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Bible Study Some Biblical Questions


Dramione love 3333
First of all we're told in chapters John, Luke, Mark, and Matthew that Jesus was baptized. Since I myself am getting baptized in a couple months I was wondering what was the real reason for this? I never understood it. Was it to set an example for His deciples or to follow His own commands? All I got is at the end the heavens open up and a dove lands on Jesus's shoulder and God says something about this is my Son which I am proud of or something. My second question is that God said in one of His Commandments (I do believe the first one) that we shall not have any gods before Him. So wouldn't that mean bowing down to kings and queens? I guess that at all of the British people here. I don't know, I guess that I wouled just feel kind of funny about it if I were in that position.
First of all we're told in chapters John, Luke, Mark, and Matthew that Jesus was baptized. Since I myself am getting baptized in a couple months I was wondering what was the real reason for this? I never understood it. Was it to set an example for His deciples or to follow His own commands?

Jesus divested Himself of all diety when He put on the fesh and all humans deserve Eternity in the lake of Fire and only a Perfect Sacrifice to atone for our sin nature. The only sinless person (Perfect) person to ever walk this earth is Jesus.
ll I got is at the end the heavens open up and a dove lands on Jesus's shoulder and God says something about this is my Son which I am proud of or something. My second question is that God said in one of His Commandments (I do believe the first one) that we shall not have any gods before Him. So wouldn't that mean bowing down to kings and queens? I guess that at all of the British people here. I don't know, I guess that I would just feel kind of funny about it if I were in that position.
Not really, they are an example of the Glory, a poor example of the Glory of God and his Kingdom. God set them in place to teach us.
When Jesus was baptized of John it was to fulfill Gods righteousness in Him to receive Gods power and authority to begin His ministry here on earth as when the heavens were opened to Jesus the Spirit of God filled Him as a voice from heaven declared this is my beloved Son as this set Jesus apart from the others that were being baptized. Water baptism is an outward appearance to others that you have been made righteous through Christ and have receive the Holy Spirit as we are given Gods power and authority through His grace to be His servants and witness here on Earth as Christ was.

Mat 3:14 But John forbade him, saying, I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me?
Mat 3:15 And Jesus answering said unto him, suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness. Then he suffered him. 16 And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: 17 And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
First of all we're told in chapters John, Luke, Mark, and Matthew that Jesus was baptized. Since I myself am getting baptized in a couple months I was wondering what was the real reason for this? I never understood it. Was it to set an example for His deciples or to follow His own commands? All I got is at the end the heavens open up and a dove lands on Jesus's shoulder and God says something about this is my Son which I am proud of or something. My second question is that God said in one of His Commandments (I do believe the first one) that we shall not have any gods before Him. So wouldn't that mean bowing down to kings and queens? I guess that at all of the British people here. I don't know, I guess that I wouled just feel kind of funny about it if I were in that position.

hello HelsRisen2018, dirtfarmer here

To fulfill all righteousness. In order to fulfill all righteousness there had to be a perfect sacrifice, Jesus Christ. In the old testament it was the High Priest that offered the sacrifices on the altar and before he could put on the high priest clothing, the linen breaches and etc., he had to bathe(baptize) himself before he could clothe himself with the high priest clothing( Leviticus 16:4), so in order to fulfill all righteousness( the Law) Jesus Christ had to be baptized.
First of all we're told in chapters John, Luke, Mark, and Matthew that Jesus was baptized. Since I myself am getting baptized in a couple months I was wondering what was the real reason for this? I never understood it. Was it to set an example for His deciples or to follow His own commands? All I got is at the end the heavens open up and a dove lands on Jesus's shoulder and God says something about this is my Son which I am proud of or something.
In being baptized, Jesus accomplished several things:
(1) He affirmed John's ministry.
(2) He was revealed by the Father and the Holy Spirit to be the Christ.
(3) He identified with His people by descending into the waters with them.
(4) He prefigured His own death (being submerged in the water is like being buried) and gave baptism its full meaning.
(5) He sanctified the water making baptism i the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit effective.
(6) He fulfilled Old Testament types of Israel crossing the Red Sea to salvation from their enemy and deliverance from bondage.

iakov the fool
First of all we're told in chapters John, Luke, Mark, and Matthew that Jesus was baptized. Since I myself am getting baptized in a couple months I was wondering what was the real reason for this? I never understood it. Was it to set an example for His deciples or to follow His own commands? All I got is at the end the heavens open up and a dove lands on Jesus's shoulder and God says something about this is my Son which I am proud of or something. My second question is that God said in one of His Commandments (I do believe the first one) that we shall not have any gods before Him. So wouldn't that mean bowing down to kings and queens? I guess that at all of the British people here. I don't know, I guess that I wouled just feel kind of funny about it if I were in that position.

Baptism or "Immersion" is not a new concept, nor is it a "one-time thing." It is the way God requires us to purify ourselves before we enter into His presence. For example: Before God spoke to the people at Mt Sinai, He required them all to wash their bodies and their clothes. That's an immersion or baptism. (See Ex 19) The priests immersed themselves many times throughout the day as they served the Lord in His House. All people coming to worship in God's House had to immerse themselves before approaching. Even Jesus immersed Himself every time He went into the Temple as a child and young man.

But this immersion was significantly different. Why? John the Baptist was a Levite Priest. And every sacrifice that comes before God must be declared an acceptable sacrifice by a Levite priest, EVEN a sacrifice brought by God Himself. If you bring a lamb as an offering to the Lord, it is not an offering until a priest declares it to be an offering. Until that declaration, the lamb is just a lamb. In the same way, Jesus could not have been the Promised Lamb of God without a Levite Priest declaring Him to be the Lamb of God sacrifice. Otherwise, He's just a man. This immersion is a change of status from a mere man to the acceptable, purified sacrifice before God. Jesus' ministry begins right here.

An immersion or baptism isn't only to cleanse the outside, but also to change the inside. John the Baptist taught that an immersion should change the way we think and act (see Matt 3.) It's an act of repentance. And when we rise from the water, we should be a new creature, thinking and acting differently. If we don't think and act differently, something's wrong.

Kings and queens are not gods. They are the authorities that God has placed over us, whether it be for our benefit, or for our punishment. (I say this because if you research Israel's history, God gave them a good king when Israel obeyed, and a bad king when they disobeyed.) Bowing to kings and queens is not sinful because we are supposed to submit to their authority EVEN IF we don't like them. (see 1 Pete 2.) We are ALL subject to the authority of someone. Whether it be wives to their husbands, slaves to their masters, public to the police, etc...... EVEN IF we don't like them or they treat us bad.

The ONLY time we should NOT obey the people set in authority over us, is when their laws are in direct conflict with the laws of God.
First of all we're told in chapters John, Luke, Mark, and Matthew that Jesus was baptized. Since I myself am getting baptized in a couple months I was wondering what was the real reason for this? I never understood it. Was it to set an example for His deciples or to follow His own commands? All I got is at the end the heavens open up and a dove lands on Jesus's shoulder and God says something about this is my Son which I am proud of or something. My second question is that God said in one of His Commandments (I do believe the first one) that we shall not have any gods before Him. So wouldn't that mean bowing down to kings and queens? I guess that at all of the British people here. I don't know, I guess that I wouled just feel kind of funny about it if I were in that position.
ask your pastor it is his job to inform you of all questions.. google baptism do some research on your own
I do not believe in bowing down to anyone except God. That includes kings and queens, bishops etc. Angels have warned people not to now down to angels.
I used to work with barristers and judges. Once I went to watch a manslaughter trial that one of our judges was presiding over. I had to leave the court as I was needed at work. You are supposed to bow down to the Judge if you leave the cortroom while the case is still going on. Of course he knew that I was aware of that but at the risk of losing my job and being charged at court I wouldn't do it. I was lucky neither of these things happened.

Baptism is a public confession of you giving your life up to God. It is a testimony and also a symbol of Christ washing away your sins.