The Barbarian said:
So tell us what you think the theory of evolution says, Heidi.
This should be different.
My guess is she won't do it, because she doesn't have a clue about what it is.
There are many aspects of the theory of evolution that would fill tomes. But the basic principles are that men evolved from lower primates. Some evolutionists hold that all living things came from one cell while others hold that only certain species "evolved" (which means produced offspring because that's how animals multiply) into other species. Evolutionists claim that weaker traits die out while stronger traits remain and produce even stronger traits. This has been proven false because animals still breed defective offspring.
The theory completely overlooks the fact that the genes of animals cannot be passed onto humans, nor can they create humans. So man could not have come from an animal. But scientists already know that so they use the word; "evolve" to try to avoid the fact that offspring come from sexual relations between their parents. And since again, there is a natural sperm barrier between different species, "evolution" is not possible.
In addition, since apes are still around today, than the fittest do not outlive their "weaker" ancestors.
Evolutionists also claim that man came from an ancestor common to both man and ape. This would make this creature half-man, and half-beast which is only possible in fairy tales. And evolutionists claim the bible is fictional! Yet the biblical account of creation supports reality perfectly. Each species breeds its own kind and humans rule over the animals. That is as true today as it has been ever since the beginning of recorded history.
So the theory of evolution not only contradicts reality, but the reproductive process as well because of course, apes did not reproduce themselves if they had offspring who eventually turned into human beings.
So it's a waste of time to create newer and more voluminous possibilities of evolution, i.e. microevolution, macroevolution when the original premise is impossible.
Therefore, the theory of evolution is ridiculous to the point of ludicrous and an embarrassment to mankind as well.