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Bible Study Step Into The Ring Of Fire


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I just need to write. I have this urge to feel keys under my fingertips, the sound of my fingers against the keys and the satisfaction of seeing words on a page. So, here I am writing.

God is so powerful, yet sometimes He is very hard to see or even understand. I strive to live for Him, but as soon as I take my eyes off of Him and what I’m here for, I fall. I purposely go out of my way and I sin. I really wish I wouldn’t do this. I want my life to be lived out for Christ; I want God to be my number one priority. Yet, as I found out today, I have not been doing this.

Our society has become something I find very scary, and that is numb. I myself have been discovering numbness in my soul. We have become numb to God’s commands, numb to our real purpose in life, and numb to living fully out for Christ. Numbness. It is very contagious, and once it takes root; it can decay an entire being, striping away all sense of good and purpose.

Jesus came so that we can be awoken. He came so that we can break out of Satan’s grasp, and step out of our numbness and find life, freedom and a call. We are to live, REALLY live. Numbness has no place with the fire of God or the Holy Spirit. Numbness is no way to live life.

We need to rediscover, the power of God; the POWER of God in our lives. God is powerful, but not only from a background perspective. God has power in our daily lives, but we must surrender ourselves and let him demonstrate it through us. A phrase that I find awesome is the fire of the Holy Spirit. Yes, in the bible this is mainly referring to the gifts of the spirit but I think it also applies to God’s power and presence in us.

God can light a fire in your heart! When this happens, you can begin to feed off this fire and become a light to shine out the darkness. God wants to ignite the fire of the Holy Spirit within you and work within you. God is real in You. Like the fire ignite, feed off of it, discover it, and let it be your guide.

Let the FIRE of God consume you and keep you going on the path He has set forth. Find the fire and break out of the numbness that surrounds us. Break out of the mundane and step into the ring of fire, where God dwells.


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