=glorydaz;583177]Let's start here and take it slow. I hate to use this word, because some people think of it as negative, but I'm kind of a "simple" person. Basic and down-to-earth may be a better way to say it.
Glorydaz, I am simple too. You have nothing to fear of how I will judge you according to the word simple. I would not presume to judge you especially according to such carnal and worldy or intellectual measures of comparison.
Take, for instance, when you say sin is a deception. Are you saying all sin originates with satan...the deceiver?
A very good question. I am saying every sin ever committed was based upon believing something was true that is not true. Still I believe Satan is where men got it from for I happen to believe Satan is, or was, ignorant of certain necessary knowledge of God but was too proud to admit it. He introduced the subtle doubt in God that eventually caused Adam to feel something he had never experienced and I don"t think he liked it. Distrust in the maker.
And is that why you think the natural man isn't responsible for his actions? If that's what, indeed, you think?
Another on point question. I don't think men are responsible for their ignorance nor do I believe even Satan is. This effectively mitigates a persons responsibility for their actions done in ignorance, but does not excuse the vanity that worshiped the creation over the Creator, Who is Holy forever. I believe this ignorance is a consequence of being created and taking our Creator totally for granted from the beginning in innocence. This makes Satan's vanity the geatest harm because he was higher than man. And I even believe God created the angels first for this very reason. For the knowledge I am speaking about which we and the angels were ignorant of, was the person of God, hence we all exist in need of a proper image for unbreakable trust to exist in all Truth so that what began in doubt would be eliminated. This knowledge came in the Christ, a man, and his faith was in an undying Love. Love causes us to care about how our actions affect others. Therefore I only firmly reject the notion that men are responsible because they have the power of reason. In my view, reasoning actually tramples upon the Love that is God when reasoning upon a false image of God. That is why the foolishness of God is greater than the wisdom of men.
We know satan isn't God. He can't be everywhere at once. He comes and goes... a "roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:" Even though he has an army of fallen angels, they can't be everywhere at once.
No they can't be everywhere at once and they have their own places on earth where they are more prominent. However sin stays with a man wherever he goes as long as he is deceived by a lie. Satan need not be present for one to be a child of Satan. One need only hold the same false image of god.
James says man can deceive himself, "James 1:22 - But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves."
Yes a man can deceive himself which is not evidence of a freewill but rather a helplessly ignorant soul that needs God to reveal the things hidden in the dark corners of the heart that we otherwise would not know are there. The same false image of God is the source of the vanity, that is the pride that denies the Truth and deceives itself.
There are three things man has to deal with...the world, the flesh, and the devil. For the unbeliever, satan's main job is to blind them to the gospel message, but these speak to the world and the flesh.
Look at the context here of what Paul is saying. You and I can discuss what is Love all day here on this forum, but to go out and act out of that Love is what we know in Truth is required. Hence Jesus says, Why call me Lord Lord and not do what I say?
Their own fleshly appetites and exposure to the ungodly world system are temptations enough, and the more man ignores his conscience the more seared it becomes.
A seared conscience would be one that has drained the heart of feeling and replaced it with intellectual reasonings that justify the unwillingness to act out of mercy and compassion. Such as, "they deserve what they get because they freely chose to go that way". Such a statement does not hold any thought that we were all that way lest God reveal Himself and reveal ourselves.
Yes, some scripture reflects that, but you can't discount the fact that God gave men a conscience, therefore man can't claim he has been deceived and doesn't know any better.
I would agree with you on this to a point. The conscience is Love and is meant to correct, not blame the creation. For if mankind cannot claim he has been deceived in a false image of God, then the accuser is right and the Gospel is a lie. If we knowingly and willingly do hurtful things, Love is not present, nor is there a conscience. For man must recognize love to distinguish right from wrong. If we think we can choose to have Love we remain deceived. Therefore the image of the Christ that would die for our sins is a fool if we were not deceived. For there would be no power in the Truth to change a man if it was a man's will power that fought and conquered sin. Moreover why does the bible claim the whole world was deceived?
There are uncounted people in the Bible who followed their conscience, and many still do...although none can follow it perfectly because the flesh is weak...nor could the Jews follow it perfectly.
Here I must say that the conscience works only if complimented by the Truth. In other words, to the impure of heart nothing is pure, and anything can be and even must be scrutinized endlessly. There are many who reveal how they view sin by seeing it always in everyone else but not in themselves. I don't think you're that way.
But not all people are idol worshipers. There is an innate craving to find God among God's creation, which is why idols came about to begin with.
This is a great and insightful statement. A Truth worthy to build upon in one's reasoning. I would only add that those who are not idol worshippers, are not so, only because God has revealed Himself to them.
And I sincerely appologize if I've been insensitive, Childeye. I must confess, it's hard over the internet to remember there is a real live person on the other end of the line. I have no doubt we'd both be a little less abrupt if we were sitting down face to face. ;)
I understand completely. I accept your apology, however it is not necessary that you should apologize. You have simply been forthright and I would not have it any other way. I thank you for your sincere concern for me and only hope you accept my concern for you as sincere as well. That is the Spirit of Christ in both of us.
I'm surprised you took it that way.
Either Adam was unconfident in ignorance, or is knowingly active in the most extreme treachery.
Disobedience, as I see it, has nothing to do with being a co-conspirator with Satan. As I tried to point out above, Adam is no different than we are. God gave him a free will to obey or disobey God.
This statement makes me shake my head in bewilderment. No where will you find anybody in scripture saying God gave men the desire or will to disobey Him nor classify it as freedom. They called it sin. The presence of sin is not under our control and so also is righteousness a gift. Out of foreknowledge of our ignorance, He is faithful and longsuffering towards us because of our foreseen and therefore inevitable disobedience. Scripture however does record that Satan proposed disobedience under the guise of freedom so as to be greater things, not to become lesser.
He disobeyed God...so did Eve in a different way. But God had given a command, and Adam was to be the head of the woman, so the greater fault lies with him. Just as it does in a marriage today. It wasn't just that satan said they would be like God...Eve saw the fruit looked good to eat. Genesis 3:6 - "And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat."
I can see we have a very different view of what happened in the garden. It means nothing that we disobeyed, but rather that we accepted the false image of god presented by Satan. For that is the what fascilitated the disobedience. Sure maybe for the woman the good for food, pleasant to the eyes, and desired to make one wise is relevant, being she is the woman and a piece of the man. But to Adam, his soul concern was whether his view of God was accurate,for Satan's subtlty was to implant a view of God that was not favorable compared to the one Adam held. That is why Adam should have trusted himself rather than follow the woman. That is Adam's error, he had no confidence in himself and sought his confidence through the woman, who as a piece of man did not even consider Adam's predicament.
NOTICE....the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. Those are the same things we face.
Yes we do, but these are all illusions. I would say here that there is a difference between choosing freely and being forced to choose. Freewill would be choosing freely and determinism is being forced to choose. It would eliminate much of the semantics involved with the word choice if we identify the proper use of these terms. For although these two terms are opposites in meaning , still they both have choice. So it is, we are forced to choose whether we are for or against Jesus, for even if we don't choose to be for him we have chosen to be against him. And so is it in all moral reasoning. Adam was forced to choose to trust himself or not and he did not stand with any confidence. Give him a break, he did not know it would ever be required of him and he was therefore, in his ignorance caught off guard. I truly don't believe anyone else woould have faired better except the Christ, who of course knowing God firsthand was not going to be fooled.
Naturally, satan was there in the garden...he wanted to destroy God's plan for fellowship with those He'd created in His image. He was also present to stop Jesus (from the time He was born until He died on the cross).
The motives of Satan are an excellent subject for illumination. I know what I have been taught, but scripture does not speak of Satan's motives. I personally believe he was jealous of Adam because Adam was content in his lowly station while Lucifer was dissatisfied in his lofty one.
Anyway, I'll have to get to the rest of your post tomorrow. Maybe the next time, we could just kinda cover one or two points. This gets so complicated with all these quotes.[/QUOTE]