You know, I think that there is a time for corporate worship and a time to share the gospel. Worship time should be a time when the focus is to gather with other believers to worship God and encourage each other through the sacraments, the word, prayer, and the singing of psalms. Sure, if non-believers are there it can and should be a time when they not only hear the gospel proclaimed but see the gospel's fruit being born out within the Body. But, I believe and believe strongly that our worship services are for the Body and the Head to be reconnected, renewed and uplifted.
The sharing of the gospel is vitally important, it is our "work", not "work" towards salvation, but our response to our salvation. But, it is not the sum total of who we are anymore than being a doctor is the sum total of someone's whose profession is in the medical field. At some time or another the doctor, soldier, butcher, baker and candlestick maker needs to come home, be nurtured and encouraged by loved ones and renewed in order to go back out into the world once more to do the appointed tasks.
I believe this is what the body gathers together for, and the reason why Paul said not to neglect the gathering. One of the things that I do like about my church is that every service ends with one of the kids snuffing out the candles on the altar. However, before the last candle is snuffed, the child lights the wick that is attached to the snuffer. Then the child carries the light out of the sanctuary. This is to symbolize that we, as a body, are leaving our time of worship and fellowship and are then to take the light of God's love out into the world with us as we leave.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not making a blanket condemnation of technology or media in worship here. I'm just asking that we keep in mind just why it is we gather together.
I guess my approach to media during a worship service would be to ask if things like tweeting and podcasts result in the body being more connected to God and the brethren or does it just make for a better time? Do those "friends" on Facebook really become loving brothers and sisters who, like iron sharping iron, strengthen and equip each other towards love and good works, or it is just a way to show all the other "friends" on Facebook how popular we are on Facebook?
Just some thoughts to consider.