Next week Pakestans senior court will review her case and determin whether she can go free or be executed.
Pray for Asia, that she will be decared innocent, that she will be at peace and that her mind will be strong. Pray that she will be allowed to leave the country. Pray for her defence lawyer who is threatened with being murdered and that he will have the wisdom and eloquance to plead her case.
Pray for her family that they will trust God. Pray for the judges that they will not be intimidated by the threat of violence and the wisdom to know and do what is right.
Pray for Christians in Pakestan that they will live for Jesus and will be protected fropm violence of extreemist.
Pray that those who call for her death to be challenged by the claims of Jesus and that they might meet him.
Remember it is not just Asia, there are other unknow Christians threatened by this charge who are living in fear of being murdered.
Other Christians are inprisoned for being Christian.
They are your brothers and sister so pray for them.
Pray for Asia, that she will be decared innocent, that she will be at peace and that her mind will be strong. Pray that she will be allowed to leave the country. Pray for her defence lawyer who is threatened with being murdered and that he will have the wisdom and eloquance to plead her case.
Pray for her family that they will trust God. Pray for the judges that they will not be intimidated by the threat of violence and the wisdom to know and do what is right.
Pray for Christians in Pakestan that they will live for Jesus and will be protected fropm violence of extreemist.
Pray that those who call for her death to be challenged by the claims of Jesus and that they might meet him.
Remember it is not just Asia, there are other unknow Christians threatened by this charge who are living in fear of being murdered.
Other Christians are inprisoned for being Christian.
They are your brothers and sister so pray for them.