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Romantic, asexual attraction to the same sex... homosexuality?

I'm new here, and not sure exactly where to post this so I apologize if this is in the wrong forum, but I just need some clarification on the issue of homosexuality and have come here to ask for help. Is romantic, asexual attraction to a person of the same sex considered homosexuality? Is it a sin to be in romantic, asexual relationship with a person of the same sex?

I know the Bible mentions a number of instances of homosexuality as a sin, such as: Rom 1:26-27; Lev 20:13; and 1 Cor 6:9-10. But these verses seem to speak of homosexuality in a physical, sexual sense. What about in a romantic, asexual sense?

Please, help me out here, and if possible, with Scriptural references. Thank you all.
I have four questions before I can answer you directly. What is the meaning of romance to you? What is the definition of asexual to you and attraction for that matter? You seem to understand what the bible states about homosexuality, but how do you define it scripturally?

If you take interpretation seriously and take the Word of God to heart you will see the answer in truth.
Well, I'm not really sure about this, because I have a friend who feels this way, so it is hard to describe what she feels, considering she has difficulty describing it herself. Personally, I think romance would mean a close intimate relationship involving someone who you would want to spend your life with. Usually, this involves physical closeness, but not so in the case of an asexual romance, meaning lacking physical, sexual attraction and intimacy. So a romantic, asexual relationship would pertain to an emotional, personal intimacy with another partner.

As for the Scriptural definition, I don't know. From what I understand there seems to denote a physical, sexual act when regarding homosexuality. Taking a look at Rom 1:26-27, there are sexual implications. I tried taking a look at the Greek for it, and "relations" in ESV and "use" in KJV are used for the Greek "chresis", which has some sexual meaning. Lev 20:13 also notes the physical act. So looking at all of this, I'm not really sure what the answer is.
Acting on sexual sin is the sin. Adultery, fornication, homosexual or heterosexual, allowing a glancing thought to go to lust, etc,..

I would be careful to not be fooling myself. We get burnt playing with fire. Sin can trap us we get closer, and closer, then SNAP, the spider bites. Spins us in his web of guilt. The web clouds our vision suffocates us.

Our Lord gives us freedom and peace sets us in heavenly places....
I asked those questions because sometimes people don't even know what the english words they use mean.

Romantic means to court/date. Usually for the purpose of marriage but not in cases with the world. Western culture takes this to mean for purposes of growing intimately closer.

Now for the asexual attraction. I'm not entirely sure what you mean by this because that statement is an oxymoron. If you mean sexless then it would be in the context of friendship. In this case it is always a good rule to meet in groups with the opposite sex. However if there is an attraction to even the same sex then the rule should apply as well. This rule is to abstain from any chance of evil taking hold. If the door is just open a crack, it doesn't take much to have the door swung wide open to sin.

Homosexuality is the desire of one of the same sex. This doesn't denote just sexual contact, but also lustful thoughts as in even heterosexual desire. (Matt.5:28)

By using Romans 1:26-27 is good but I think for contextual sake I would use Romans 1:24-32. We must be aware of verse 25 and so not going to verse 32. If they who sin this way and know the ordinances of God will incurr a stricter judgement. Verse 27 talks of lust toward one another of their own kind. This is Homosexuality.

Leviticus 20:13 is pretty self explanatory I think.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10; verse 9 states abuser of themselves with mankind ie homosexuality. We know from scripture that God never ordained marriage between two of the same sex. In this list, all who practice these will not inherit the kingdom of God. Even the effiminate, which is soft or cross dressing to look like the opposite sex. Let us take the covetous for instance. Now covetous means to desire more. They won't even inherit the kingdom of God. We cannot take lightly what we desire.

Romans 13:13-14, we are in no way to make no provisions for the flesh in its lusts. 1 Corinthians 5:11 Paul says to not to associate with a "believer" who is practising these things.

1Corinthians 10:1-12 is a good waring to us about these things as well. In verse 8 talks of the immoral. This would include all lusts whether they are homosexual or not.

Galatians 5:19-21; Wantoness is sexual immorality, and sexual immorality is any sexual lusts.

Ephesians 5:5 is another list with those who practice these things will not inherit the kingdom of God. Verse six is a dire warning to those who are disobedient. 1Timothy reiterates this again in chapter 1:8-11.

Hope this helps you. There are more scriptures but this is a good start.
Thank you for your help.

If homosexuality is desire for the same sex, does this include an asexual desire? And by that I mean a desire for an intimate relationship with someone, where it's about emotions, feelings, and personality. Think of a relationship between husband and wife, minus sex and physical intimacy. What my friend described asexual attraction was an attraction to another's personality, rather than body. When most of us are initially attracted to another person, looks play a big part in the beginning, but personality and emotional closeness becomes more important as the relationship progresses. And I think that the latter is what describes a romantic, asexual relationship.

But what is lust? Can one lust for personality? I don't know the answer.
Is romantic, asexual attraction to a person of the same sex considered homosexuality? Is it a sin to be in romantic, asexual relationship with a person of the same sex?
I know the Bible mentions a number of instances of homosexuality as a sin, such as: Rom 1:26-27; Lev 20:13; and 1 Cor 6:9-10. But these verses seem to speak of homosexuality in a physical, sexual sense. What about in a romantic, asexual sense?
Please, help me out here, and if possible, with Scriptural references. Thank you all.

The Bible tells us in Gen 2:24 what marriage is. That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.
Please notice this is the ONLY option as far as marriage is concerned, in-so-far as believers are concerned.
I personally can't relate to a romantic relationship with a member of the same sex.
Nothing wrong with being room mates, but I would get professional counselling to deal with these feelings you have about romance, if it indeed is. We all get confused about relationships. I for one have been married twice and both times my wife has left me. I don't assume responsibility for their decisions, but I do have some culpability for the first marriage of 23 years ending the way it did. The second was a matter of me NOT listening to God. Yes she left but MY fault for marrying her. I'm sure since you have brought this public and asked, you KNOW what God is telling you to do.
I have prayed for you.
We can only go on what Scripture says about it, and what Scripture says about it is inevitably organized to some extent by Greek words.

There's no such thing as a "romantic" qualification to love in the Greek language. In point of fact the classic term for this would be more akin to "hero-worship" when involving someone of the same sex. "Romantic" love emerged in the middle ages as a concept. It's only later developed into the modern idea of erotic desire disguised or channeled into care and beneficence by other actions.

There are numerous discussions of love in the erotic sense in the Greek language, contemporary with the New Testament. Greek culture is noncommittal over the appropriateness of this sense, moreso than even current-day culture given that pedophilia is acceptable in NT times as well.

Greek "phileo" love doesn't itself neglect or demand erotic love, but is simply used as a close affection between people, regardless of gender. Affection alone is not necessarily erotic or not in Greek culture. "Phileo" speaks to that. If I were translating your question, I'd probably translate it to "phileo", in which case it would be just fine not including an erotic element. Plus, it would be completely acceptable in Christian ethics without the erotic element.

"phileo" is not familial love, either, though.

The relationships you have among the family is another word, "storge". That's a parent-child and child-parent, and even (neglecting eros) the proper relationships and status and standing among parents and servants and slaves in the household.

Finally, there''s "agapae". Agapae is the ethical, moral, "right" organization and quantity of love to express toward someone. It's the "right" love, the love that you express not simply because of your desires, but because it is what should be expressed to someone.
When most of us are initially attracted to another person, looks play a big part in the beginning, but personality and emotional closeness becomes more important as the relationship progresses. And I think that the latter is what describes a romantic, asexual relationship.

But what is lust? Can one lust for personality? I don't know the answer.

What I think you are talking about sisterly and brotherly love. This then would only mean that you desire friendship and not anything sexually. I also think that the use in romance is unqualified. Romance is in the desire or to nurture love towards courting to marriage. Marriage denotes sexual conotations. Lust on the other hand is desire for another for the passion cannot be kept in check. Lust is sin, look at Mathew 5 verse 28.

Now of personality, are you talking of charisma? Or the desire to be like them? Personality is kind of a vague and broad characterization. There has to be specifically something that draws someone to another.