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Should we be allowed to go into outer space?


It seems to me that these scriptures are saying something of importance for our age.

Obadiah1:3 The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee, thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high; that saith in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground?

Obadiah1:4 Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the LORD.

I never heard a North American Preacher ever do a sermon on this. Perhaps no one wants to rock the boat and wake the people up.
It seems to me that these scriptures are saying something of importance for our age.

Obadiah1:3 The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee, thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high; that saith in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground?

Obadiah1:4 Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the LORD.

I never heard a North American Preacher ever do a sermon on this. Perhaps no one wants to rock the boat and wake the people up.
God clearly states to Man what he has been given authority to do
Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
Genesis 1:29 ¶And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
Genesis 1:30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.
It seems to me that these scriptures are saying something of importance for our age.

Obadiah1:3 The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee, thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high; that saith in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground?

Obadiah1:4 Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the LORD.

I never heard a North American Preacher ever do a sermon on this. Perhaps no one wants to rock the boat and wake the people up.

The first rule about hermeneutics (the blend of the arts and science used to decipher what the scriptures are saying) is to understand to whom was this set of scriptures written by and to whom.

Then you can begin to process what they would have understood by what the (prophet in this case) messenger was saying.

In this particular case the "stars" you are making out to be literally in outer space is actually the spiritual leaders that God had placed there for people to listen to. That's the meaning of the metaphor... meaning that some people believe that they are appointed like a Billy Graham or something to tell us how we should live. Their pride and folly is condemned in these passages you have quoted.

Some people have a lot of pride in following "all the rules" and then believe that they have no sin or are so holy that God can't convict them on anything.

These passages are part of a song Obadiah sang so they are beautiful poetry with a serious message.

And as a side note....all those that go into space have suffered for their travels. Bone loss and radiation exposure aren't joking matters.
The first rule about hermeneutics (the blend of the arts and science used to decipher what the scriptures are saying) is to understand to whom was this set of scriptures written by and to whom.

Then you can begin to process what they would have understood by what the (prophet in this case) messenger was saying.

In this particular case the "stars" you are making out to be literally in outer space is actually the spiritual leaders that God had placed there for people to listen to. That's the meaning of the metaphor... meaning that some people believe that they are appointed like a Billy Graham or something to tell us how we should live. Their pride and folly is condemned in these passages you have quoted.

Some people have a lot of pride in following "all the rules" and then believe that they have no sin or are so holy that God can't convict them on anything.

These passages are part of a song Obadiah sang so they are beautiful poetry with a serious message.

And as a side note....all those that go into space have suffered for their travels. Bone loss and radiation exposure aren't joking matters.
I,don't at present think we will ever be able to colonize planets or live in,space for great lengths .
So you don't think Satan and certain ones of mankind could have anthing in common with these scriptures as well as the Genesis scripture which I pointed out what God allowed mankind to have dominion over? (there is a lot more in the Bible that tells what a person is lawfully allowed) Is it so nessesary for man to go to the moon or mars that They might destroy their very own planet just to get there? Could radio and tv and gossip hardened us over the decades to think whats wrong is right? We all have to come out of Babylon to see the truth. I maintain my main theme to all my posts so far, we need to wake remember our true identity. The Word is the sword we're given through the Holy Spirit but we must all learn to use it more responsibly. United with God we will Stand, Divided by Satan and we will fall. Many who are first will be last. The Lord will grant Wisdom though to those show themselves worthy. Why will severe tribulation be the only way most will see. Wake up its on our doorsteps.
I,don't at present think we will ever be able to colonize planets or live in,space for great lengths .
Those that have spent long periods of time in the space station pay heavily for the time.

So yeah...I can't see them doing it either. It would take two years just to get to Mars...

There's no way anyone can survive the trip.
I don't think that God is going to let man get loose in space and star trek all around. First off we can't do it yet and I doubt there's enough time left to even progress that far in knowledge before the Lord returns.
The first rule about hermeneutics (the blend of the arts and science used to decipher what the scriptures are saying) is to understand to whom was this set of scriptures written by and to whom.

Then you can begin to process what they would have understood by what the (prophet in this case) messenger was saying.

In this particular case the "stars" you are making out to be literally in outer space is actually the spiritual leaders that God had placed there for people to listen to. That's the meaning of the metaphor... meaning that some people believe that they are appointed like a Billy Graham or something to tell us how we should live. Their pride and folly is condemned in these passages you have quoted.

Some people have a lot of pride in following "all the rules" and then believe that they have no sin or are so holy that God can't convict them on anything.

These passages are part of a song Obadiah sang so they are beautiful poetry with a serious message.

And as a side note....all those that go into space have suffered for their travels. Bone loss and radiation exposure aren't joking matters.
I thank you John I have never heard this explanation, "the spiritual leaders that God had placed there for people to listen to" before. We all need to learn...I will look into this now that you've mentioned it.
For me that was all very thought provoking. Thank You. I still see some connotations that can be applied for our modern age.
Esa in Aramaic is Yoshua in Hebrew.
If you placed false televangelism in the metaphor of the mountains of Esau, Edom (a satanic man made version of the garden of Eden in our age....the land of opportunity, of milk and honey sound familiar) and all who follow this path I can find wisdom in this for today.
"For God so loved the world" I don't see where He "so loved" anywhere else, at least not as far as we are concerned or are supposed to be concerned. It does surprise me that some people think you can physically drill a hole to hell or physically fly a spaceship to heaven. IF there are aliens and IF they came to Earth and claimed they've seen many would believe them and become their followers?
Dan gets it, lol. There never has been life on other planets. The enemy has changed tactics. I'm not saying that UFO's are not real, they are. But the occupants of them are demonic. And it would take a blind man to not see that the sightings of ufo's are increasing, and they have been ever since oh, say about 1947 or so. lol!

I believe it is fairly obvious what is going on. In area 51, they have long since finished the back engineering of the ufo they found in the desert and the American Government has been building a fleet of UFO's ever since, on OUR dime!

Our government rules through fear and destruction. It's what they do! The increased sightings is simply them testing them and seeing what the peoples reactions will be. One of these days, the aliens (Lol) will "invade" earth and do a lot of killing and destruction. While the basic premise of the invasion is a lie, the destruction will be very real. Those ufo's do no scare me one bit. We praying Christians have authority over them and can be confirmed in scripture. Has any Christian ever been victim to an abduction? Anyone? Anyone? Buellar? Lol.
In order for a solar system to have some kind of life it must have liquid water.

Most solar systems are much more elliptical with the planets orbiting and where Earth sits there is a gas giant like Jupiter in the orbit.

So round orbits and an Earth sized planet is extremely rare to find out there....

And then...
The distance away from us is so far away they might as well not exist.

Then there's the time dilation...
If continuous acceleration for two years was possible at a standard 1G then turning the craft around and decelerate for two years at 1G... something akin to 50 years would have passed on Earth. If the spacecraft occupants survived. One micrometeoroid would have disastrous effects on the craft. And then the distance travelled would be about a quarter to a third of a light year.

Four years of travel for a one way trip...then four years back. Just to meet people that are the great grandchildren of those who sent you on your journey.

Yeah.... like that's gonna happen.
"For God so loved the world" I don't see where He "so loved" anywhere else, at least not as far as we are concerned or are supposed to be concerned. It does surprise me that some people think you can physically drill a hole to hell or physically fly a spaceship to heaven. IF there are aliens and IF they came to Earth and claimed they've seen many would believe them and become their followers?
the word used in the koine greek for world is KOSMOS, where we get the English word Cosmos,Cosmopolitian. it means system of things, the order and the persons in it, but it can mean the planet, land.

the Hebrew equalivent if I think im right is olam. age or world usually with the idea of that which is come. their version of forever. olam ha ba. the world that is to come.
Psalms 115:16
The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD'S: but the earth hath he given to the children of men.
This scripture also tells Mankind has authority over and what is the Lords.