- Dec 4, 2010
- 15,569
- 2,789
Last week I opened a string that had to be closed because of rampant legalism. That's a strange statement, all by itself but that is what happened. That string was about Easter and it's relationship to Ishtar, Duumas and other related false gods. I tried my best but not well enough to keep legalism out of the mix and yet that is where some thought I was seated.
Any time we deal with issues like this we need to study Titus and, perhaps, James on the issue of works. Doing so I, perhaps, have a better grasp on what happened in that string, prompting me to write this OP. I am guilty of forgetting that Babes in Christ can be very old people and I responded incorrectly, I think. For that, I apologize to both the people and to this Forum.
I will never celebrate Easter again but I, certainly, will not come down on children and I will not come down on their parents for giving Chocolate Bunnies and colored eggs to celebrate Easter. I will do as I tried to do in last weeks string and try to get folks to seek a better form of worship. This, seeking a better form of worship, is, correctly, labeled a “work.” Neither I nor anyone else will become more holy for performing it and that must never be the purpose of our works.
The Saved Man works because he or she loves. This is, in my opinion, best seen in a mother's love. Mom will, nearly, kill herself doing for her babies and her husband. This is almost the love Jesus commands from His followers. That form of love is exhibited in about ten to fifteen percent of the Church Membership, equaling something less than one percent of the World Population. As teachers of the Gospel, and that is any person claiming the name of the Christ for their own, must teach the tings the Holy Spirit teaches us. We need also to be ever mindful of the unlearned and the Newer in Christ than we are.
Remember, we work because we are saved and not to be saved nor to improve our salvation. God bless.
Any time we deal with issues like this we need to study Titus and, perhaps, James on the issue of works. Doing so I, perhaps, have a better grasp on what happened in that string, prompting me to write this OP. I am guilty of forgetting that Babes in Christ can be very old people and I responded incorrectly, I think. For that, I apologize to both the people and to this Forum.
I will never celebrate Easter again but I, certainly, will not come down on children and I will not come down on their parents for giving Chocolate Bunnies and colored eggs to celebrate Easter. I will do as I tried to do in last weeks string and try to get folks to seek a better form of worship. This, seeking a better form of worship, is, correctly, labeled a “work.” Neither I nor anyone else will become more holy for performing it and that must never be the purpose of our works.
The Saved Man works because he or she loves. This is, in my opinion, best seen in a mother's love. Mom will, nearly, kill herself doing for her babies and her husband. This is almost the love Jesus commands from His followers. That form of love is exhibited in about ten to fifteen percent of the Church Membership, equaling something less than one percent of the World Population. As teachers of the Gospel, and that is any person claiming the name of the Christ for their own, must teach the tings the Holy Spirit teaches us. We need also to be ever mindful of the unlearned and the Newer in Christ than we are.
Remember, we work because we are saved and not to be saved nor to improve our salvation. God bless.