberal or conservative? You be the judge. I don't particularly care for labels.