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Bible Study REQUEST: Verses about Drinking, Smoking, and Substance Abuse



Just wondering, can somebody please post some. I have e-sword in front of me here but it's the Old King James version and it's impossible to search for a specific word you want almost (you have to be very careful).

Somebody please!
Re: REQUEST: Verses about Drinking, Smoking, and Substance A

AJB4 said:
Just wondering, can somebody please post some. I have e-sword in front of me here but it's the Old King James version and it's impossible to search for a specific word you want almost (you have to be very careful).

Somebody please!

Hi AJB4,

The Bible says our body is God's temple (1Co6:19), so we should not abuse our body by putting unhealthy substances in it.

peace :D
Re: REQUEST: Verses about Drinking, Smoking, and Substance A

lily of God said:
Hi AJB4,

The Bible says our body is God's temple (1Co6:19), so we should not abuse our body by putting unhealthy substances in it.

peace :D

Very true, though this would apply to anything unhealthy we do with our bodies (gorging on ice cream, for instance) :D. Specifically for substance abuse, I can't recall anything...Ephesians 5:18 does seem to warn against getting drunk, however.
The Bible says "Do not be drunk with wine but be filled with the Holy Spirit" (Ephesians 5:18).

The Proverbs say:

It is not for kings, O Lemuel,
It is not for kings to drink wine,
Nor for princes intoxicating drink;
Lest they drink and forget the law,
And pervert the justice of all the afflicted.
Give strong drink to him who is perishing,
And wine to those who are bitter of heart.
(Proverbs 31:4-6)

We can drink alchohol but we are not to be drunk with it. The proverb above approved getting drunk only for those who were perishing or in anguish, as a medicinal suppliment (for pain). But in our modern society we have sustitute medicines which leave getting drunk almost inexcusable.
Thanks people!

I dont believe we're allowed to drink alcohol at all. If we don't drink, there's no danger of getting drunk is there?
AJB4 said:
Thanks people!

I dont believe we're allowed to drink alcohol at all. If we don't drink, there's no danger of getting drunk is there?

True, but that's a heart issue. If you're someone prone to over-drinking, then by all means, stay away from the stuff. I personally choose not to drink because I like to be in control of my actions, and I'm usually a rather laid back guy without the help of alcohol.

Several times in the Bible, alcohol is administered/prescribed without any sinful connotations. Jesus turning water into wine (why would the Son of God facilitate sin so directly?), and Timothy being instructed to help himself to a little wine because of his "often infirmities," are two examples.
Re: REQUEST: Verses about Drinking, Smoking, and Substance A

AJB4 said:
Just wondering, can somebody please post some. I have e-sword in front of me here but it's the Old King James version and it's impossible to search for a specific word you want almost (you have to be very careful).

Somebody please!

Hi, John here: Here is an old post between 'young Vic' and myself. I found it in my library. (so it goes back some) Anyway maybe you can find something on the conservative side from it, with scripture verses?

Vicjr wrote:
John, I understand where you are coming from. I used to drink but have barely touched the stuff in the last 13 years. And I would NEVER recomend or condone a teen to do it as well. At that age, they really don't know their limits. That is what this is all about...knowing one's limits.

Hi Vicjr, (John here)
We are having a 15 year old seeing two different views! We have our convictions, but I hope that the kid listens to my advice & not yours! By the way, I lost a classmate in high school who was out with some other class mates while doing some drinking. He was the only one killed in the automobile accident. (accident?? perhaps)

Alcohol, in and of itself, is not a sin. Giving in to the temptation to drink excessively is the sin. It makes many people do things, stupid things. Things they wouldn't do if they were sober. Again, a person MUST KNOW THEIR LIMITS! Of course this does not apply to everyone. Some people do have addictive personalities and should abstain from drinking, ot else it will become a habit, an addiction.

Alchol is not the sin. Jesus knew that or else He wouldn't have performed His first miracle. But before you say it wasn't really alcholic wine, lets look at the miracle itself.
John 2:6 And there were set there six waterpots of stone, after the manner of the purifying of the Jews, containing two or three firkins apiece.
John 2:7 Jesus saith unto them, Fill the waterpots with water. And they filled them up to the brim.
John 2:8 And he saith unto them, Draw out now, and bear unto the governor of the feast. And they bare it.

Me again: Let me break in here & 'see' what comes into [my mind] that our Master is saying? Let me put some marks of emphasis for [my] impression? (it helps me!)

John 2:9 When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was [made wine], (John here: that seems clear?) and knew not whence it was: (but the servants which drew the water knew;) the governor of the feast called the bridegroom,
John 2:10 And saith unto him, Every man [at the beginning doth set forth good wine];

Me again: pure unfermented grape juice is good wine! Prov. 23:31 said: "Look not upon *THE WINE when it red, and when it .."

and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse:

Me again: Vic, "IS WORSE" means what? aging, not as pure, starting to turn perhaps? Turn into what? It is WINE to begin with.

but thou hast kept the good wine until now.

Jesus was commended for the quality of wine He produced. Again I ask, would He have done this knowing full well it was a sin?
Me again: No, you are correct with that assumption.
So the other thinking is flawed. It was PURE GRAPE WINE as Prov. 23:31 states!
He was commended by the wine steward himself. It must have been wine...they did not drink grape juice at weddings!

Me again: Says who? Where did you get that idea? Read the verse again & then ask yourself if the Christ that even refused the vinegar as He was dyeing, could be sinless creating a 'fermented' (caused by sin) Wine? By the way, Webster tells us that Vinegar is: a sour liquid obtained by fermentation (as of cider, wine, or malt) and used in cookery and pickling. Hay, that 'pickling' word must have some suggested 'light', huh?

John, the person discribed in the Proverb verses you quoted has a problem and should not be drinking in the first place. Th kind of person is a problem drinker. They will easily 'stumble' (no pun intended) into sin if left to their own devices. This person needs to heed the words of God in this passage.

Vic, we ALL have problems. We are to 'shun EVERY APPEARANCE OF EVIL'. Yet, still this is the secondary problem when we set 'danger' before any of the ones that we claim to love! Re/read the Prov. verse again as well as Christ miracle, and see if you can DETECT the word WINE before it is 'serpent'ised'?

The Bible clearly teaches of the dangers of drunkenness, but it doesn't condemn the drinking of wine. It is just like I said about marajuana; if it hinders your relationship with the Lord one bit then...don't do it!

Here is a good site on this subject. ... 42702.html

Peace and God bless,

Please forum: Do not post back & tell me what Noah did right after leaving the Ark. Yes, Noah was human! Yet, think of it this way, he preached for 120 years that mankind would be destroyed by a flood, if they would not enter the Ark of safety! Then only eight souls did so.

After the flood receded & he left the Ark he planted a vineyard & got drunk. (Gen. 9:18-21 & what this led to!) Just a side thought, how would you feel if you had preached for 120 years, built an Ark that NO one to speak of entered? And then you have a lot of time to wonder about your 'responsibility'?? Were these lost ones because of my 'Lukewarm' love & failure? Personally, I can relate to Noah getting drunk! (even though I have not touched the stuff for 35+ years)

But, BOTTOM line: Does Christ contradict His Word? No. See 1 Cor. 14:32.

AJB4 said:
Thanks people!

I dont believe we're allowed to drink alcohol at all. If we don't drink, there's no danger of getting drunk is there?

In other words you don't believe in Sola Scriptura. Because while the scriptures condemn drunkeness (just like they condemn glutony or any other kind of overconsumption) they simply do not condemn alcohol in moderation. It's not in there except for those who wish to twist the scriptures to support their views. Be honest with the scriptures. They don't say you have to drink but your condemnation of drinking alcohol is unbiblical. That's a fact. The verses have been posted many times.
thessalonian said:
AJB4 said:
Thanks people!

I dont believe we're allowed to drink alcohol at all. If we don't drink, there's no danger of getting drunk is there?

In other words you don't believe in Sola Scripture. Because while the scriptures condemn drunkenness (just like they condemn gluttony or any other kind of overconsumption) they simply do not condemn alcohol in moderation. It's not in there except for those who wish to twist the scriptures to support their views. Be honest with the scriptures. They don't say you have to drink but your condemnation of drinking alcohol is unbiblical. That's a fact. The verses have been posted many times.

So then, what you are saying is that a little decayed raw rat is ok to eat? and some poison is ok to drink, along with even T.V. X-rated junk/food, if in 'moderation' because you might not see it outright condemned in the Word of God?? Is that putting words in your mouth???

And why did Christ not drink the vinegar when he was being executed for 'our sins?' Fermentation is caused by sin. So Christ Ok'd it, huh? Or was it Rome that did that??

John the Baptist said:
So then, what you are saying is that a little decayed raw rat is ok to eat? and some poison is ok to drink, along with even T.V. X-rated junk/food, if in 'moderation' because you might not see it outright condemned in the Word of God?? Is that putting words in your mouth???

And why did Christ not drink the vinegar when he was being executed for 'our sins?' Fermentation is caused by sin. So Christ Ok'd it, huh? Or was it Rome that did that??

I think he was limiting what he wrote to alcohol. Alcohol itself isn't spoken against (in moderation). X-rated TV is (lust = bad). Decayed rats are (unclean).

I've wondered why Christ didn't drink the vinegar, but I think that saying it's because it's fermented is conjecture.

All this said, I do think thess's post was a bit harsh.
Another note, leaven and fermentation are symbolic for sin. That doesn't mean it's really sinful to consume leaven or fermented beverages. Hence why Jesus turned the water into wine (yes, real wine - who would commend a man for producing grape juice and calling it wine?)
scutato said:
Another note, leaven and fermentation are symbolic for sin. That doesn't mean it's really sinful to consume leaven or fermented beverages. Hence why Jesus turned the water into wine (yes, real wine - who would commend a man for producing grape juice and calling it wine?)

Hi, I am a very simple 'believer' of my Masters 'inspired Words'. I do not look at it as the 'pen' man being inspired, but Holy men of God being moved to pen the Words of INSPIRATION. 2 Peter 1:20-21

So I am saying this to tell you how 'i' Believe the Words of my Master's Bible. :fadein: Then I also believe in Matthew 4:4 of my Master 'Every Word' of diet for all doctrine to be understood! :wink: OK: One more!
In the N.T. along with Matthew 4:4 I see 2 Timothy 3:16 that tell me that I need [ALL] Scripture from my Master Words to understand Doctrine!

This is just for where I am coming from, OK? Now for what Christ created & did not create?? As I read it. First, as I had said, I will never believe that Christ/God would violate His own Word! (NEVER!) The Holy Spirit INSPIRED IT ALL! See 1 Corinthians 14:32 It does not take any study by me to KNOW that fermented anything.. is caused because of sin! And that Christ/God did not create it. But we want INSPIRED PROOF, HUH? Will one Believe it???

OK: In the K.J. of Proverbs 23:29-35 one can see, if they will, the [VERY SAME WINE] in pure created form by God, & then satans evil counterfeit decayed form!! It even states that at the last, it biteth as a serpent! (in case one doesn't know who the serpent is? see Revelation 12:9 for a few of the devil's names of which one was a serpent, as who was in the Garden of Eden to tempt Eve)

The Prov. 'Inspirations' says:verse 29
"Who hath woe? who hath sorrow? who hath babbling? who hath redness of eyes?

verse 30: They that tarry long at the wine; they that go to seek mixed wine.

(OK, this is SPOILED, FERMENTED WINE as you rightly conclude! But it is satans stuff! It is also used for his comparison (satans) of false doctrine elsewhere)

verse 31 LOOK NOT Thou upon the [WINE] when it is red, [when it giveth his color in the cup, WHEN IT MOVETH ITSELF IN THE CUP.

(again, it does not take any genius for me to see that this is the same WINE! But at two different stages of age. Like the Hebrews 5 & 6 chapters of Christians being on 'milk' & after being aged? They are to grow to a meat diet. Again Matthew 4:4) And we hear from who that this stuff is the Godhead's, and that Christ created it??????? :sad

Next verse 32
At the [last IT] (the same WINE!) biteth like a [serpent] , and stingeth like an adder.

Thine eyes shall behold strange women, and thine heart shall utter [perverse things].

(but satan says to go ahead & come upon my forbidden ground, huh? And the Godhead in verse says 'LOOK NOT THOU UPON THE WINE
WHEN ...'!

verse 34-35 tell's a Mature 'spiritual' lesson that it is also habit forming, if they can get this far? "when I awake? I will seek it again." (read all these verses in the K.J.)

Ask yourself what kind of example some are setting before the their 'young' children that we claim to love? Not even to mention the Christ who is to be FIRST in our lives? :sad
