DivineNames said:
kiwimac said:
Fact of the matter is this:
Heterosexuals abuse children far more often than Gays.
The important question is whether children would be at greater risk of abuse if adopted by gay parents, relative to heterosexual parents.
I agree, to an extent, that that is the proper way to look at it...however it is a slippery slope.
Let's say that statistically, homosexuals were more likely to abuse children, but Hispanics were MOST likely to abuse children. Should they similarly be precluded from adopting kids?
What if it happens predominately in the Pacific Northwest, but very unlikely in the south....should we force kids to move where there is a lesser statisical chance of abuse.
It could be gays, blacks, whites, christians, atheists, people with tatoos etc who are the most likely to abuse. After all, somebody has to be in first place.