Barbarian observes:
I did. Over time, my faith grew and matured, but if you don't come to Jesus as a little child, you can't come to Him at all. That's what He says.
Matthew 18:3 And said: Amen I say to you, unless you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Sometimes I appreciate your take on Biblical things, but then you go and make this kind of statement. You should focus on the word AS in this verse.
Never ceases to amaze me how willing some people are to take scripture totally out of context and meaning, just to make a point of their own personal doctrine. As I've pointed out in the past to you...that is called EISEGESIS.
Apparently, "eisegesis" is your word for "stuff God said that I don't want to believe."
Barbarian observes:
How odd. And how sad. Good that you were able to recover later, though.
Not at all. Sad from whose perspective?
Sad that you missed out because for whatever bizarre reason, your local church didn't follow Catholic belief.
Your failure to be confirmed in Him.
Barbarian observes:
From about six or so on, I guess. Catholics do this rather frequently. Each week, at least.
Well I guess that shows the improper understanding of salvation. Romans 10:9-10; If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,†and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
We proclaim that at least weekly. And so far, every Catholic I know believes it firmly.
10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
We just like to praise Him for it a lot. We don't do it to offend you. Sorry.
It only needs to be done once, as long as the person doing it, is fully cognisent of what they are doing and is drawn by God and NOT the RC Church.
Christ says it is done through His Church. Keep in mind, even if you aren't Roman Catholic, if you accept His word, you can still be saved.
(Barbarian, on being asked if he remembers 9th grade)
Uhh... yes. Is that surprising? But I don't see how you got through one mass, much less years of being a Catholic without confessing that Jesus is Savior.
Yes very much. I guess that would be the big problem here don't see, or is it you don't want to see? You assume being a RC automatically means you go to the mass regularly and listen.
We did. But then we really were Catholics. Just saying...
Quite honestly I never learned Latin so it was very boring.
Latin has a wonderful sound and I'm glad the Tridentine mass is now again permitted. But the vernacular that came in during the 60s made it accessible to non-Catholics as well, a good thing, I think.
Barbarian observes:
In fact, we do. We make a distinction between Catholics, who are all the Christians in the world, and Roman Catholics, who have retained all the doctrines of the original Church.
The RC's have retained the doctrines of the original church?
What about 1Tim 2:5?
Hebrews 9:15?
From my Douay version:
And therefore he is the mediator of the new testament: that by means of his death, for the redemption of those trangressions, which were under the former testament, they that are called may receive the promise of eternal inheritance.
You've been pumped up with a lot of silly misconceptions, it seems.
Matthew 23:9?
Joseph's words:
Genesis 45:8 So it was not you who sent me here, but God; and he has made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house and ruler over all the land of Egypt"
Romans 9:9 For this is the word of promise: According to this time will I come; and Sara shall have a son. [10] And not only she. But when Rebecca also had conceived at once, of Isaac our father.
Your eisegesis is showing.
Barbarian observes:
Catholics are just the biggest group of Christians. As you learned, Eastern Orthodox Christians also accept evolution as consistent with Christian faith, as do Anglicans, most Lutheran groups, and many other Protestant groups.
You may have learned that in some obscure places, but it is NOT fact.
It's true. You can go and collect the data yourself, but you'll get the same answer.
That just goes to show that the old Abraham Lincoln saying holds very true...
You can fool some of the people all the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time.
This time, you didn't fool anyone. But by all means go to some places with the information (CIA world fact book is a good one) and see for yourself.
Barbarian regarding you don't know how many professed Christians really are Christians:
True, but that door swings both ways. You'll get no traction with that argument.
I already said TRUE. I didn't direct it to RC's only.
Doesn't help you much, then. Pick whatever percentage you want, you still end up in the minority.
Barbarian obeserves:
God says both works and faith are required. I believe Him. But if you want to debate that, go to the Catholic discussion.
Oh so now you want to remain ON topic. I quoted the appropraite verses above from Roamans is required AFTER we become saved.
God says otherwise in James. Luther even lobbied to have James removed, because he correctly claimed that James contradicts his new doctrine of sola fide.
Barbarian observes:
You, for example. You just didn't know from where it came.
Pay attention Barbarian. I never said I believed in her vision.
And yet, you profess it even now:
I said I believe in the concept of creation that came into being, by God's Words, fully mature and ready to go.
Which is the new doctrine of YE. Her invention.
Barbarian observes:
According to God. As you learned, the YE doctrine of "life ex nihilo" is directly contradicted by God in Genesis. He doesn't say He made life from nothing; He says the earth brought forth living things.
Yeh we've been down this road Barbarian. God's Word, properly exegeted, does NOT say that.
It says it quite plainly. "Exegesis" seems to be your term for "stuff that isn't in the Bible, that I wish was there."
Again you only have this one verse, OUT of context, and you can't explain the vegetation and marine life from nothing.
Wrong. He says the seas brought forth life, as well. What God does not say, that is a core belief in your SDA doctrine, is that life came from nothing. That is directly contradicted by His word.
You need to take all of His word, not just the parts you like.
Barbarian observes:
Rather, I pointed out the fact that a large majority of the world's Christians belong to denominations that acknowledge evolution is consistent with faith in God. This is undeniably true. But just as many evangelicals accept evolution, so do some Catholics deny it. I learned most of what I know of the evolution of invertebrates in North Texas, from a theologically conservative Southern Baptist.
Like I said....totally unsupportable.
Anyone who cares to check can go and see for themselves. It's quite true. No good in denying it.
Just in these forums alone you are in the minority.
But in Christendom, I'm in the majority. Which is O.K. either way. I just take what He says.
Your stand Barbarian. I have already shown you and others what the word says in Genesis in chapters 1 and 2. You reject it at your own peril. I bet a lot of so-called Christian Evolutionists on the day of judegment will be hard pressed to TELL Jesus what God's Word said to them.
Fortunately, He doesn't care what you think of evolution. It's not how your eternal home will be decided.