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Sin, Sickness, and the Medical System


Satan wants the people in his kingdom comfortable enough so they do not get the idea that the root of ALL sickness is sin and turn to God in repentance. As long as they can be deceived to continue in sin with the illusion that their sickness can be "cured" they will be less likely to turn to God. The medical system does keep them comfortable enough so they continue in the deception while providing torture for the demons' enjoyment and a lot of blood sacrifices to Satan and his demons.

There are many internet sites for the dangers and serious issues of nearly every antibiotic, prescription/over the counter drug including aspirin. God did not give the knowledge to use them any more then how arsenic was used as a food preservative for many years. Opium was sold over the counter for many years as were many other "illegal" drugs. I will say again that all drugs are poison and harm the body in any amount including antibiotics. The long term effects are NOT known for any drug until it is too late. Do some research!

Jesus NEVER used any aspect of medicine nor did He ever give any direction that His saints should EVER need it or use it. The apostles were the same in actions and instruction. He set healing in His church in James 5:14-15. You will note that sin forgiven and healing are closely connected in the verses including verse 16. Sin and sickness are together dealt with in Christ's atonement in Isaiah 53:4-5 and the word iaomai is used in 1 Peter 2:24 in reference to that atonement in Isaiah 53:4-5. The Greek word for heal iaomai-to heal is used to mean both physical (22 times) and "spiritual" healing and carries the meaning that upon dealing with the cause of sickness, sin, physical healing is available as well; also in the meaning of sozo to save both physical and spiritual healing are included.

Man's antichrist religion has separated the two and robbed God's people. They have many fellow travelers.

Christ Himself made the connection between sin and sickness in Matthew 9:1-8.

I realize what John 9:3 says and what it does NOT mean. The parents were not the ones who sinned but that obviously does not mean that the origin of his blindness is not sin because that is how it came into the world. Satan is the author of it, not God. His healing brought God glory, defeated sin as the source of the blindness and brought spiritual healing to the man. It also gives us some of the most humorous dialogue in the Bible!

God can allow sickness as in Job's case (and as a last resort for correction in others) but the purposes and who does it are clearly stated in Job 1 and 2 and James 5:11. Job was vindicated by God Job 42:7, healed, given more spiritual authority Job 42:8, and more than restored Job 42:10-17. There is no reason to believe that God will not do the same for those in Christ. However it seems most do not believe it. Again very, very sad.
I would not tell someone with cancer that it is better to die without treatment than go see a doctor. The Lord encourages prayer. But He also uses means; Paul recommended that Timothy take wine medicinally for his stomach's sake, for example.
I would not tell someone with cancer that it is better to die without treatment than go see a doctor. The Lord encourages prayer. But He also uses means; Paul recommended that Timothy take wine medicinally for his stomach's sake, for example.
No one can tell anyone to go or not to go to the medical system. Here is the Christian's responsibility: Mark 16:17-18 and James 14:14-15.

Wine is not a drug that is considered an over the counter drug or a prescription drug then (used by the physicians and sorcerers) or now. It is recognized everywhere in the Bible as a beverage i.e. food and was used as the beverage of choice for meals and weddings etc. Timothy may have had issues with bad water or even "different" water from traveling as happens even today. Wine would be a substitute for drinking so much unsafe water because wine only makes stomach problems WORSE.
We are caught up in a worldly medical system that has taken over the world.

People do not have the knowledge or faith to step outside the system and seek alternative, natural treatment.

If you break a leg, it's good to go to the emergency room.

If you have a heart attack, it's good to go to the emergency room.

If you are told you have cancer, I would think twice before I let anyone touch me.


Should I let them cut me open and take part of my body from me?

Should I let them burn me excessively with radiation?

Should I let them inject poison in me with chemotherapy?

Can they promise me guaranteed results?

It's a multi-billion dollar industry and they have no cure.

That's why they have no cure because it's a multi-billion dollar industry.

Actually, there is a cure. Just PM me and I'll give you a website that will shock you.

But they keep trying to put these people out of business.
lesjude again, where ever you live are there folks in the local hospital?

If folks were walking out of hospitals/rehabs, in mass, the press would say something about.
lesjude again, where ever you live are there folks in the local hospital?

If folks were walking out of hospitals/rehabs, in mass, the press would say something about.
We have prayed for people in hospitals who were healed some were unsaved. We are believing to see more healing as Jesus gives us opportunities. We can only do what He directs us to do and ask/believe to do more. We have the same interest in publicity as Jesus did. It keeps us nameless and faceless which is the way we want it to stay. Jesus knows, those that are healed know, and we know which is all that is necessary. You can do the same. Only believe.
We have prayed for people in hospitals who were healed some were unsaved. We are believing to see more healing as Jesus gives us opportunities. We can only do what He directs us to do and ask/believe to do more. We have the same interest in publicity as Jesus did. It keeps us nameless and faceless which is the way we want it to stay. Jesus knows, those that are healed know, and we know which is all that is necessary. You can do the same. Only believe.
So in other words there were not all healed? Did you not believe enough?
I worked in a hospital for many years.

I prayed for/with very many people to be healed by Jesus while at work.

Only one person ever came back to show me that Jesus healed them.

I wish I could say more but having faith in God to heal you is very difficult for people.
Allen the day of the 89 earthquake the World series one! I had surgery that afternoon.... we were only a couple hours from the epicenter .. I was still sorta out of it by nite fall and the nurse ask if she could pray with me.... O what a blessing she was. How comforting it was to share His love with some one that scary nite.. I know she was a nurse but she was also an angel (so to speak) He took the time to send to little ol me...

Your prayers with those folks mattered...
We have prayed for people in hospitals who were healed some were unsaved. We are believing to see more healing as Jesus gives us opportunities. We can only do what He directs us to do and ask/believe to do more. We have the same interest in publicity as Jesus did. It keeps us nameless and faceless which is the way we want it to stay. Jesus knows, those that are healed know, and we know which is all that is necessary. You can do the same. Only believe.

Great Post!

Great attitude!

Bless you as you lead many to Christ through the ministry of healing!!!

One should read about the ministry of John G Lake who in fact came to a place of faith where he did see most healed, and transfomed a whole city in the state of Wash.
Now I also say that even the Lord Himself could not heal some?
There is a realm of faith and law of life that a believer can enter into, but strait and narrow is the Way.

I have not attained, but I do press into the Kingdom.

Without fear I will pray and believe that Christ will raise them up! I have seen many die but I have seen the dead raised also.
So others may live and believe how they like? I will continue as I am taught by God. I have seen and will see again the Glory of Christ.

many say that I am foolish to believe the impossible? I say I had rather be dead than not to believe! I think thay are foolish.
Wonder why Isaiah told them to put figs on the king?

2 Kings 20:6
And I will add unto thy days fifteen years; and I will deliver thee and this city out of the hand of the king of Assyria; and I will defend this city for mine own sake, and for my servant David's sake.
2 Kings 20:7 And Isaiah said, Take a lump of figs. And they took and laid it on the boil, and he recovered.
Satan wants the people in his kingdom comfortable enough so they do not get the idea that the root of ALL sickness is sin and turn to God in repentance. As long as they can be deceived to continue in sin with the illusion that their sickness can be "cured" they will be less likely to turn to God. The medical system does keep them comfortable enough so they continue in the deception while providing torture for the demons' enjoyment and a lot of blood sacrifices to Satan and his demons.

There are many internet sites for the dangers and serious issues of nearly every antibiotic, prescription/over the counter drug including aspirin. God did not give the knowledge to use them any more then how arsenic was used as a food preservative for many years. Opium was sold over the counter for many years as were many other "illegal" drugs. I will say again that all drugs are poison and harm the body in any amount including antibiotics. The long term effects are NOT known for any drug until it is too late. Do some research!

Jesus NEVER used any aspect of medicine nor did He ever give any direction that His saints should EVER need it or use it. The apostles were the same in actions and instruction. He set healing in His church in James 5:14-15. You will note that sin forgiven and healing are closely connected in the verses including verse 16. Sin and sickness are together dealt with in Christ's atonement in Isaiah 53:4-5 and the word iaomai is used in 1 Peter 2:24 in reference to that atonement in Isaiah 53:4-5. The Greek word for heal iaomai-to heal is used to mean both physical (22 times) and "spiritual" healing and carries the meaning that upon dealing with the cause of sickness, sin, physical healing is available as well; also in the meaning of sozo to save both physical and spiritual healing are included.

Man's antichrist religion has separated the two and robbed God's people. They have many fellow travelers.

Christ Himself made the connection between sin and sickness in Matthew 9:1-8.

I realize what John 9:3 says and what it does NOT mean. The parents were not the ones who sinned but that obviously does not mean that the origin of his blindness is not sin because that is how it came into the world. Satan is the author of it, not God. His healing brought God glory, defeated sin as the source of the blindness and brought spiritual healing to the man. It also gives us some of the most humorous dialogue in the Bible!

God can allow sickness as in Job's case (and as a last resort for correction in others) but the purposes and who does it are clearly stated in Job 1 and 2 and James 5:11. Job was vindicated by God Job 42:7, healed, given more spiritual authority Job 42:8, and more than restored Job 42:10-17. There is no reason to believe that God will not do the same for those in Christ. However it seems most do not believe it. Again very, very sad.

James 5:14-15

New International Version (NIV)

14 Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. 15 And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven.

Death, decay and sickness entered the world when the fall occured. You and I and everything else in this world is in a state of "decay".
James 5:14-15

New International Version (NIV)

14 Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. 15 And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven.

Death, decay and sickness entered the world when the fall occured. You and I and everything else in this world is in a state of "decay".

P31woman, I agree with your last two post, and I wonder if the OP understands that we are healed by faith not because of our ability to not sin. Faith is based upon the righteousness of God, not the efforts of man to keep himself from sin.
By the gospel we understand that it is by grace that sin has lost its power. No sin "as by law" hinders healing but unbelief is that which hinders.

So I would like to hear the OPs understanding of sin?
It sounds as if there could be a bit of legalism in this doctrine?

There is no connection between sin and sickenss in this passage.

Scripture does not teach all sickness is due to the sin of an individual.[/QUOTE]
Of course not all sickness is because of individual sin and I did not say it was. I did mention Job as an example which if you read Job 1 and 2 as suggested you would know.
There certainly is an implied connection between sin and sickness in Matthew 9:1-8 and a direct connection in John 5:14.
P31woman, I agree with your last two post, and I wonder if the OP understands that we are healed by faith not because of our ability to not sin. Faith is based upon the righteousness of God, not the efforts of man to keep himself from sin.
By the gospel we understand that it is by grace that sin has lost its power. No sin "as by law" hinders healing but unbelief is that which hinders.

So I would like to hear the OPs understanding of sin?
It sounds as if there could be a bit of legalism in this doctrine?
If one sins then sickness can be allowed by God until one repents. Repentance is a gift which God is under no obligation to grant. What you are saying is anyone can sin and never be sick as a consequence and not have to repent to be healed. Paul is quite clear that sin can get one dead if they do not repent in 1 Corinthians 5:5. Acts 5:1-10 is quite clear as well. They were not even given an opportunity to repent. I guess you are saying Ananias and Sapphira just lacked faith.
It was SIN in 1 Corinthians 11:27-34 that caused some to be both sick and dead.
I will say if one is in sin faith for healing is not possible until repentance/forgiveness is sought and granted by God.
As for James 5 there certainly is a connection between sin and sickness. The sickness is not always because of sin but obviously may be from what is said. It is also obvious that God will grant the gift of repentance if sin is the reason and they will be healed.