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Bible Study ''Spiritual Gifts'' What does the bible teach?


Hello Folks...I have been pondering starting this topic for a few weeks now and I pray that it will be a good discussion where we will ''all'' learn from it...

Among some of the things I would like to discuss are;
What is a spiritual gift?
Who receives these gifts?
Why do we receive these gifts?

What gifts where for the early first century church and what what gifts are for the church today?.....

Are ''all'' spiritual gifts for today?...
E.G. I believe the Apostolic gift of Apostleship was a first century gift for the original (Christ Appointed) Apostles only....While there where other Apostles, that gift was different...

Below is an outline that can be used to kick us off....I look forward to a fruitful discussion....

Gifts and Vocations
Does a hierarchy of gifts (1 Cor. 12:28–31) mean God values some jobs more than others? Judging by popular opinion, one might conclude that He does. In fact, for centuries Christians have subscribed to a subtle yet powerful hierarchy of vocations.

In our culture, that hierarchy tends to position clergy (missionaries and evangelists, pastors and priests) at the top, members of the “helping professions†(doctors and nurses, teachers and educators, social workers) next, and “secular†workers (business executives, salespeople, factory laborers, and farmers) at the bottom.

So what determines the spiritual value of a job? How does God assign significance? The hierarchy assumes sacred and secular distinctions, and assigns priority to the sacred. But does God view vocations that way? Note these lessons from Scripture:

1. All legitimate work matters to God. God Himself is a worker. In fact, human occupations find their origin in His work to create the world (Ps. 8:6–8). Work is a gift from Him to meet the needs of people and the creation.

2. God creates people to carry out specific kinds of work. God uniquely designs each of us, fitting us for certain kinds of tasks. He distributes skills, abilities, interests, and personalities among us so that we can carry out His work in the world. That work includes “spiritual†tasks, but also extends to health, education, agriculture, business, law, communication, the arts, and so on.

3. God cares more about character and conduct than occupational status. Paul’s teaching in this passage is about gifts, not vocations. At the time Paul wrote it, there were few if any “professional†clergy in the church. Paul himself was a tentmaker by occupation, along with his friends, Aquila and Priscilla (1 Cor. 16:19; see Rom. 16:3–5). Other church leaders practiced a wide variety of professions and trades. God may assign rank among the spiritual gifts, but there’s no indication that He looks at vocations that way.
Furthermore, Scripture says there is something more important than gifts, “a more excellent way†(1 Cor. 12:31). Chapter 13 reveals it to be the way of Christlike love and character. Implication: If you want status in God’s economy, excel at love, no matter what you do for work. Love has the greatest value to God (13:13; Matt. 22:35–40).

Thomas Nelson Publishers.
Lets start with the most familiar verses in regards to spiritual gifts the bible teaches on...

Spiritual Gifts: Unity in Diversity
I cor 12:1-11
1 Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant:
2 You know that you were Gentiles, carried away to these dumb idols, however you were led.
3 Therefore I make known to you that no one speaking by the Spirit of God calls Jesus accursed, and no one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit.
4 There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.
5 There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord.
6 And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all.
7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: 8 for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit,
9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit,
10 to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues.
11 But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.

I will spend some more time on these verses and gifts as time permits...
As a reminder to all, when originally written in the Greek language, there was no chapter or verse breaks....The writings are contained in thoughts / context....

First notice
in verse one, Paul starts out with a rebuke to the church in Corinth...With out getting to far off topic it is important to know that the Corinthian church was ''very'' corrupt and immoral...Sadly there are many churches today that are doing what the church in Corinth was doing and miss applying the scriptures and the Spiritual gifts that are given by God...

Now in saying this, I do not want to target any group or individuals as I feel this will take away from what the scriptures teach and will only de-rail this study....We will let the scriptures convict....If anybody chooses to turn this into a debate of groups or people, I will simply delete the posts...Now if you wish to challenge the scriptures or ones interpretaion, please do so...that is how we learn....

In verse 3 Paul makes reference to God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit...
In verses 4-6 Paul now reverses the order Holy Spirit, Jesus and God...Paul does this in order to stress the unity of the God head and how it functions in relation to Spiritual gifts....

I will stop here for now as I need to go to work...

Javior, For sure the gifts of the Spirit is widely mis-understood in the Body of Christ. This topic is a big subject and has many interpretations within the Body of Christ. For example, the gift of faith is not understood that well in the Body of Christ, and even until recently, I did not have a grasp of this gift. I believe this gift is a supernatural gift of God to do His will. We have all probably heard of the exploits of Smith Wigglesworth. It has been said that as many as 14 were raised from the dead in his ministry. Well, in order for him to do this, he had this supernatural gift of faith.

Let me give you a simple way to describe these 9 gifts.

The simplest way to describe these nine gifts is that three of say something, three of them do something, and three of them reveal something.

The three gifts that do something are the gifts of power. They are: the gift of faith, the working of miracles, and the gifts of healings. In the original Greek, every time this third power gifty is mentioned, both gifts and healings aare in the plural: gifts of healings. ( this isn't always translated correctly in the King James Version). There is no such thing as the gift of healing.

The three gifts that reveal something are the gifts of revelation. They are: the word of wisdom, the word of knowledge, and discerning of spirits.

The three gifts that say something are the gifts of utterance. They are prophesy, divers kinds of tongues, and interpretation of tongues.

These three gifts are listed in the order of their importance. Of the three gifts of revelation, the word of wisdom is the best gift.

Of the three gifts of power, the gift of faith is the best gift.

Of the three gifts of utterance, the gift of prophesy is the best gift.

Of course, the best gift in any situation is the gift that is most needed at that time.

May God bless, Golfjack
jgredline said:
Are ''all'' spiritual gifts for today?...
E.G. I believe the Apostolic gift of Apostleship was a first century gift for the original (Christ Appointed) Apostles only....While there where other Apostles, that gift was different...

The twelve are indeed "The Twelve". The disciples who walked with Christ are a group like no other.

They wrote, and were written about, so that we could learn from them. From their triumphs as well as their mistakes.

I believe that apostles are very active in the church today. We simply renamed them. Today we call them missionaries. The job description remains the same. Missionaries are called by God to go to an unreached group and lay a foundation for a local church, give them the Word of God.
jgredline said:
Gifts and Vocations
Does a hierarchy of gifts (1 Cor. 12:28–31) mean God values some jobs more than others? Judging by popular opinion, one might conclude that He does. In fact, for centuries Christians have subscribed to a subtle yet powerful hierarchy of vocations.

In our culture, that hierarchy tends to position clergy (missionaries and evangelists, pastors and priests) at the top, members of the “helping professions†(doctors and nurses, teachers and educators, social workers) next, and “secular†workers (business executives, salespeople, factory laborers, and farmers) at the bottom.

So what determines the spiritual value of a job? How does God assign significance? The hierarchy assumes sacred and secular distinctions, and assigns priority to the sacred. But does God view vocations that way? Note these lessons from Scripture:

1. All legitimate work matters to God. God Himself is a worker. In fact, human occupations find their origin in His work to create the world (Ps. 8:6–8). Work is a gift from Him to meet the needs of people and the creation.

2. God creates people to carry out specific kinds of work. God uniquely designs each of us, fitting us for certain kinds of tasks. He distributes skills, abilities, interests, and personalities among us so that we can carry out His work in the world. That work includes “spiritual†tasks, but also extends to health, education, agriculture, business, law, communication, the arts, and so on.

3. God cares more about character and conduct than occupational status. Paul’s teaching in this passage is about gifts, not vocations. At the time Paul wrote it, there were few if any “professional†clergy in the church. Paul himself was a tentmaker by occupation, along with his friends, Aquila and Priscilla (1 Cor. 16:19; see Rom. 16:3–5). Other church leaders practiced a wide variety of professions and trades. God may assign rank among the spiritual gifts, but there’s no indication that He looks at vocations that way.
Furthermore, Scripture says there is something more important than gifts, “a more excellent way†(1 Cor. 12:31). Chapter 13 reveals it to be the way of Christlike love and character. Implication: If you want status in God’s economy, excel at love, no matter what you do for work. Love has the greatest value to God (13:13; Matt. 22:35–40).

Thomas Nelson Publishers.

One of the biggest problems I see with the 12 who followed Jesus around is that they were always playing a game of who is most important. We are taught to do such things from an early age (Who can run the fastest, jump the hightest etc.)

Mat 18:1 At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?

Mar 9:33 And he came to Capernaum: and being in the house he asked them, What was it that ye disputed among yourselves by the way? Mar 9:34 But they held their peace: for by the way they had disputed among themselves, who [should be] the greatest.

Luk 9:46 Then there arose a reasoning among them, which of them should be greatest.

Luk 22:24 And there was also a strife among them, which of them should be accounted the greatest.

Jesus repeatedly told them that the greatest would be humble like a child, and a servant.

Mat 18:4 Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

Mat 23:11 But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.

Luk 22:26 But ye [shall] not [be] so: but he that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger; and he that is chief, as he that doth serve.

It is a mistake to compare spiritual gifts as if there were a competition. It should rather be teamwork. Parts of the body are supposed to work together, not compete against itself.

To one is given this gift, and to another that one. Used together, we have the victory and march forward as an army that does not break ranks. Used as if it were a skill that we have somehow obtained, that we compare with one another, we appear to get along like two kids in a sandbox.

Having said that, Paul does use the term 'best gifts'. He also says that we are to desire spiritual gifts, but most of all that we would prophesy.

1Cr 12:31 But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.

1Cr 14:1 Follow after charity, and desire spiritual [gifts], but rather that ye may prophesy.

I like the way the NKJV says it:
PURSUE love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy.

My personal experience has been that we are not limited to a gift. Even thought Paul asks if all do this or that. If you are willing to be used by God, He will minister any gift through you that He wants to give. The gift is from God, is comes through the believer, and to the one that God chooses to reach. We are His vessel. A container to carry the Holy Spirit from God, to the one in need of the healing, the word, or whatever the gift may be.
Re: reply

golfjack said:
Javior, For sure the gifts of the Spirit is widely mis-understood in the Body of Christ. This topic is a big subject and has many interpretations within the Body of Christ. For example, the gift of faith is not understood that well in the Body of Christ, and even until recently, I did not have a grasp of this gift. I believe this gift is a supernatural gift of God to do His will. We have all probably heard of the exploits of Smith Wigglesworth. It has been said that as many as 14 were raised from the dead in his ministry. Well, in order for him to do this, he had this supernatural gift of faith.
..Yes I agree..I have not heard of Smith Wigglesworth, so I can't say anything there..What I can say is that indeed as you stated ''the gifts of the Spirit is widely mis-understood in the Body of Christ''...and this is evident even in my own home some folk...

Let me give you a simple way to describe these 9 gifts.

The simplest way to describe these nine gifts is that three of say something, three of them do something, and three of them reveal something.
Hmmm, Have not thought about it this way...Pretty cool..

The three gifts that do something are the gifts of power. They are: the gift of faith, the working of miracles, and the gifts of healings. In the original Greek, every time this third power gifty is mentioned, both gifts and healings aare in the plural: gifts of healings. ( this isn't always translated correctly in the King James Version). There is no such thing as the gift of healing.
Great stuff Jack and I am very Glad you ''alluded'' to the Plurality of the gifts...You see many Folks do not realize that most of the bible was was written in the plurality....e.g...Some folks believe that the book of ACTS is a story of the first century church and that its lessons and teachings do not apply to us today....There are folks who believe the gifts of the spirit ended in the first century church....This is simply not true as we will see by the scriptures...

Now in saying this, clearly there are some things that were meant for Israel only, some things where for the Apostles only and still other for Martians only.....(just making sure your paying attention :) )

The three gifts that reveal something are the gifts of revelation. They are: the word of wisdom, the word of knowledge, and discerning of spirits.

The three gifts that say something are the gifts of utterance. They are prophesy, divers kinds of tongues, and interpretation of tongues.

These three gifts are listed in the order of their importance. Of the three gifts of revelation, the word of wisdom is the best gift.

Of the three gifts of power, the gift of faith is the best gift.

Of the three gifts of utterance, the gift of prophesy is the best gift.

Of course, the best gift in any situation is the gift that is most needed at that time.
May God bless, Golfjack

Agreed and I look forward to discussing these gifts in more detail...
It would be great for those who know what their spiritual gifts are to share their expieriances and how they edify the body of Christ....
Gabbylittleangel said:
One of the biggest problems I see with the 12 who followed Jesus around is that they were always playing a game of who is most important. We are taught to do such things from an early age (Who can run the fastest, jump the hightest etc.)

Sad but true....One of my mentors was Pastor Don Bowers...A wonderful man of God who loved his church....I had the privilege of meeting with him weekly ...One of the most well educated and well learned men I have ever met...A man who worked for peanuts when he could have pastored at other churches for 6 figures, a man who would often not take a pay check because the Church was in need...I say this because he preached the way he lived...He would teach that by him being the Pastor, he was the lowest on the totum pole...Here is the man with the gift of pastor/teacher and considered himself the lowest....

I am very well aware of my Spiritual gifts and will discuss them in more detail a little later, but I will mention my most favorite that I cherish the most is also the gift that when I was young did not like..I wished I had a ''cooler'' gift...The gift I love and cherish the most is my gift of ''intercessory prayer''...While all Christians are given the gift of prayer, it is a shame that many Christians do not use it....

It is a mistake to compare spiritual gifts as if there were a competition. It should rather be teamwork. Parts of the body are supposed to work together, not compete against itself.

To one is given this gift, and to another that one. Used together, we have the victory and march forward as an army that does not break ranks. Used as if it were a skill that we have somehow obtained, that we compare with one another, we appear to get along like two kids in a sandbox.
I agree...
Having said that, Paul does use the term 'best gifts'. He also says that we are to desire spiritual gifts, but most of all that we would prophesy.

1Cr 12:31 But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.

1Cr 14:1 Follow after charity, and desire spiritual [gifts], but rather that ye may prophesy.

I like the way the NKJV says it:
PURSUE love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy.
I again Agree, BUT...Lets take a closer look at these gifts first...and by the way....I know I am in the minority here, but I love the NKJV..SO PLEASE DON't Hang me.

Gabbylittleangel said:
My personal experience has been that we are not limited to a gift. Even thought Paul asks if all do this or that. If you are willing to be used by God, He will minister any gift through you that He wants to give. The gift is from God, is comes through the believer, and to the one that God chooses to reach. We are His vessel. A container to carry the Holy Spirit from God, to the one in need of the healing, the word, or whatever the gift may be.

I am off the opinion that if you have a church of 5 people, God will gift that body with all the gifts of the spirit...If the church has 50 or a 100 people, God will gift the church equally...In other words...I do not believe a true church of God will lack any of the spiritual gifts regardless of its size....
OK, At this time before we go any further, I feel I need to point out something that will not surprise many of you, while others will be :o ....

Jesus tells us
Matt 24:24 For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect
....Clearly spiritual gifts are not only possible for those who are Christians...NO, I believe there are many out there doing this even today and are indeed deceiving the elect.....

John 4:48 Then Jesus said to him, “Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will by no means believe.â€Â
Believe me the evil one knows this better than most Christians do....

Contrast that with what Pauls is telling us...
2 Cor 12:12 Truly the signs of an apostle were accomplished among you with all perseverance, in signs and wonders and mighty deeds.

And again the Writer of Hebrews.
Heb 2:4 God also bearing witness both with signs and wonders, with various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit, according to His own will?
...I felt this needed to be said and perhaps discussed...

So Jesus is giving us a warning that the ''devil will mimic the Christian''

If the body of Christ or a Particular earthly body is working properly, then one with the gift of discerning of evil spirits will be able to pick out the false prophets / teachers....
jgredline said:
OK, At this time before we go any further, I feel I need to point out something that will not surprise many of you, while others will be ....

Jesus tells us
Matt 24:24 For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect
....Clearly spiritual gifts are not only possible for those who are Christians...NO, I believe there are many out there doing this even today and are indeed deceiving the elect.....

If we go in this direction, we will be looking for absolute answers where there is none.
Mar 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe....
It requires discernment when a sign is encountered. We must be able to discern if it is of God or not. We do this by asking for confirmation. (Gideon did) We do this by believing:
Luk 11:11 If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if [he ask] a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent?

Signs have a purpose. When driving on a journey, you need them. They tell you what road you are on, where you need to turn, if there is something up ahead that you need to be aware of, and how far it is to the next Golden Arches. No one drives down the road, pulls over to the side, gets out and stares up at the billboard in awe "OH LOOK! A SIGN!" :roll:

The enemy will attempt to put counterfeit signs along the way in an attempt to get you off track. Not all of his signs are spiritual. He knows how to use the things of the world. Imagine combining a little Hollywood magic with some military or NASA technology, and maybe a little medical science or drugs, and perhaps a bit of satanic mind control.

That could be an overwhelming thought if one lost sight that God is in control.

jgredline said:
John 4:48 Then Jesus said to him, “Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will by no means believe.â€Â
Believe me the evil one knows this better than most Christians do....

Question your motives. Are you looking for signs because you want to see a sign, or are you waiting for a sign because you are interested in what the sign says? Are you looking for confirmation from God? He multiplied the loaves and fish because people were hungry. They followed Him because they wanted to see Him do it again.
When it comes to signs, wonders and miracles, God can speak to me by shaking the heavens and the earth, or through a bumper sticker on the car in front of me.
satan will try anything. Often he will attempt to dump a multitude of signs, hoping that we will grab one of them.
jgredline said:
Contrast that with what Pauls is telling us...
2 Cor 12:12 Truly the signs of an apostle were accomplished among you with all perseverance, in signs and wonders and mighty deeds.

And again the Writer of Hebrews.
Heb 2:4 God also bearing witness both with signs and wonders, with various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit, according to His own will?
...I felt this needed to be said and perhaps discussed...

So Jesus is giving us a warning that the ''devil will mimic the Christian''

If the body of Christ or a Particular earthly body is working properly, then one with the gift of discerning of evil spirits will be able to pick out the false prophets / teachers....
May the Lord bless you and keep you; JG

The gifts of the Holy Spirit are given for a purpose. To edify. To build up. To save the non-believer. To heal the sick. To defeat the enemy. I could go on and on with possible reasons. Each miracle has a purpose, and usually will speak to many people in different ways. Just like the Word itself does.

So, Jg, my response to your post...satan is a counterfeiter. Things can not be counterfeited unless there is a real one to start with.
Gabbylittleangel said:
So, Jg, my response to your post...satan is a counterfeiter. Things can not be counterfeited unless there is a real one to start with.

:) Little Angel...Reading your post made me smile and this part in particular really made me :) ....You picked up exactly the reason why I posted the signs and wonders scriptures....

There are too many folks who do not believe that the Spiritual gifts are for today, yet scripture tells us that the evil one will do signs and wonders so that even the elect will be deceived...If the gifts where a first century gift only, then why would God have put warnings in his scriptures for us?...Like you said....

''Things can not be counterfeited unless there is a real one to start with''

Now in saying this, I do not wish to at this time go down this road either and it was not my intention...My intention is simply to talk and study the gifts of the spirit so that indeed we can use them to build up the body of Christ....

But before we can get into the specific gifts, we must first prove that they are indeed still in use today and not only in the first century church.....
See also

Assess apostles & prophets now ... highlight=

Just time to add that gifts are gifts, not temporary loans

& the perfect Kingom of God will not arrive till Jesus returns, conquers Antichrist armies @ Armaggeddon & sets up His Millenium of perfect peace & justice - as in Revelation 20 & Isaiah 65-66


Sorry for acccidental caps lock - but it looks appropriate

My main point is that we need the tools till the job is done - as in 1 Corinthians 1:7 etc

1 Corinthians 1:7 (New International Version)

7Therefore you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed.

God bless!

Timely Word 4 Today

The Church Experienced the Presence of God

When the day of Pentecost came, they were all
together in one place. Suddenly a sound like
the blowing of a violent wind came from
heaven and filled the whole house where they
were sitting. . .All of them were filled with
the Holy Spirit . . . (NIV) Acts 2:1-2, 4

The Church experienced the presence of God
and those people were never the same. . . the
world was never the same! Immediately the
Church began to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus
Christ, the hope of eternal life.

After hearing the Truth about Christ, 3000 people
began a relationship with Jesus.

And because it was the Passover and many of the
people in Jerusalem were tourists, the Word of God
spread to the outer most regions of the world.

But it was the presence of God which prompted
the proclamation of His purpose, to bring
salvation to all mankind.

Has the presence of God in your life prompted
you to proclaim His purpose?

Do those "everyday people" (those
you come in contact with on a regular basis)
know that you are a Christian?

Does your lifestyle look different than that of your

How is the presence of God seen in your life?

If you answered no to any of those questions,
I encourage you to take a moment, bow your
head and ask God to change you. . . ask Him
to release His presence in your life with
such power that you can't help but proclaim
His purpose! All it takes is a willing heart,
God will do the rest!

Written by Marji "Mike" Kruger

For more on a relationship with God. . . ... 4027&ts=S0


Today's Read through the Bible Passage

Today's Reading: Psalm 119:145-176
and Acts 3-5

The Read through the
Bible reading calendar ... 253&p=http

Read the passage online... ... 5bnoobab.4


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