"Lettuce remember..."
:waving~ Hi whirlwind~
I can see Solomon sitting and meditating about the world and all of life and coming to an obvious conclusion...
Life just turns in cycles...
Yesterday, tomorrow, and the next day will not be remembered... because one day melts into the next so well. It seems to me too, that life just moves in cycles, monotonous cycles. And it seems to me that we cannot escape it. We are in the cycle and someday we are just going to pass out of the cycle...
One generation passes away, another generation comes~~~
but the earth abides for ever! The sun rises, the sun goes down, and it comes back around to the place where it rose. The wind goes toward the south, and then turns around again, it blows to the north~ it whirls around continually, the wind returns again in it's unending circuits. All of the rivers run into the sea~ but the sea is not full... To the place from where the rivers come, there they return again... All things are full of work, yes? :yes And no man can understand it or explain it all. . .
The eye is not satisfied with seeing, the ear is not satisfied with hearing. The thing that has been, is what will be~ there is no new thing under the sun.
(my paraphrase of Eccesiastes 1:4-9).
SO life just moves in cycles. History repeats itself and the cycles of life go on. The cycle of one generation following another. However, there is <NO CIRCLE of LIFE> at all. Surely there is an end, dear Solomon... How horrid to think that this merry-go-round will never stop! That a human being created in the image of God will return to live as a bird, or an a squid! POOP! <Sorry to curse> ... THAT EVIL LIE just makes me BOIL! :mad Sorry` off topic there...
So again the sun and the earth are in thier orbits and keep spinning on thier axises, and hold thier relationship to the sun. The wind, the rivers, all of life just moves in monotonous cycles.
Therefore~ what is the GOOD of remembering these temporal things? and David this great kings Dad said...
Do not remember the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions; According to Your mercy remember me, For Your goodness' sake, O LORD. :amen
But what did God SAY is worthy to be remembered?
The first use of the word remember is in Genesis 9:14-15
It shall be, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud; and I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh.
Did you know that a rainbow is actually a circle not a bow? A FULL rainbow is only seen rarely when the horizon cuts off it's full orbed beauty. And here is something WONDERFUL... my sweet sister... no rainbow is alike, each one is created in the eye of each beholder... :crazy The light and water suspended in air float or whiz marvelously into the pattern each individual sees... because God does not make copies! Yes... in case you were wondering... if I am off my rocker here I know I am talking to the chior here... Of course He makes each day NEW! And all things will one day BECOME new! :shades
I guess poor wise Solomon was stumped in trying to delve into the mystries of creation, huh? Me too.
May our Lord bless our memories with those of Christ and His great Covenant! YES and AMEN!
sheshisown :shades