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Revelation - quickie


So... before anyone reads this, please understand I am only posting this because I should. I am fully confident that as as soon as anyone speaks of Revelation to Bible readers the Blinders are put on and the Critical Error Seeing Eyeglasses come out. So... that's not much faith in people, huh? Anyways, I love the story. I think God is good. Proceed to disable this post or condemn or redline it or disable this user account. But even if you do all that, I am okay with that and expect that, even rumors later. Still, please read it? Please? Please read it.

Note: As I was working on this, glitches started happening, Wordpad acted weird... thank you spiritual warfare... sheesh. I responded with dropping the internet, an offline antivirus scan, installing Suricata, and updating rules for Suricata. I have no idea how to use Suricata yet, so I guess I'll have to watch some videos.
A book of the last days. Traditionally, the Jews hold that when their calender hits year 6,000 that the world ends. Actually, they all know of the 6+1 pattern throughout the Bible, even from Genesis One of six created days and one day of rest, but the Jews have no answer to that day of rest. In Revelation, there's a 1000 years, a day of rest which finishes the 6+1 pattern found throughout the Bible(As the Jews don't believe in the New Testament, they don't have that answer). The current day according is 23 Adar, 5782. That is 6(6000) is approaching quickly. Last days. Last 300 years is probably a HUGE technology increase so mankind can really have the best technology they could ever invent so they can pridefully come to battle to try to defeat Jesus, where everyone on the battlefield who fights against Jesus will have their dead bodies eaten by birds. Still, I'm certain the technology useful for warfare in that day will be the stuff of Science Fiction writing.
Three hundred years behind 6000 in Nisan(or March) was 1940, a year among many that IBM helped the Nazis keep track of the vast quantities of Jews among other people groups with computers. That is to say... the beginning of the technology rocket began with using computers to compute the deaths of the attempted genocide of Israel. Symbolically, I mean. So, the story of people against God being eaten by birds is totally understandable. What's 300 years to God? Even if you go with a 24 hour day view at a 1000 years a day inside a week of years, strictly Biblical, you come out to about 42 years per 1 hour. This makes it a rough 7 hours from computing the Holocaust with computers to the battle of the world against Jesus. (crazy how it was about 7, right? didn't even know that until right now when I just threw it in a calculator)
Relying on Leviticus 25, that view of time and Genesis 41, a 7 year week is totally a God timing thing. We can use this to look at the Seals, Trumpets, and Thunders as individual 7 year periods. We know that from Revelation 6 onward that the events are affecting the entire world, not a single empire of any sort, or an 'idea' of the world. Seeing events in rough 7 year periods puts World War One in Seal One as it was roughly a week of years long. Again, seeing events in rough 7 year periods put World War Two in Seal Two as it was roughly a week of years long.
So what about Seal Three? Seal Three is a famine of needs with FULL access to luxuries. There'll probably even be new luxuries in that week. The idea is simple... people will have all their wants(what they covet) and starve to death. It takes a week of years for this to happen. I tend to see the Coronavirus#7 as the catalyst for Seal Three. It was actually March 2020(Nisan, first month of the Jewish Year), when the worldwide pandemic was in full swing and people were dying from that virus left and right around the world. For countless reasons, this lead to stores having bare shelves where needs were concerned. Even now, Russia is attacking Ukraine which will drive the price of Wheat up and other needs. Computer chips larger than a certain nm, maybe 15nm, are hard to get, so the very enjoyable technologies are redesigning to use all 15nm and smaller luxury computer chips so they are accessible for purchase. If we were to use days of the week, mar2020-2021(Sunday), mar2021-2022(Monday), mar2022-2023(Tuesday), and it's a long way to Saturday. Certainly enough time to bring fascinating new technologies and usher in great starvation. I have considered different months in the past, as the start points, even back in the pumpkin harvest time of 2019... however, mar2020 was truly a memorable month.
This is to say, it's a great time to read the Bible as a book from the first page of Genesis to the last page of Revelation. A great time to pray.
A quickie on the story of Revelation. Revelation is written about score of years after Jesus has ascended to the Father. At the introduction, we meet Jesus Christ as He really is, beautiful, terrifying, and kind. It's quite a different visual than in the Gospels. In the introduction, we also establish symbolism that a star means an angel and a lampstand means a church. Also, the purpose of the book is established to let the servants of God know what is to come in the last days. What follows is a message to seven churches which were in Asia at the time of writing the book of Revelation, now know as western Turkey. After this, John is brought up to Heaven, all in Heaven are giving glory to God and Scroll of the event that 'must'(Rev1:1) come to pass. (So don't try to pray against what 'must' come to pass. Pray for your peeps.) No one who has ever lived, is living, or will live is found worth to open this scroll. The Lamb, Jesus, is found worth to open this scroll sealed with 7 seals. These first four seals are four angels on horses(The Four Horsemen). There are 7 seals, though. The 7th seal opens 7 trumpets. The 6th Trumpet opens 7 thunders. The 7th Seal is land re-claiming. God created all the Universe and He's come back to re-claim it. (No, it doesn't matter if there are colonies on every planet and moon in the Solar System. The Creator of the Universe, remember?) Read the Landowner parables in the Gospels.
After this long period of time where God is trying to get people to turn to Him with tribulations and saints speaking the news of the gospels and loving on others, God sends a last call with two prophets for 3 and half years. After this last call, the devil is allowed to try to be a fake God with a fake trinity(beast from the earth, beast from the sea, image of the beast) and be worshipped by all the world for 3 and a half years. He tries another genocide of the Jews, because if all the Jews are dead then God won't be able to rescue a remnant, but it fails as God protects the last 144,000 Jews left on the planet. This makes the bad guy super mad and so he goes after the saints and is allowed to kill them all. God raptures these 144,000 remaining Jews on the planet and proceeds to pour bowls of Wrath upon the people in the world. After 7 bowls of 7 years each I'd guess, then God destroys Babylon. All the fighting sort are gathered to the battleground to take on Jesus, and they die. The people of the world left over get to live on the New Earth under a ruling like a rod of Iron by Jesus. The evil one is thrown in a falling jail for a day(a 1000 years). The saints are raised from the dead to rule the New Earth with Jesus. This raising from the dead at this point is called the first resurrection, because at the great White Throne judgement everyone dead is before God to be judged, but those of the first resurrection know they'll be in Heaven for eternity.
Oh right, for those reading Revelation, additional symbol equivalents have been added at this point, frogs mean demons, dogs are people without the mark of God, and there's probably others I'm not thinking about right now. Sorry, just rushing through this so you've read the story.

At the end of the day, the evil one is released and moves all those of the world on Earth to try to fight against Jesus again and they are all killed and the evil one is thrown into the Lake of Fire(an eternal torturing prison). In fact, out of all the books in the Bible, Revelation is the only book where Satan obtains his dream to be worshipped by the world as a fake god, rules the whole world, gets sent to jail, and gets sent to eternal prison. For over 5,000 years before this, Satan caused and instigated many sins through planning and his fallen angel army, at least to the extent that God allowed. In Revelation we see the end of this story, and indeed Satan gets locked up and tortured forever.
After these 6 days and 1 day, or 7000 years, the Great White throne occurs and the books are opened(some seriously detailed world history) to judge. Those found in the Lamb's Book of Life get to spend forever with God... for even death is thrown into the Lake of Fire! Those found only in those books that are opened, they are thrown into the Lake of Fire(For Hell is also thrown in the Lake of Fire).
So, yes, the three enemies of man, the evil one, death, and hell are all thrown into the Lake of Fire forever in Revelation. Those in the Lamb's Book of Life are with God forever. Those who are not are in the Lake of Fire forever. Have you given your life to Jesus? Have you asked Jesus into your heart?
_^..^_ I can only assume this is just your own thoughts as you threw all of this together as there is no Biblical scripture given. With all due respect what you wrote is very confusing and makes very little sense. Tt would be better to stick with the prophecies of the OT that will be fulfilled at the time of the seven trumpets and seven vial judgements that are all done in God's timing that is very different then man's timing and numbering of days. We are not to fear that which must come first before Christ returns on the last day when all things will be fulfilled.

I am going to move this thread over to the End Times forum and hope to discuss with you there.
_^..^_ I can only assume this is just your own thoughts as you threw all of this together as there is no Biblical scripture given. With all due respect what you wrote is very confusing and makes very little sense. Tt would be better to stick with the prophecies of the OT that will be fulfilled at the time of the seven trumpets and seven vial judgements that are all done in God's timing that is very different then man's timing and numbering of days. We are not to fear that which must come first before Christ returns on the last day when all things will be fulfilled.

I am going to move this thread over to the End Times forum and hope to discuss with you there.
How very kind of you. It does need some grammar editing, but my neck stiffened quite a bit, so I really haven't had the chance to fix it, but I thought I might at least thank you.

As for the scripture, I thought only referencing the idea of a week of years was necessary, and only minimally so, hence Genesis 41 ( Genesis 41:1-57 , Genesis 45:4-7 ) and Leviticus 25 ( Leviticus 25:1-55 ). The overcoming of the saints is scriptural by the Antichrist for certain as Revelation 13:7 clearly shows, or the bit of logic in the 5th trumpet in Revelation 9:4 which makes it simply illogical to speak of those who are God's not being stung by these evil locusts if they have already been raptured. Additionally, we see in the Revelation 7:1-8 that 12 tribes of Israel are specifically mentioned, the numbers thereof, the keeping them out of reach in Revelation 12:16, in Revelation 12:17 retaliation against the saints. In Revelation 14, the 144,000 Jews are raptured. As Revelation 13:7 showed, the saints are gone. The antichrist is allow to overcome them.

We know that Adam was made in the image of God. Therefore, when we see in Revelation 13:15 the power of life given to the image of the first Beast, we know this is a fake Jesus. We can see this false trinity clearly in Chapter 13:1-18, first with the The Beast out of the Sea, then with the Beast out of the Earth, then with the Image of the first beast.

In Revelation 14:19 we see the Wrath upon those on the Earth who are left, which follows shortly with the Bowls of Wrath in Revelation 16. We see the fall of Babylon in Revelation 18, which then follows shortly in Revelation 19:21 the birds eating the flesh of all those who tried to destroy Jesus on the battlefield.

In Revelation 20:2, we see Satan bound up for a thousand years. In Revelation 20:6 we see that beautiful verse about the first resurrection. In Revelation 20:7-10, we see Satan released and encouraged all the unsaved on the new earth to try to overthrow again, and them destroyed.

In Revelation 20:11-15, we see the Great White Throne, the books opened, The Lamb's Book of Life, and Death and Hell thrown into the Lake of Fire( Revelation 20:14 )

I mean, honestly, the write up should have been a super easy follow. Except a time frame of a week of years, and a current day application of such, everything is pretty obvious in reading the book of Revelation as a book a few times.

Lol! I had no idea it auto-referenced certain styles of scripture referencing! I changed a few, but the chapter references are what they are. I don't know if there's a maximum number of references allowed in a post, so if it's not working after I changed a few, I'm sorry. Also, I kind of think Revelation 12 and 17 are rather obvious, and everyone knows Revelation 21 and Revelation 22 because they are happy. Well, anyhow, hopefully this response is a little more helpful since you asked for a scripture or two. Also, the 666 is quoted as the talents of gold Solomon ( 1 Kings 10:14 ) made every year, so we know the antichrist is a lover of money.

I do apologize for grammatical and readability quality of my posts, though. I'm sorry about that.
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As far as what is debatable, I hear you!

  • It is not debatable that World War 1 was about a week of years. This is historic fact. 1914,15,16,17,18, 19(Treaty of Versailles)
  • It is not debatable that World War 1 affected the world
  • Is is debatable that World War 1 is Seal One
  • It is not debatable that World War 2 was about a week of years. This is historic fact. 1939, 40, 41, 42, 43 ,44, 45
  • It is not debatable that World War 2 affected the world
  • It is debatable that World War 2 is Seal Two.

We'll have to wait and see on this pandemic. If in 2027, we're looking back and it was a strange famine of needs with full access to luxuries for about a week of years... people might want to start thinking about reading their Bibles.
Much of what you have written can be broken down into different threads as there is so much to discuss with you all at once. You could break this down into many threads like, week of sevens, antichrist, Rapture, beast out of the sea and out of the earth, seven bowl judgements, the scorpions, and the 1000 years.

If you want to break these down into different threads here in the End Time forum it will be easier to discuss with you and I hope you take the time to do this.

Also, if you are interested, I wrote a book on Revelation you can find under the subtitle "Revelation" here in the End Time forum as I explain chapter by chapter. End times is a big passion of mine and have been studying this for 40 years before I wrote my book.