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The Great Wall of China is awfully big.
I personally can't think of an actual wall on a substantial border between two countries. Fencing and the like maybe. I could be wrong though.
Inflation is bankers oppressing their elders.

A false balance is an abomination to the LORD, But a just weight is His delight. Proverbs 11:1 NASB

Bankers are using dishonest money to oppress those who cannot defend themselves. Elders are too old to replace what bankers are taking from them.
Inflation is bankers oppressing their elders.

A false balance is an abomination to the LORD, But a just weight is His delight. Proverbs 11:1 NASB

Bankers are using dishonest money to oppress those who cannot defend themselves. Elders are too old to replace what bankers are taking from them.
Inflation is a form of slavery that benefits the lender and oppresses the borrower.

Our nation is now built on debt management and inflation regulates the amount of debt versus revenue.

Let's say you have $100 from sales and that allows you to borrow $50. Your debt to income is 50% which for hypothetical purposes is the max debt to income ratio your allowed to borrow.

If i add inflation to the cost of your goods, you now have $110 from sales. Since you only owe $50, the percentage of debt you owe in relation to income is reduced and your debt to income is now below 50%.

This allows you to now borrow more money.

When you look at the average American,they are strapped with debt. Many people are told they need debt to build credit. This is a lie,and many buy into the lie so they can have the material possessions today, instead of saving and buying items free of interest.

I would love to see a guestimation on how much money the average household throws away each year due to interest.
When you look at the average American,they are strapped with debt.

Bankers confiscate stuff from Joe average, then lend Joe back his own goods. Bankers collect interest from Joe on his own goods. Inflation is confiscation.

The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender. Proverbs 22:7 KJV
Bankers confiscate stuff from Joe average, then lend Joe back his own goods. Bankers collect interest from Joe on his own goods. Inflation is confiscation.

The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender. Proverbs 22:7 KJV

The banking system is the biggest scam in the history of all mankind.

Lending money you don't have with interest and when people cannot afford to pay it take everything they own is the biggest scam ever.

Even the devil would be impressed.
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We can at least vote to eliminate inflation, to give people a fighting chance.

Someone is enjoying luxury cheese and lobster platters on my compulsary retirement fund and it's not me. I'm looking forward to retirement when I get my super and can maybe afford a loaf of bread.
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Someone is enjoying luxury cheese and lobster platters on my compulsary retirement fund and it's not me. I'm looking forward to retirement when I get my super and can maybe afford a loaf of bread.

Vote for an honest dollar. Your retirement plan will retain its purchasing power.
Where on the ballot do the votes for an honest dollar or to stop inflation appear? I have voted since the 1970s and never seen those.

It might work better if voters could vote on individual issues, instead of just voting for representatives who promise to vote this or that way on the issues. Perhaps the voters should vote a Constitutional Convention, and enact a Constitutional Amendment allowing direct voting on select issues. Maybe a Constitutional Amendment mandating an honest dollar.
Sounds like an actual democracy. Something virtually every founder thought to be an enormous threat to the country. Hence they chose a representative democracy. A republic.
The Founders made some mistakes. For example, they didn't anticipate political parties. President George Washington was so appalled at the forming of political parties that he made an impassioned speech begging the people not to form political parties. Having POTUS the leader of the political party that controls both the House and Senate eliminates the checks and balances that the Founders intended.

Another mistake, they didn't anticipate that lobbyists would take up permanent residence in DC, and craft the wording of many laws. Narrow special interest groups demand expensive favors that put a burden on the majority.

That's why the Founders provided a mechanism for the people to amend the Constitution. They knew that some mistakes would be made, and have to be corrected down the road. The job of today's voters. The Founders also provided freedom of speech, so people could talk about possible amendments to make things better.
This is one example why countries protect there boarders and dont like anyone or anything entering the country illegally without going through security.

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And all the other stuff. And some people think people who break the law and enter the country illegally that could possibly put them or the country at risk, is ok. No, it's not.

The amount of people who try go through customs with meat, fruit, and vegetables that pose a threat is amazing, and thanks to the great boarder security authorities they help prevent the spread of pest and disease.

Sometimes people don't intentionally do it and have no idea the threat they are posing by trying to enter with high risk products.
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