brother Paul
- Apr 10, 2014
- 1,423
- 221
Long but very important! Feel free to copy, print, and distribute to any and all.
Inherit the Wind was a masterfully designed propaganda piece that has assisted the brainwashing of millions of innocently inquiring minds. History tells us that actually “the people of Dayton”, Tennessee, never took John Scopes to trial for such a crime. The whole case was a test case encouraged by the A.C.L.U.! Yes, some people complained, but actually only a very small group of concerned parents filed the suit. You will see the nature of their sincere concern when you read the political orientation of the actual textbook being used by Scopes, which I will show you.
Scopes was never actually put in jail! He simply broke a then existent law that was currently being hotly debated for amendment (even in Tennessee) called “The Butler Act“. The Butler Act was a law which did forbid the teaching of Darwin’s view of evolution. However there were many Americans even in Dayton who thought this law was inappropriate. Most Americans still thought teaching all views was what should be done, and it was only a matter of time before this law would be overturned.
John Scopes was actually placed into the trial setting, as a premeditated strategy of the New York, A.C.L.U. who rightly opposed this Act. But Scopes was a justifiable means to a predetermined end. In essence, in the vernacular of the leftist elite, he was what would be called a useful idiot! Nothing more than a paid pawn! One of many such pawns at that time, being used for the achievement of a much larger goal in similar trial settings all over the nation, but you didn’t know that did you?
Another deception put forth in Inherit the Wind is that John Scopes was just a simple science teacher. John Scopes actually was not a Biology teacher at all! He was in fact conveniently substituting outside of his own field of expertise while the genuine science teacher was away! His area of expertise was Law (though he minored in geology). He served as schools the football coach and sometimes substituted. He was given the text (read its conclusion at the end of this presentation) and was instructed what to teach (remember poor Ota).
In reality, laws like the Butler Act were presently being debated in about 36 states around the nation at the time. Many U.S. citizens simply did not want the racist version of Darwin’s evolutionary theory (not necessarily his view) being presented as if it were an established fact to the exclusion of other alternative origins explanations. It is true also that many wanted a Creationist model presented exclusively (the Fundamentalist minority) but what you may not realize is there were many who also wanted this model removed entirely. Most Americans thought teaching all views is better in encouraging students to come to the most soundly objective conclusions.
But that is what America is all about. Different people free to express their different views without legal reprisal. Given all the facts we decide for ourselves. Scopes was a man totally free to hold and express is own opinion, but as you will see, it was good and right that he should not be allowed to teach racism as factual academia.
Most regular people in the nation, moms and dads, lawyers, teachers, and even many scientists, wanted this intentionally deception halted, if for no other reason, in the name of intellectual integrity, but they had no problem with Darwinian evolution being taught so long as it was taught as a theory and its racist conclusions were eliminated. Teach it if you will, but not as if it is the established truth.
At the time popular opinion was being shaped to accept Piltdown and Java as true “missing links” (after all they had Ota caged as a living example). Even Piltdown flooded textbooks until the early 1950s brainwashing generations of students. Ontogeny was still being taught to recapitulate phylogeny (even in Universites)….yet all were contrived lies.
The Scopes Trial was only one of a number of premeditated, entirely highly financed trials, at different legal levels which were being waged at the time as one battle strategy of an intentional culture war being waged by special interest groups like the Birth Control League, and John Dewey’s N.E.A., in an attempt to establish precedents.
By flooding the Courts with hundreds of cases with hopes of gaining even small ground in a number of “exception to the rule” cases, which they would then be able to site as victories later on and thereby misrepresent the sentiment of the American people. After about 1,000 cases, if they had won even only 50, when they went to litigate case number 1,001, they would have had enough cases to site, and eventually by 2,000 cases or so, the exception could be made to appear as the rule, and the rule as the exception.
This divisive legal charade is a commonly used technique applied by groups repeatedly even in our time. I admit this approach was and is an absolutely brilliant piece of legal strategy, and has been rather successful in many areas for activists of all sorts. This very successful technique is still being used by these same groups today on a mass scale, and comes right out of classic works on how to wage a legislative propaganda war. Unfortunately then as it is now, it is still a tool of total deception right down to the last engineered media presentation that follows.
Inherit the Wind was a masterfully designed propaganda piece that has assisted the brainwashing of millions of innocently inquiring minds. History tells us that actually “the people of Dayton”, Tennessee, never took John Scopes to trial for such a crime. The whole case was a test case encouraged by the A.C.L.U.! Yes, some people complained, but actually only a very small group of concerned parents filed the suit. You will see the nature of their sincere concern when you read the political orientation of the actual textbook being used by Scopes, which I will show you.
Scopes was never actually put in jail! He simply broke a then existent law that was currently being hotly debated for amendment (even in Tennessee) called “The Butler Act“. The Butler Act was a law which did forbid the teaching of Darwin’s view of evolution. However there were many Americans even in Dayton who thought this law was inappropriate. Most Americans still thought teaching all views was what should be done, and it was only a matter of time before this law would be overturned.
John Scopes was actually placed into the trial setting, as a premeditated strategy of the New York, A.C.L.U. who rightly opposed this Act. But Scopes was a justifiable means to a predetermined end. In essence, in the vernacular of the leftist elite, he was what would be called a useful idiot! Nothing more than a paid pawn! One of many such pawns at that time, being used for the achievement of a much larger goal in similar trial settings all over the nation, but you didn’t know that did you?
Another deception put forth in Inherit the Wind is that John Scopes was just a simple science teacher. John Scopes actually was not a Biology teacher at all! He was in fact conveniently substituting outside of his own field of expertise while the genuine science teacher was away! His area of expertise was Law (though he minored in geology). He served as schools the football coach and sometimes substituted. He was given the text (read its conclusion at the end of this presentation) and was instructed what to teach (remember poor Ota).
In reality, laws like the Butler Act were presently being debated in about 36 states around the nation at the time. Many U.S. citizens simply did not want the racist version of Darwin’s evolutionary theory (not necessarily his view) being presented as if it were an established fact to the exclusion of other alternative origins explanations. It is true also that many wanted a Creationist model presented exclusively (the Fundamentalist minority) but what you may not realize is there were many who also wanted this model removed entirely. Most Americans thought teaching all views is better in encouraging students to come to the most soundly objective conclusions.
But that is what America is all about. Different people free to express their different views without legal reprisal. Given all the facts we decide for ourselves. Scopes was a man totally free to hold and express is own opinion, but as you will see, it was good and right that he should not be allowed to teach racism as factual academia.
Most regular people in the nation, moms and dads, lawyers, teachers, and even many scientists, wanted this intentionally deception halted, if for no other reason, in the name of intellectual integrity, but they had no problem with Darwinian evolution being taught so long as it was taught as a theory and its racist conclusions were eliminated. Teach it if you will, but not as if it is the established truth.
At the time popular opinion was being shaped to accept Piltdown and Java as true “missing links” (after all they had Ota caged as a living example). Even Piltdown flooded textbooks until the early 1950s brainwashing generations of students. Ontogeny was still being taught to recapitulate phylogeny (even in Universites)….yet all were contrived lies.
The Scopes Trial was only one of a number of premeditated, entirely highly financed trials, at different legal levels which were being waged at the time as one battle strategy of an intentional culture war being waged by special interest groups like the Birth Control League, and John Dewey’s N.E.A., in an attempt to establish precedents.
By flooding the Courts with hundreds of cases with hopes of gaining even small ground in a number of “exception to the rule” cases, which they would then be able to site as victories later on and thereby misrepresent the sentiment of the American people. After about 1,000 cases, if they had won even only 50, when they went to litigate case number 1,001, they would have had enough cases to site, and eventually by 2,000 cases or so, the exception could be made to appear as the rule, and the rule as the exception.
This divisive legal charade is a commonly used technique applied by groups repeatedly even in our time. I admit this approach was and is an absolutely brilliant piece of legal strategy, and has been rather successful in many areas for activists of all sorts. This very successful technique is still being used by these same groups today on a mass scale, and comes right out of classic works on how to wage a legislative propaganda war. Unfortunately then as it is now, it is still a tool of total deception right down to the last engineered media presentation that follows.