2024 Supporter
- Sep 18, 2012
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- #21
"stonings"(like the example of Stephen, though there have been many others also; (i.e. and physical pain and suffering) is "nothing" as Paul the emissary of Yeshua plainly said, compared to the inexpressible JOY UNSPEAKABLE ---
but Paul and Silas did not know -just as the 3 men tossed in the fire that killed them that threw them in didn't know they would not be burnt to a crisp likewise - ,
that they would have a 'visitation' .
They, like others in ACTS, were continually FULL OF JOY AND OF THE HOLY SPIRIT ("HOLY" is an adjective here,btw)
In good times and in bad. In beatings and persecutions(promised to them by Yeshua),
in suffering and hunger and hard times as well as good times. They learned the Truth of God's sufficiency and provision of Joy and Peace and Righteousness, and they lived HOLY LIVES --- not everyone(note the corinthians), but those written of in Scripture who fully followed the Lord Jesus without turning back to the fleshly / carnal way of life.
We as believers in Christ Jesus can expect, as His Word says repeatedly and suredly, physical pain, discomfort (extreme at times), homelessness, persecution, tribulation, mockings, scourgings, and eventually also martyrings (kind of like the 'class ring' for the 144,000 !!! ) .
when a disciple full of Yhwh's Life overflowing (Rivers of Living Water flowing out of their innermost being - God's Promise and seen in their lives then, and today in few)
walked into a room - they brought Jesus with them in themselves, their lives, their testimonies, and Jesus Own Faithfulness.
or perhaps you could say 'Jesus' went before them to prepare the way.(as it is written somewhere else).
They walked continually, when they walked 'right', in Union with ABBA! and in Yeshua - and all that was sin or unhelpful even , had already been dealt with by and in God's Grace.
They walked and lived IN UNION with the other believer's who lived right in Christ Jesus. (look up "union" where it occurs all through Scripture --- it is very encouraging to the living and to those seeking God).
Oh, there were the sometimes , or occasional, or even frequent, ups and downs of life - but nothing that could take away the Righteousness, the Peace, and the Joy that God Gives, unless unwittingly or not, they carried sin or idols in their lives(as many do today) instead of repenting.
That is some faith allright. I am...partway there. I have learned to be content, but at times I do get discouraged at my station in life. I'm working on it. Oh to be able to be stoned and walk away rejoicing (like the Apostles did!), that would be some relationship.