Since the beginning of Gods creation of the heavens and earth in Genesis chapter one there has been an adversary that separates us from God through deceit, temptations and lies. This adversary has many names which include: Lucifer, Satan, Devil, Beelzebub, Belial, Adversary, Dragon, Serpent and I’m sure a few others, but the important thing is who this being is and what purpose did he have and still has in heaven and earth. How did he come into existence in the first place and why was he not destroyed for his evil!
God is a Spirit without form and the Lord made his angels spirits without form also. The inhabitants of heaven are not flesh and blood, but spirits created by God that cannot be destroyed by physical death, thus the term spiritual death that separates us from God. This is why Satan could never be physically destroyed.
Lucifer’s name meant lightbearer when he was created as he was a reflection of Gods brightness as one who had favor in the Lord. God changed his name to Satan, which means adversary, after he fell from heaven. God changed many names from one to another in the Bible to reflect his glory through them as a nation. Lucifer was created perfect in all his ways with beauty, wisdom and freewill. God placed him as the guardian or protector over the throne of God in heaven. He was entrusted with many possessions and found much favor in the Lord.
God created the earth and saw that it was good and he took Lucifer from Gods Holy Mountain and set him over the Garden of Eden as a covering cherub to watch over and enjoy all that was of God. As Lucifer was set in the garden iniquity was soon found in him as he defiled Gods sanctuary through pride in his own beauty and wisdom as he wanted all that was of Gods here on earth to be his own and violence soon filled his heart as he tried to make his throne above the angels and be God. Because iniquity was found in him God cast him and those angels who chose to follow him out of his holy mountain and cast them all down to earth to be trampled of all nations. The only reference in scripture that denotes there being one third of the angels falling with Satan is in Revelation 12:4.
(Ref: Read Ezekiel Chapter 28 Prince of Tyrus)
Satan is a counterfeiter with his own church, trinity, doctrine and supernatural powers. He is an imitator of God in every way, but his ways are that of an evil purpose to separate man from the love of God as he uses those in his ministry to deceive even the very elect of God.
God’s trinity is Father (God), son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. God who has no beginning nor ending, Jesus who is the Spirit of God created to come to earth in the flesh to be a final sacrifice without blemish for the atonement of man’s sin and the Holy Spirit which dwells in the believers hearts to teach us of all things and to be our comforter
Satan’s trinity is Satan (father of lies), the beast or antichrist, false prophets which include false teachers and false witnesses. Satan’s doctrine is the twisted word of God, which we see in many religions that dictates what a man can and cannot do according to the their manipulation and carnal interpretations of Gods word.
Proverbs 6:16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
Proverbs 6:17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
Proverbs 6:18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
Proverbs 6:19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
All these things mentioned in Proverbs derive from Satan's arrogance as his only purpose is to try and steal our faith and cause us to fall from Gods grace.
(For more teachings about who Satan is please visit my web site at the bottom of the page and click on Satan)