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[ Testimony ] Reluctant Christian


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My Grandad fought in the Second World War and had a conversion experience whilst in Africa. This intrigued me from an early age

Since I found out about this I'd always had Jesus on my mind, but I never really did anything about it. Up until I was in my mid-20s, that is

For some reason I started frequenting my local Christian bookshop. I was embarrassed and hoped I wouldn't be seen by anyone I knew! Anyway, after several visits I became friendly with the proprieter and he invited me up to his flat above the shop and offered to pray for me

What followed was amazing. As he was praying I was totally overwhelmed by a feeling of complete and utter love. I don't know whether this was the spirit or simply wish-fulfillment. I'd like to think the former

I was on a high for several days afterwards and started to attend church. But I soon became bored with it and also fed-up with quite a few so-called Christians who attended that church. The experience put me off and I've never been to church since

I write songs as a hobby and I've written a few about my on-off relationship with Jesus. I find it hard to commit completely to Him and I don't know how to pray. When I try it's like I'm talking to myself

So there you have it

Pray for me

Hi, welcome to the site and thanks for sharing.

We can't change the hearts of others. We can't even change our own hearts. ;) We also can not expect other professed believers to live up to our expectations.

We can get to know them and find out where they are in their walk with the Lord. We can pray for them and ask the Lord to lead them in a proper direction. We can also pray the Lord leads us in the same direction.

We are all human and those who profess Christ as our Lord should strive to put aside our flesh, to bury our ego, to die daily.
It's not easy at Church. Sometimes I feel out of place when I see people doing better than I am, but it's not a competition. Hang on to what you have and try again.

I hope you find, through your songs, the pure joy of Christ and what he can do to help you on the path.
Just before I became a Christian many years ago I was told it would be a hard walk, just someone trying to be honest w/ me, but they also said it was worth it.

Now being a Christian for 20 years I must say it has been much harder than I ever imagined LOL and I have struggled everyday through it. I think it greatly depends on how disciplined a person is, I'm not very disciplined. :nono2

I would suggest spending more consistent time reading the bible, with that you will grow closer to the Lord and these things will become more understandable.


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