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Reviews are in: Biden knocked it out of the park


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But I'm not a leftist. I don't take joy in calling other people stupid.
LOL...what? You truly think the only people who do that are "leftists"?

It's been an issue since before I was born. Hypocrisy or not, I'm going to say what I think.
Okay then, I guess keep complaining about the situation while simultaneously arguing against doing anything about it if it helps Democrats.

No. Have you forgotten Biden saying in no uncertain terms, that there is no crisis at the southern border? Why do you just ignore that and act as if Biden is some sort of hardliner on border security? This is a recent development for him that was brought on by democrats attacking him and his failed policies.
Again I'm reminded of how one of the key differences between us is how my primary focus is on what a politician does about an issue, whereas you seem to be more focused on what they say about an issue.

The fact remains, President Biden has submitted supplemental funding requests for additional border agents, increased surveillance, and increased staffing for immigration courts. President Biden has urged House Republicans to allow the bipartisan immigration bill...that Senate Republicans helped be allowed to come to a vote, so it can be passed and he can sign it.

Meanwhile, despite all the hysterics and doomsday rhetoric about immigrants, Donald and his loyalists in Congress refuse to do a single thing about the issue because, like you, they don't want the problem solved if it helps Democrats politically.

The conclusions from those facts are obvious. Don the Con and Republicans are either lying about how terribly concerned they are about immigration, or they do truly believe it's a serious problem but they're willing to put their political agenda ahead of the good of the country.

Why odds it that when I concede something about Trump, you can't bring yourself to give me the same deference? Even when I point these things out about Biden, you just ignore it in favor of this bill that Trump doesn't want passed. You can't just ignore Biden's parr in this crisis and expect me to continue the conversation.
Then post some facts and we can discuss them.

Regardless of what it is, I just want the truth on this matter. The girl that was murdered deserves that much at least.
Expectations were so low Biden just making the speech with only a few gaffs came off as a big win.

Of course, those who wanted to actually hear about the State of the Union left still wondering. Nothing about the invasion of our country by military aged men from countries who do not like us at all, the over taxed welfare state, the crime, the use of Government against political opposition, fixing our pot hole ridden infrastructure, schools that graduate illiterates, or the rising trillions of debt that will doom us all...

Not a peep about the actual state of the union.

So he had a campaign rally, which normally draws about 25 people....biggest he ever had in years.

He succeeded in surviving the speech, and avoiding any talk about the horrible state of our union.
LOL....I guess you forgot your earlier post (hat tip to ezrider) ....

I think he did himself and the Democrats well, a big win for them.
LOL....I guess you forgot your earlier post (hat tip to ezrider) ....

Didn't forget. It was a big win for Democrats. They were energized, fired up.

Nothing about the State of the Union was permitted to rain on Biden's rally. The deficit, possible WWIII, electric grid vulnerable to sola storm that's overdue. Homelessness, drug epidemic, decaying infrastructure, schools that graduate illiterate kids....the list of ills is quite large.

None of that rained on Democrat's parade. Trans rights, abortions, that's what the Union needs....a big win for democrats, progressives, leftists of every variety. Happy happy, joy joy.
LOL....I guess you forgot your earlier post (hat tip to ezrider) ....

If the Republicans really stood for conservative beliefs, the Speaker would have torn Biden's speech up, as Pelosi did to Trump. Then they all should have walked out, in protest to it being a rally for Biden.

But they are just as much swamp creatures as Democrats.

McConnell did better than Biden's bagman son, he married Chinese money.
Didn't forget. It was a big win for Democrats. They were energized, fired up.
As they should be.

The deficit
Actually, President Biden just this week released a proposal for cutting the deficit.

possible WWIII, electric grid vulnerable to sola storm that's overdue
LOL...I'd advise you to stop listening to right-wing talk radio. Back during President Obama's term they went on and on about EMP's from China, which obviously never happened. Basically, it's all grift to get you buy prepper stuff.

Homelessness, drug epidemic, decaying infrastructure, schools that graduate illiterate kids....the list of ills is quite large.
First of all, President Biden negotiated and signed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which is creating all sorts of good paying, blue collar jobs for people to work on improving our infrastructure. You need to get up to speed.

Second, what specifically do you think the federal gov't should do to combat homelessness?

None of that rained on Democrat's parade. Trans rights, abortions, that's what the Union needs....a big win for democrats, progressives, leftists of every variety. Happy happy, joy joy.
Oh how terrible! People having civil rights and being free from gov't interference in their private medical situations? Unthinkable!

So much for conservatives being all about liberty and freedom, eh?
As they should be.

Actually, President Biden just this week released a proposal for cutting the deficit.

LOL...I'd advise you to stop listening to right-wing talk radio. Back during President Obama's term they went on and on about EMP's from China, which obviously never happened. Basically, it's all grift to get you buy prepper stuff.

First of all, President Biden negotiated and signed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which is creating all sorts of good paying, blue collar jobs for people to work on improving our infrastructure. You need to get up to speed.

Second, what specifically do you think the federal gov't should do to combat homelessness?

Oh how terrible! People having civil rights and being free from gov't interference in their private medical situations? Unthinkable!

So much for conservatives being all about liberty and freedom, eh?
Solar spots happen. Our Telegraph system was fried about 100 years ago. Its over due, not a grift. The military insulated its communications, but they get their electricity from private companies that would go out if its bad.

Homelessness is easy to fix. Go back to locking up vagrants. After 90 days on a farm, eating good food, having their health care addressed, drug addiction ended, they might be able to return to the work force.

If San Franciso began locking up the homeless and put them to work on farms, inside of 30 days all the homeless would move to other cities. Eventually they would adopt the prison work solution. Inside of year no more homeless.
LOL...what? You truly think the only people who do that are "leftists"?
No. But I like to joke about it sometimes. I had this leftist friend once that really enjoyed sneering at other people.

Then post some facts and we can discuss them.

This was back in 2021. This president has created this crisis, which he refused to even call a crisis, and now he wants to pretend that he was always about border security. It isn't just his words that convey this, but also his actions.

The fact remains, under Donald Trump, the southern border was more secure than it is today. I oppose passing the bill because Biden just wants something to campaign on and I don't think he deserves that after what he did. HE created this crisis, and now he's trying to sell us the fix without taking any responsibility for it.
LOL....I guess you forgot your earlier post (hat tip to ezrider) ....

Evidently, my estimation of Biden's address wasn't shared by everyone:

Nolte: Post-SOTU Poll — Biden’s Approval Rating Drops, Trump’s Lead Grows​

joe biden donald trump
Alex Wong/Getty Images, Inset: NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images, BNN Edit
JOHN NOLTE12 Mar 202423
In the latest HarrisX/Forbes poll, which was taken three days following last week’s State of the Union address, Joe Biden saw his approval rating drop and former President Donald Trump’s 2024 lead tick up.
In the week just prior to Thursday’s State of the Union address, HarrisX/Forbes released a poll that showed the following
  • Biden’s approval rating: 39 percent.
  • Disapproval: 56 percent.
That is -17 points underwater.
A HarrisX/Forbes poll of 2,017 registered surveyed after Thursday’s State of the Union speech between March 8 and 10, shows the following
  • Biden’s job approval rating: 37 percent.
  • Disapproval rating: 58 percent.
That is -21 points underwater.
Biden’s disastrous State of the Union address cost Old Yeller four net points in his approval rating. Looks like the corporate media’s gaslighting isn’t what it used to be.
Before the State of the Union, here’s how the 2024 election looked…
  • Trump: 46 percent (+4)
  • Biden: 42 percent
Post-State of the Union…
  • Trump: 46 percent (+5)
  • Biden: 41 percent
Trump gained a point.
Pre-State of the Union with leaners…
  • Trump: 52 percent (+4)
  • Biden: 48 percent
Post-State of the Union with leaners…
  • Trump: 52 percent (+4)
  • Biden: 48 percent
Five-way race pre-State of the Union….
  • Trump: 40 percent (+4)
  • Biden: 36 percent
  • Robert Kennedy Jr.: 11 percent
  • Cornel West: 2 percent
  • Jill Stein: 1 percent
Five-way race post-State of the Union…
  • Trump: 41 percent (+6)
  • Biden: 35 percent
  • Robert Kennedy Jr.: 12 percent
  • Cornel West: percent
  • Jill Stein: 1 percent
Trump picked up two points.
Five-way race pre-State of the Union with leaners…
  • Trump: 43 percent (+5)
  • Biden: 38 percent
  • Robert Kennedy Jr.: 14 percent
  • Cornel West: 3 percent
  • Jill Stein: 2 percent
Five-way race post-State of the Union with leaners…
  • Trump: 44 percent (+6)
  • Biden: 38 percent
  • Robert Kennedy Jr.: 15 percent
  • Cornel West: 2 percent
  • Jill Stein: 2 percent
Trump picked up a point.
Pre-State of Union: Should Biden run for a second term?
  • Yes: 36 percent
  • No: 64 percent
Biden was -28 points underwater.
Post-State of Union: Should Biden run for a second term?
  • Yes: 36 percent
  • No: 64 percent
Biden is still -28 underwater. No change.
Pre-State of Union: Should Trump run for a second term?
  • Yes: 47 percent
  • No: 53 percent
Trump is underwater -16 points.
Post-State of Union: Should Trump run for a second term?
  • Yes: 46 percent
  • No: 54 percent
Trump’s underwater -18 points. That’s a two-point loss, but still ten points better than Hunter’s Dad.
The best spin Team Biden can put on this poll is to seek comfort in the margin of error and say the State of the Union address changed nothing. But that wasn’t the goal, nor is it what Biden needed. He needed that speech to be a big win, to change public perception, and launch him into the coming presidential campaign. And all the movement in that poll benefited Trump. That benefit might only be a point or two against Biden, but it was all in Trump’s direction.

Homelessness is easy to fix. Go back to locking up vagrants. After 90 days on a farm, eating good food, having their health care addressed, drug addiction ended, they might be able to return to the work force.

If San Franciso began locking up the homeless and put them to work on farms, inside of 30 days all the homeless would move to other cities. Eventually they would adopt the prison work solution. Inside of year no more homeless. people with mental health issues, families down on their luck, etc.....arrest them and put them in work camps?

There's a saying in liberal circles regarding today's brand of conservatism..."the cruelty is the point". Sometimes it's scary how accurate that is.
This president has created this crisis
Last time we went over this you said it was because of something he said as a candidate in a debate years ago, as if poor people in C. and S. America were watching and basing their decisions on whether or not to leave their home countries on that.

It isn't just his words that convey this, but also his actions.
Exactly. His actions are what I covered earlier, i.e., the supplemental funding requests and calling for House Republicans to allow the immigration reform bill to pass.

The fact remains, under Donald Trump, the southern border was more secure than it is today. I oppose passing the bill because Biden just wants something to campaign on and I don't think he deserves that after what he did. HE created this crisis, and now he's trying to sell us the fix without taking any responsibility for it.
So it can't be that bad if you're willing to let it continue, or even get worse, for no other reason than partisanship.
Last time we went over this you said it was because of something he said as a candidate in a debate years ago, as if poor people in C. and S. America were watching and basing their decisions on whether or not to leave their home countries on that.
Because I don't think those people are stupid. They know that Biden is soft on immigration. Softer than Trump. You think these aren't aware of these things?

Exactly. His actions are what I covered earlier, i.e., the supplemental funding requests and calling for House Republicans to allow the immigration reform bill to pass.
But that was years later. It makes sense for Biden to worry about it now because one, democrats aren't happy with the situation and started criticising him, and two, it helps him in the election if the bill is passed.

So it can't be that bad if you're willing to let it continue, or even get worse, for no other reason than partisanship.
Don't talk to me about partisanship when you won't criticize Biden under any circumstances. He let this fester for years as President and you can't even bring yourself to admit that. people with mental health issues, families down on their luck, etc.....arrest them and put them in work camps?

There's a saying in liberal circles regarding today's brand of conservatism..."the cruelty is the point". Sometimes it's scary how accurate that is.
Cruel is aiding their self destruction with free drugs, food and tents rather than detox, good health care, and rehab while regaining muscle strength.

Progressives opened the borders to fentanyl and drugs, migrants to increase Electoral College Electors and gain future voters, while getting rich on corporate and cartel $$$.

They are the cruel ones.
Because I don't think those people are stupid. They know that Biden is soft on immigration. Softer than Trump. You think these aren't aware of these things?
By "softer than Trump" you mean "not intentionally cruel and abusive to families, women, and children".

Like I said before, it does indeed seem that with today's conservatism, the cruelty is the point.

But that was years later. It makes sense for Biden to worry about it now because one, democrats aren't happy with the situation and started criticising him, and two, it helps him in the election if the bill is passed.

Don't talk to me about partisanship when you won't criticize Biden under any circumstances. He let this fester for years as President and you can't even bring yourself to admit that.
If you ever see me going on and on about how terrible and awful a situation is, while also rooting for it to continue, you'll have a point.
Cruel is aiding their self destruction with free drugs, food and tents rather than detox, good health care, and rehab while regaining muscle strength.

Progressives opened the borders to fentanyl and drugs, migrants to increase Electoral College Electors and gain future voters, while getting rich on corporate and cartel $$$.

They are the cruel ones.
You've been shown info that contradicts your right-wing talking points, yet you continue to repeat them. As I often say when my liberal friends ask what it's like to interact with MAGA cultists..."They are fact averse".
You've been shown info that contradicts your right-wing talking points, yet you continue to repeat them. As I often say when my liberal friends ask what it's like to interact with MAGA cultists..."They are fact averse".
Corporate media can't be trusted. Rather, we look at facts on the ground. The Progressive response to the homeless versus what I suggested:

Cruel is aiding their self destruction with free drugs, food and tents rather than detox, good health care, and rehab while regaining muscle strength.

Like calling Abortion "planned parenthood", its Orwellian how he left spins their evil programs as virtuous and right.
Not everybody lies, just corporate media.

And you evaded the obvious conclusion:

The Progressive response to the homeless versus what I suggested:

Cruel is aiding their self destruction with free drugs, food and tents rather than detox, good health care, and rehab while regaining muscle strength.
By "softer than Trump" you mean "not intentionally cruel and abusive to families, women, and children".

Like I said before, it does indeed seem that with today's conservatism, the cruelty is the point.
No. I meant what I said. Why do you change my words like that? Why can't you just address what I post?

If you ever see me going on and on about how terrible and awful a situation is, while also rooting for it to continue, you'll have a point.
I already do have a point. You'll give Trump no credit on anything and you flat out refuse to criticize Biden. You're the partisan and you're projecting.
No. I meant what I said. Why do you change my words like that? Why can't you just address what I post?
Because what you said was spin. The facts are that Donald's policies were (as evidenced in a DHS memo) to be as deliberately cruel to women and children as they could, so as to deter other migrants. They intentionally inflicted trauma on children of all things!

I already do have a point. You'll give Trump no credit on anything and you flat out refuse to criticize Biden. You're the partisan and you're projecting.
Of course I'm partisan. Do you even know what that term means? It simply refers to being a strong supporter of a political party, person, or cause.


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