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Satanism, not what you think.


All we are

There's a quote in the Sun Tzu that goes something like this. "Know thy enemy, and knowing thyself, a victory in every battle." Basically knowing how other religions function is important in reaching out to them.

Here's where we start. Satanists do not actually worship Satan. It's a fact that Satanist are all atheists. They don't beleive in God, and they don't beleive in Satan. Why do they call themselves Satanists then? Basically they hate Christianity and were trying to be intimidating. Satan is actually a metaphore for their desires. They worship their desires and will do anything to fulfill them. They do value their lifes but would commit suicide if the going got tough for them. Other than that there isn't much to their religion. If you're wondering who actually is a Satanist you probably know one already. Does Marylin Manson ring a bell? Isn't that a great religious icon to look up to. ~sarcasm~
Hi, All we are -

I definitely agree with everything you've said in your first paragraph.

But, I have no idea how accurate the position you take in your second paragraph is.

What is the source of the information that your are using, and how do you know that it isn't just the dogma from some aberrant splinter group?

In Christ,

All we are said:
...If you're wondering who actually is an atheist you probably know one already. Does Marylin Manson ring a bell?.....

Did you mean to type "who actually is a Satanist"?
Gabriel Ali said:
[quote="All we are":22jynn4t] ...If you're wondering who actually is an atheist you probably know one already. Does Marylin Manson ring a bell?.....

Did you mean to type "who actually is a Satanist"?[/quote:22jynn4t]

Raggle Fraggle said:
[quote="All we are":2i67rmui]Well as you asked here's the link. Feel free to read it. I summed it up in about a paragraph.

How do you know that isn't a lie that they use to get new members?[/quote:2i67rmui]

Are you saying it's a cult or something? It does look kinda fishy. Here's one thing I don't understand. They have rituals, but they say they don't believe in any dieties. I don't see how that can be. Well I'm skeptical, but I'm going to take what the website says as the truth.
In light of the fact that you (All we are) are in reality an Atheist and not a Christian as you first claimed, can you give us an explanation as to what you hoped to achieve with this thread?

When I first read this post by you, I noticed how the word 'atheist' was used in place of the word 'Satanist'. I assumed that it was an honest mistake but now I am thinking that it was purposely done to help stir-up hatred between Christians and Atheists on this sight and maybe get some Christians to associate Atheists with Satan. I could be wrong, but those are my thoughts.

Who is the we in your user name, familiar spirits perhaps? Btw don't give us a song and dance about Satanists being harmless they practice their craft with their father all the time.
That said they need salvation same as the rest of us. The day you meet Jesus I wouldn't tell him your an atheist, not after what he's done for you.


All we are said:
It's a fact that Satanist are all atheists.

Wrong. Not all Satanists are Atheists. There are two forms of Satanism that i know of; the first being the one that you have covered in the OP (which I have been told, does not condone physical violence or murder) and the other being the more traditional form of Satanism which is basically an inverted form of Christianity were its members DO actually worship the Satan found in the Holy Bible and were it does condone violence and murder (purely because the Bible does not). This second group has no connection with Atheists.

Maybe this was your attempt at making Christians think that every time they hear of a women or child being sacrificed to Satan, that it was an Atheist who did it?
I will admit I am a bit conflicted on this issue. For what of people such as Marylin Manson....from what I had come to understand artists such as him were actually using Satanic rituals such as killing of animals and the like before perfomance....

Perhaps more research is needed in terms of the enemy to fully understand the enemy?
LostLamb said:
I will admit I am a bit conflicted on this issue. For what of people such as Marylin Manson....from what I had come to understand artists such as him were actually using Satanic rituals such as killing of animals and the like before perfomance....

Perhaps more research is needed in terms of the enemy to fully understand the enemy?

They do this as 'All we are' said; out of hate and to mock Christianity. This does not make them the same as ALL Satanists OR make them responsible for the actions of other Satanists who follow a completely different belief system,
I would like to share understanding of Satanism based off of scripture. If that is alright of course. This is what I feel the Bible describes as acts of Satanism, if not, possible acts of Satanism.

Deuteronomy 18:10-13; "There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For all who do these things are an abomination to the LORD, and because of these abominations the LORD your God drives them out from before you. You shall be blameless before the LORD your God."
Gabriel Ali said:
How is that relavent to Satanists?

If we can take a moment and think about the source of things such as witchcraft, sorcery, and the meddling with the dead....these are not only things of which God condemns and discourages us from doing. Not to mention sin in itself, is the path to Satan, eternal condemnation, and in the end.....Hell.

They are also dangerous, cause others harm, and are practiced like a religion.

Does this mean that everyone who practices these are Satanists? No....but there is no doubt the way they walk is not of God either.
LostLamb said:
Gabriel Ali said:
How is that relavent to Satanists?

If we can take a moment and think about the source of things such as witchcraft, sorcery, and the meddling with the dead....these are not only things of which God condemns and discourages us from doing. Not to mention sin in itself, is the path to Satan, eternal condemnation, and in the end.....Hell.

They are also dangerous, cause others harm, and are practiced like a religion.

Does this mean that everyone who practices these are Satanists? No....but there is no doubt the way they walk is not of God either.

Then it is NOT Satanism as defined by Scripture. Sin is bad and does help people towards the path of Satan but (as you have now said yourself) committing a sin or any of the other things you have mentioned does not make you a Satanist.
Gabriel Ali said:
Then it is NOT Satanism as defined by Scripture. Sin is bad and does help people towards the path of Satan but (as you have now said yourself) commiting a sin or any of the other things you have mentioned does not make you a Satanist.

You are entitled to your oppinion. I agree with you only in the point that just because it is sin does not mean it is a practice of Satanism.

However, when it comes to playing with the dead and spiritual realm as well as the like...I am sorry but I do feel that is not only playing with fire, but walking a fine line. For I cannot help but want to ask what sort of man kills his own son or daughter in a ritualistic way and condones it? Also what sort of people practice arts of which hurt others or are ill intended toward other people for the sheer joy of it. In most cases, though not all....people who proudly call themselves believers in Lucifer, the great deciever.
LostLamb said:
Gabriel Ali said:
Then it is NOT Satanism as defined by Scripture. Sin is bad and does help people towards the path of Satan but (as you have now said yourself) commiting a sin or any of the other things you have mentioned does not make you a Satanist.

You are entitled to your oppinion. I agree with you only in the point that just because it is sin does not mean it is a practice of Satanism.

However, when it comes to playing with the dead and spiritual realm as well as the like...I am sorry but I do feel that is not only playing with fire, but walking a fine line. For I cannot help but want to ask what sort of man kills his own son or daughter in a ritualistic way and condones it? Also what sort of people practice arts of which hurt others or are ill intended toward other people for the sheer joy of it. In most cases, though not all....people who proudly call themselves believers in Lucifer, the great deciever.

What is your point? if someone proudly calls themselves believers in Lucifer then they are Satanists. I'm aware of that; Everyone's aware of that. and everyone (other than you it would seem) is aware that people can do the exact same things and NOT believe in Lucifer or be a member of the church of Satan, thus THEY ARE NOT SATANISTS!!!

Calling all murderers and psycho's 'Satanists' only serves to cause confusion by muddying-up the term.
Gabriel Ali said:
Everyones aware of that. and everyone (other than you it would seem) is aware that people can do the exact same things and NOT believe in Lucifer or be a member of the church of Satan, thus THEY ARE NOT SATANISTS!!!

There is no need for such hostility. Seeing though as somehow I have offended you, I am going to bow out of this topic offering nothing more than my appologies.

No...I cannot agree with you that Satanists are perhaps just the sort to visit a certain church and declare faith in Satan, but I can agree not to agree with you. But I do respect your views even if I cannot share them.

Again.....I am sorry.