Readers of Elim Pentecostal magazine 'Direction' may recall Blackpool Elim Assoc Pastor Simon testifying how he & all his family were deeply into all forms of occult practices
He was 1st to be saved & delivered from demonic deception - as per 1 Timothy 4:1
1 Timothy 4 (New International Version)
1 Timothy 4
Instructions to Timothy
1The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.
& 2 Thessalonians 2, etc
2 Thessalonians 2 (New International Version)
2 Thessalonians 2
The Man of Lawlessness
1Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers,
2not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by some prophecy, report or letter supposed to have come from us, saying that the day of the Lord has already come.
3Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for (that day will not come) until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness[a] is revealed, the man doomed to destruction.
4He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God.
5Don't you remember that when I was with you I used to tell you these things?
6And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time.
7For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way.
8And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming.
9The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders,
10and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.
11For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie
12and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.
Stand Firm
13But we ought always to thank God for you, brothers loved by the Lord, because from the beginning God chose you to be saved through the sanctifying work of the Spirit and through belief in the truth.
14He called you to this through our gospel, that you might share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
15So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the teachings[c] we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter.
His whole family, praise God, accepted the salvation & true freedom that only Christ can give!
He says that the so-called alien messages touted by 'UFO-logists' are the same as those touted by mediums - deceiving folk into thinking that there is no such thing as everlasting torment in the Lake of Fire, in Hell, for all who reject the glorious gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ - who clearly called Satan the 'father of lies' & 'the great deceiver'
His Revelation 8 (or Rev 9 ?) titles of Abaddon/Apollyon both mean 'destroyer'
The very name 'Satan' means adversary/enemy of souls
As Jesus said, in John 10:10 -
He also said, in John 14:6 -