One first has to know the difference between science fiction and science before he can know the difference beteen facts and fantasy.
Science fiction deals in the imaginations, and fantasy. examples of this are:
1) "What if" King Kong ruled the world
2) "What if" humans could breed aliens (as in some science ficton movies
3) "What if" monkeys could turn itnto humans
4) "What if men came from Mars
5) "What if" men came from aliens
6) "What if" we all came from one fictitious beast who created all of us?
And on and on. Those are examples of fantasies that come from the imaginations of men. They are based on speculation and imagining what "could have" happened.
Science on the other hand, is based on what does happen in the real world because what does happen in the wreal world is called reality, not the imagination. That's also called observable phenomena.
The theory of evolution fits into the category of science fiction because monkeys breeding humans or turning into humans is not observable phenomena. Looking at an animal or human and imagining who its ancestors are, is fantasy, not fact.
Evolutionists have no facts, just very vivid imaginations. Their imaginations began with Darwin when he saw all sorts of different species and began imagining where they cam from. And once a fantasy has taken hold, then it ccannot be stopped.
So that led to looking for "evidence" that man came from an animal. That led to finding unidentifiable bones that could qualifie as a USO (unidentified stationary object). That again is no different than a child finding bones in the dirt and declaring they're anything he wants them to be. That's called fantasy, not fact.
And this is how the fantasy of evolution took hold. Evolutionists today are still looking at animals and imagining where they came from. So they haven't gotten out of the fantasy stage yet. And yet they still have no clue:
1) Who the first common ancestor was
2) How many comon ancestors there were
3) How many of these half-men, half-beasts walked the earth
4) When the first-speaking human came on the scene
5) Why no ancient peoples have never related stories about their vine-swinging ancestors
6) Why primates kept mutating into humans when they haven't since there have been witnesses
That's because these scenarios still exist only in their imaginations, not in reality. So the theory of evolution is a fantasy, not a fact, which many scientists are now acknowledging. It only took them over 150 years to see why animals don't breed humans when most children can probably explain why. ;-)
Science fiction deals in the imaginations, and fantasy. examples of this are:
1) "What if" King Kong ruled the world
2) "What if" humans could breed aliens (as in some science ficton movies
3) "What if" monkeys could turn itnto humans
4) "What if men came from Mars
5) "What if" men came from aliens
6) "What if" we all came from one fictitious beast who created all of us?
And on and on. Those are examples of fantasies that come from the imaginations of men. They are based on speculation and imagining what "could have" happened.
Science on the other hand, is based on what does happen in the real world because what does happen in the wreal world is called reality, not the imagination. That's also called observable phenomena.
The theory of evolution fits into the category of science fiction because monkeys breeding humans or turning into humans is not observable phenomena. Looking at an animal or human and imagining who its ancestors are, is fantasy, not fact.
Evolutionists have no facts, just very vivid imaginations. Their imaginations began with Darwin when he saw all sorts of different species and began imagining where they cam from. And once a fantasy has taken hold, then it ccannot be stopped.
So that led to looking for "evidence" that man came from an animal. That led to finding unidentifiable bones that could qualifie as a USO (unidentified stationary object). That again is no different than a child finding bones in the dirt and declaring they're anything he wants them to be. That's called fantasy, not fact.
And this is how the fantasy of evolution took hold. Evolutionists today are still looking at animals and imagining where they came from. So they haven't gotten out of the fantasy stage yet. And yet they still have no clue:
1) Who the first common ancestor was
2) How many comon ancestors there were
3) How many of these half-men, half-beasts walked the earth
4) When the first-speaking human came on the scene
5) Why no ancient peoples have never related stories about their vine-swinging ancestors
6) Why primates kept mutating into humans when they haven't since there have been witnesses
That's because these scenarios still exist only in their imaginations, not in reality. So the theory of evolution is a fantasy, not a fact, which many scientists are now acknowledging. It only took them over 150 years to see why animals don't breed humans when most children can probably explain why. ;-)