- Jun 26, 2006
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destiny said::ojgredline said:Lovely
I have debated this thing between womens roles in church with a friend of mine for years. I can argue this in both ways. My own personal beliefs are that women should not be pastors / teachers of men as it is written in 1st Tim. As far as your position on this board goes, may I make a suggestion.. A suggestion that I believe will work well as we basically do this in my church and infact most conservative churches do this.
Let the women be mods to the women and let the men be mods to the men.
Its simple and will work and will not violate Gods word. I would also make it part of the TOS to say if your male or female and if people lie, its between them and God. I for one think you do a great Job and it would be a shame if you gave up your position. Even if you take up being a Mod to women only on your own, you will be doing what is right in Gods eyes.
Anyway, your very much appreciated.
Thanks Javier
What do you think that Judy should do jgredline?
I take it Judy is an admin.
If so then the same as lovely. I am guessing you don't agree with me and thats fine. Its not a salvation issue and we can agree to disagree. Destiny. I don't want to open up a bag of worms but the scripture is clear here.
1 tim 2:11-14
11 Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. 12 And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression.
The New King James Version. 1982 (1 Ti 2:11-14)
2:11 As far as her part in public meetings of the church, a woman is to learn in silence with all submission. This is consistent with the rest of Scripture on this subject (1 Cor. 11:3–15;1Co 14:34, 1Co 14:35).
2:12 When Paul says: I do not permit a woman to teach, he is speaking as inspired of God. This does not represent Paul’s own personal prejudice, as some say. It is God who decrees that women should not have a public teaching ministry in the church. The only exceptions to this are that they are permitted to teach children (2 Tim. 3:15) and young women (Tit. 2:4). Neither is a woman to have authority over a man. That means that she must not have dominion over a man, but is to be in silence or quietness. Perhaps we should add that the latter part of this verse is by no means limited to the local assembly. It is a fundamental principle in God’s dealings with mankind that man has been given the headship and that woman is in the place of subjection. This does not mean that she is inferior; that is certainly not true. But it does mean that it is contrary to God’s will that the woman should have authority or dominion over the man.
2:13 To prove his point, Paul first of all goes to the creation of Adam and Eve. Adam was formed first, then Eve. The very order of the creation was significant. By creating man first, God intended him to be the head, the one who would exercise direction, the one who would have authority. The fact that woman was created second means that she should be in submission to her husband. By basing his argument on the order of creation, Paul rules out any thought that this is a matter of local culture.
2:14 The second proof refers to the entrance of sin into the human race. Instead of approaching Adam directly, the serpent went to Eve with his temptations and lies. According to God’s intention, Eve should not have acted independently. She should have gone to Adam and put the matter before him. Instead of that, she allowed herself to be deceived by Satan and fell into transgression.
In this connection, it is noteworthy that false teachers today usually visit homes when the wife is most apt to be there alone, that is, when the husband will most probably be away at work.
Adam was not deceived. It appears that he sinned with his eyes open. There are those who suggest that when he saw that his wife had already fallen into sin, he wanted to maintain his unity with her, and so he himself plunged into sin. But the Scriptures do not state this. They merely state that the woman was deceived, but that Adam was not.
Anyway Destiny. Like I said this is only my opinion and what I believe according to the way I interpret the scriptures. If my interpretation is wrong I am ready and willing to be corrected.
Thanks jg