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Should women submit to their husbands?

It has no relevance to nonchristians, they can ignore it.

Well yeah, but just because they can doesn't mean they should. However, they should also repent and start trusting Christ but a lot of the time unfortunately that doesn't happen either. :sad
Oh mate i hate that term "patriarchy".

It's modern definition says that men control society in order to keep women oppressed.
It's such a lie. I can't see anywhere in the history of mankind where men have oppressed women. In fact men have always protected the women in their society.

Rape for example isn't something that has just become illegal. It's always been considered to be one of the worse crimes since the beginning of civilization. Murder usually gets 25 years in prison. Its the same for rape. If thats not being protected im not sure what is
In old Judaism ,the men even in the temple sat on the opposite side .

It was done then.a women couldn't divorce her husband then .father's picked husbands for their daughters and if the other family agrees they married .it was a bit different
See Isaac,Jacobs and Abrahams stories on this
Should women submit to their husbands?
Only if they are Christian women.

Men are not called to be heads of the house, they are commanded to be heads of their wives (1 Corinthians 11:3).

Christian women are commanded to submit to their husbands as unto the Lord (Ephesians 5:22).

God said it real plain, when he told Eve that Adam would rule over her (Genesis 3:16).

Any brother who has a problem with this, even if he is in a position of authority, had better check himself before Dad (God) steps in and smacks his rear (1 Corinthians 14:37-38; Hebrews 12:5-11).

Good topic, brother: most people are scared to death to mention it.
What everyone forgets are two vital elements.
1 this biblical ruling of wifes submitting to their husbands, is for Christians.
It has no relevance to nonchristians, they can ignore it.

2, Of even greater importance is the second part of the passage.
The immature always pluck verses out of context.
This verse in context says that husbands must, yes, must, no get out hisbands must love their wives in a self sacrifical totaly dedicated to their wife way.

If your husband is seeking to love you that way, what woman would not willingly submit to him?

The otherside of the coin is, if he does not love her in a self sCrifical way, she does not need to submit to him.
The Christian women loves Christ first, then her husband, thus her submission to her husband comes from first submitting to Christ, regardless of her husbands love or spirituality (1Peter 3:1-6).
“22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands (the Holy Spirit, through the Apostle, is relating to the spiritual leadership of the family), as unto the Lord. (First of all, the submission is to be to Christ as Lord and Master, and not to the husband. If the husband’s supremacy had been in view, it would have been expressed in a different manner, so say the Greek Scholars. If the wife properly submits to the Lord, she will properly submit to her husband as it regards spiritual leadership, that is if he knows the Lord. If he doesn’t know the Lord, such submission cannot be tendered, as would be obvious.)

23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the Head of the Church (suggests the obedience the wife renders to her husband is to be regarded as obedience rendered to Christ, which she can do if her husband is properly following the Lord): and He is the Saviour of the Body. (This refers to the Lord being the Saviour of Believers, who make up the Church. While the husband cannot be the Saviour of his wife in redemptive terms, he can be her protector and provider.)

24 Therefore as the Church is subject unto Christ (as its Head), so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. (This presupposes that the husband is conducting himself even as Christ.)

25 Husbands, love your wives (with a God kind of love), even as Christ also loved the Church (presents the qualifier; if a husband conducts himself accordingly toward his wife, she will have no problem whatsoever submitting to him, even as she should), and gave Himself for it (presents the great Sacrifice which characterizes the God kind of love; the answer for marriage problems is not marriage seminars, but rather that both husband and wife place their Faith and confidence totally in Christ and what He has done for us at the Cross; in other words, the Cross alone, which refers to what Jesus did there, is the answer);” Eph. 5

Unless the Believer(s) Faith is placed and maintained exclusively in the Person and the Work of Christ at Calvary, the Holy Spirit will not help them; Grace is being frustrated because of unfaithfulness (Rom. 8:2, Gal. 2:20-21).