Ezek 16:45
45 Thou art thy mother's daughter, that lotheth her husband and her children; and thou art the sister of thy sisters, which lothed their husbands and their children: your mother was an Hittite, and your father an Amorite. KJV
God, the Father, balances his universe. Temperance is balance.
The Bible speaks of Christians marrying non-Christians, so there is no biblical warrant against it. In marriage preparation, however, that issue must be addressed and the two must learn to accept to agree to disagree. It is not a "show-stopper", I have seen a Catholic marry a Muslim man and they appear to get along still. The Biblical advice is that the non-Christian be a good example for the purpose of conversion to Christ. As to Christians of two different persuasions, they certainly should establish that they can agree to disagree before the marriage - and prepare to worship either separately, or to take turns. They should focus on what they agree on. At least that is what we say when a Catholic marries a non-Catholic Christian.
I see major problems with a Calvinist marrying an Arminianist. See the Arminianist already knows she has a free will... but in order for the Calvinist to bring the Arminianist over to his persuasion...first he's going to have to convince her that she has no free will...then afterhe get's the Arminianist to use her free will to convert to Calvinism, then he again is going to have to show her that she had no free will in making that choice...but God simply chose her to be that way. Oh Glory...how marvellous are the works of Calvinists.
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