I would highly caution against getting a full sleeve. Actually, I would caution getting any tattoos that would be highly visible in work attire and this extends to piercings as well.
Fact of the matter is this. People judge you on your looks. It's the way things work. You sound young, but honestly do you really know what your going to be doing 10-20 years down the road? You have no idea where God is going to put you.
I would warn you right now that if you get crazy with your tattoos, you'll pay the price down the line. You will be judged negatively for them, regardless of their content. It could cost you a potential job, or a promotion.
I'm not against tattoos. I even have a few of my own. They are addictive, I understand. But I warn you with a contrite heart. Don't get a sleeve and make sure you can cover them. You have the rest of your life to think about, and that means you may one day be responsible for raising a family. It's not all about your personal "expression".
Hope this doesn't sound too harsh... Just trying to be as honest as I can.
Grace and Peace.
Hi Steve,
Thanks for the words and advice (whether aimed at me or not, they are appreciated).
I understand what you mean, and I certainly dont want to do something I'll regret later on in life. Sleeves are the 'in thing' at the moment I guess, so maybe I'm getting a touch caught up with it myself - you make good points.
And for the record, I work in IT, so it's long sleeve shirts all they way ;)
Take it easy...