Something to think about.
1st Timothy 2:2-3:
2: This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior,
3: who desires EVERYONE to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
Also, John 3:16:
"For God so loved "only those who are chosen to be saved", that he gave His only begotten".
Its says "for God so loved the WORLD" that he GAVE.
So, we see that God wants everyone to be saved and that Jesus was sent for ALL, and not just some.
Now here is the thing.
Before a person is born, God already knows how they will end up in eternity.
Lost or saved., redeemed or damned.
So, there are scriptures in the bible that speak about a "vessel fitted for destruction"., = a damned person.
Its speaking of those who are already damned, and God KNOWS it, and he is speaking about their damnation based on foreknowledge.
To paraphrase...God is saying...."these whom i already know are going to hell, i'll mention in this verse".
Another way of thinking of it is like this..."they are on the track heading to the fiery pit and its not going to change".
Consider how the book of the Revelation is the same thing.
Its God speaking about what is yet to come, in the same way he is speaking of some who are damned and have not made it to hell yet.
God already knows this is their end, but this is not the same as Him causing it.
Knowing, is not the same as causing.
For example, there are people who use this Forum who are not saved, and there are others who are saved.
Some are going to hell, and some are going to heaven.
God knows where each of them is going before they were born, and so he would say that some of these are "born again" and some of them are the unsaved, "vessels fitted for destruction" (damnation).(lost)