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Should gays be allowed to vote?

Should gays be allowed to vote?

  • No, only traditional family members should vote.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Should gays be allowed to vote?

Would you support a reform to the Constitution that allows only people in traditional families to elect our government personel and vote on other general laws?
I would much more likely support an amendment to ban you from voting.

1) What possible justification could you have in singling out one sin and saying those particular sinners cannot vote, while allowing every other sinner to vote?

2) Define "traditional family" When I hear that term I think of a nuclear family--a married mom and dad with kids. I am a single heterosexual, so if this is your definition, I would not get to vote. Nor would the millions of single parents. Furthermore, there are many gays who live in a nuclear family with a hetrosexual mom and dad. Would these be allowed to vote? Did you rally mean to say "only heterosexuals"?

3) How could this even theoretically be enforced?
I agree with cubedbee. Why not restrict people that have overeaten, cursed God, committed adultry, dishonored their parents or worked on the Sabbath? Why would one sin stick out any more than the rest?

1 person who has voted has lost any respect they can possibly ever get. from me atleast

Which two people voted no? Too ashamed to admit it publically and defend your position?
Heathen said:

Which two people voted yes? Too ashamed to admit it publically and defend your position?

You mean "No"??? Only 2 people voted no.

I voted that they should be allowed to vote.
I would much more likely support an amendment to ban you from voting.

Well I dont vote anyways so thats no prob. 8-)

1) What possible justification could you have in singling out one sin and saying those particular sinners cannot vote, while allowing every other sinner to vote?

This would only work if the person was either convicted in court of being gay or admitted it openly. I guess the premise is that people that engage in these types of sodomy acts are not mentally capable of making Godly decisions for the future of God fearing families and children.

2) Define "traditional family" When I hear that term I think of a nuclear family--a married mom and dad with kids. I am a single heterosexual, so if this is your definition, I would not get to vote. Nor would the millions of single parents. Furthermore, there are many gays who live in a nuclear family with a hetrosexual mom and dad. Would these be allowed to vote? Did you rally mean to say "only heterosexuals"?

I guess a better explanation would be the "protection" of the nuclear family from poor decision making capabilities of gay people.

Obviously someone that thinks sodomy between two males is ok would vote against protecting our children from these acts. If enough people were gay and voted the whole educational system would be changed as we are currently seeing today.

Its OK to be gay.
Its a biological fact and not a choice.
Sodomy is perfectly natural.
Education should be catered to the "knowledge" of how to have a gay relationship.
The family unit is undefineable and does not require a man and woman.

These are prevalent statements we hear from the gay comunity as they brainwash out children and begin to hold sway in the court system and political direction of the country.

3) How could this even theoretically be enforced?

Homosexual acts would have to be outlawed.

Further more it would require "out of the closet" proclamations from those involved that they were gay. I guess it would be an issue of "pride" with the gay. If you thought you really had to glorify your lifestyle you would choose to lose your voting privilideges over keeping quiet and still voting.

Personally I wouldnt mind at all if all this madness stops. I would be in favor of taking the gays from shaping the future of this country.

I know that no one is perfect and we all sin and fall short.

But someone willing to stand up for, promote, and be proud of sodomy and destroying the nuclear family unit God intended should not be allowed to vote!

Our founding fathers would probably soil themselves to see the Bibles burned, the gays electing leaders, and the children brainwashed under this sickness.

I live in the modern day Sodom and Gehmora!

You remember what happend to those people after they wanted to do sodomy to the Angels of the Most High?

No, this progressive nonsense even has members of a supposed conservative forum group defending shameful and disgusting acts!

What next?

Gay Presidents that glorify sodomy and man - boy relations?

Dont you see the slippery slope we are on? Inch by inch we fall further into the mouth of the Beast. Porn, abortion, sodomy, cultural relativism.......

Am I in Sodom and Gehmora?
I just dont know anymore.
Personally, I could care less if a person is gay or not. That's between them and God. I believe that homosexuality is wrong, but I'm not going to show hatred towards you because of it. I know MANY gay people. Heck, one of my ex-boyfriends is now gay... :o

Anyways, who said the world would get better? We know it's just going to get worse. It HAS to. Gays are not going to go away. They were present back in biblical days and they will become more and more widespread. It's a lifestyle. While it's not one that I agree with, I don't feel the need to condemn them in a way such as not letting them vote. They live here too.
Acceptance right Nikki?

Just accept it.

What does the Bible have to say on this kind of attitude?

Jude 1:7-8 - Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities.

Romans 1:24-32 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

We are to allow these people to dictate the lives of our children?

Where are the Bible Thumpers out there?
I don't accept it, but I don't condemn the person that does it. That's God's job.

And you want some bible thumping? Well, if JESUS can love a prostitute, then what makes you think he doesn't love gays?! Jesus loves us all and no matter what sin a person is doing, a person CAN change. The gay person that you show hatred towards could possibly change if you showed them LOVE instead. Accept them for the person that you know they could be....that doesn't mean you have to accept their current lifestyle.

I understand how hard it is to love people that you feel hatred towards. Trust me...I'm trying my hardest to find it in my heart not to hate my uncle so much. It's not an easy thing to do. But Jesus has told us to love others and so that's what I've been working on.
Nikki, I am not saying I hate gays.

I dont.

I am saying dont let them vote. Dont let them influence the moral character of the country.

I really dont hate gays but wish this country was not so hell bent on "progressive" thinking and all this equality bull.
I, too, am disheartened by what homosexuals are attempting to do the institution of marriage and the family unit. Having said that, I don't think the scenario you premised would be very effective, nor very realistic. Supposedly, homosexuals only comprise 10% (very generous estimate, I know) of the population.

I really believe that this is a states' rights issue. Most states have passed state amendments to their state constitutions. If a community decides that marriage only consists of one man and one woman and they pass a law as to that effect, then that is how it should be in that state. If homosexuals can get laws passed in their favor, then that community/state should live accordingly. This SHOULD NOT be reviewable by the Supreme Court. The Congress can pass legislation that denies the Supreme Court to review certain cases. They would need to do that. Many Christians are silent and this issue and that most certainly would need to stop. Christians must speak about their opposition to homosexuality. Not against specific individuals who are homosexual but to the homosexual agenda to impact the traditional marriage covenant.

As much as I want to blame homosexual activitists for the situation we know find ourselves (and I do, trust me), bible-believing Christians are not without their blame for sitting back and just letting it happen.

Soma-Sight said:
But someone willing to stand up for, promote, and be proud of sodomy and destroying the nuclear family unit God intended should not be allowed to vote!
Divorce laws destroyed the nuclear family. So it sounds like you should keep divorced people from voting.

Our founding fathers would probably soil themselves to see the Bibles burned, the gays electing leaders, and the children brainwashed under this sickness.
And the founding fathers did not let slaves vote either. As a culture, we recognized that freedom for all is better than just freedom for white, male property owners.

You remember what happend to those people after they wanted to do sodomy to the Angels of the Most High?
God's chosen man offers to let the crowd rape his twin daughters?

If you are worried about Old Testamtn wrath of God stuff, worry more about God killing you for someone else counting you or some leader making a joke that God does not like. Or hope that God does not decide to support the Jews to kill us.
