All I can say right now, is that I wish people would stop blaming God.
And satan does not have to get permission from God to attack us as Christians. Maybe he/it did in the OT, of that I'm not sure but not in the NT.
And the theme of Job is not a story to teach us about satan getting permission from God and yet that's the main reason that anyone even mentions old, poor, innocent Job. I do not say this to throw stones at anyone on this thread that has mentioned Job. This is a common occurence among most Christians.
God does not control EVERYTHING on a day to day bases. Is God Sovereign? Yes and in His position as the Sovereign Creator of this world, He with His Sovereign authority set up a plan as to how certain things would be governed. Does He take care of the little birds? Yes. How? He made nature in a way that they would have food to eat, water to drink, instincts as to how to build their homes and care for their young.
God didn't creat satan, man did. Not that man or Adam was/is satan. God created a being, this being was in the garden, he deceived Eve, Adam ate from the tree, when this happened this being gained authority over this now fallen world. God did not give it to him, Adam did.
God in His Sovereign will had given dominion to man without any strings attached and man lost it by trickery and disobedience.
Jesus took back this authority at the Cross. He now shares that authority with us, in His name.
satan is alive and well on the planet earth but he has no authority in a Christian's life. Absolutely none. We are the children of the God Almighty and when He says from His Sovereign authority that we are suppose to rule over satan, then that's what we need to do.
I don't care what one calls satan, Lucifer, Beelezbub, or Willy Coyote it really doesn't matter. He smells like dung, the dung of a predator rather than a peaceful cud chewer.
I conclude that right from the beginning we created this mess yourselves not God. Mankind has behaved like drunken fools, bad judgment.
This is just how I see things, not that I am right.
Sorry for the rant....please be long-suffering. Thank you.