I'm convinced that you are confused on what PE means for the theory of evolution then and I think you are fighting with a straw man on what you think evolution is.
As a person who actually went to collage for this, and specialized in classification, I can say that the way you are using micro and macro evolution is not how its actually used in classification and research. Heck, these words are actually not even real terms to actual biologists.
All PE actually is, is the observed phenomenon when a large niche is opened up due to a plethora of factors, organisms rapidity will start adapting to fill the niche. That is the basics of it. Its rapid in the sense that with less competition there is a large fanning out of different structures and adaptive traits. Eventually the niche starts to get crowded and natural selection resumes to start weening back to a gradual crawl. Considering that fossilization is a rare event as it is, it is safe to note that not all intermediates will be fossilized. That is why fossils aren't the only evidence for evolution. Morphology and genetics fill in plenty of gaps.
What fossils are you specifically looking for? There are countless species, orders, sub orders, genera, etc. Where would you want me to start?
No evolutionary biologist talks like this, and PE doesn't equal slow becoming fast. Macro evolution in its actual sense is just taking a phylogenetic tree and noting where organisms split off. That is it. Micro or variation within a species just points out population mechanics, but macro would be measuring the differences between isolated gene pools and alle frequencies.
Fossils are not the only evidence for evolution.