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Bible Study Testing patience and frustration because of osbtacles


2024 Supporter
Now I am really confused, I have waited 5 years patiently to move forward in my life.

I had taken time our become a caretaker while working in between, I responsed to my calling and created a new resume, to actually follow and seek Gods will and I still listening other callings he would like to use me in.

And before there are suggestions for solutions, I have tried all routes, Overtime shifts, seeking internships, seeking oral care clinics (I called 32 for the poor), as I cannot just manifest money out of nowhere, I regularly have applying steady stable jobs but non are permenant contracts, volunteering at church and when I do make process, I am hit with sickness.

I also practise being outdoors in nature and fellowship but I got attacked with weariness (illness)

I say attacked because I take of my health and body, I dress accordingly to the wheather, I practise hygiene.

One thing that bothered me was I was early and on my way to a bible study group and I even left 1 hour earlier to bring group food and ended up late I was so frustrated, I took the correct route to the destination and ended up on another line by diverdion. WHY ARE THESE THINGS ALLOWED TO HAPPENED.


I also am praying regularly in touch with Gods word (not perfectly) so why is this allowed.

I still practise gratitude.
Now I am really confused, I have waited 5 years patiently to move forward in my life.

I had taken time our become a caretaker while working in between, I responsed to my calling and created a new resume, to actually follow and seek Gods will and I still listening other callings he would like to use me in.

And before there are suggestions for solutions, I have tried all routes, Overtime shifts, seeking internships, seeking oral care clinics (I called 32 for the poor), as I cannot just manifest money out of nowhere, I regularly have applying steady stable jobs but non are permenant contracts, volunteering at church and when I do make process, I am hit with sickness.

I also practise being outdoors in nature and fellowship but I got attacked with weariness (illness)

I say attacked because I take of my health and body, I dress accordingly to the wheather, I practise hygiene.

One thing that bothered me was I was early and on my way to a bible study group and I even left 1 hour earlier to bring group food and ended up late I was so frustrated, I took the correct route to the destination and ended up on another line by diverdion. WHY ARE THESE THINGS ALLOWED TO HAPPENED.


I also am praying regularly in touch with Gods word (not perfectly) so why is this allowed.

I still practise gratitude.

Trust God. I just recently got sick as well. I don't think He ever promised Christians they wouldn't get sick, so we have to endure things like that just like unbelievers do, only I do believe He can give us the wisdom to know how to take very good care of ourselves when it happens. I seem to be getting over the same cold much faster than my co-workers.

About finances, it's the same thing. You just trust God and relax. It's part of the growing process of learning how to depend entirely on Him. The Bible Study group won't die just because they don't get to have any food so I'd say just relax and trust Him that things will be fine. I learned a long time ago just to get exceedingly determined about what I was doing where my faith was concerned. If I didn't get a job tomorrow, I WAS getting one, and there was no question. If I didn't get to a Bible Study or a Church Service I wanted to, I WAS going to be getting to it, and there was no question about it. The more opposition confronted me, the more determined I would become, because I knew that even if it was the enemy he couldn't resist me forever.

God bless, and keep going. Opposition does not and cannot stand in the way of God's people forever.
- H
God bless, and keep going. Opposition does not and cannot stand in the way of God's people forever.
- H

I didn't notice that this was in the Bible Study section, Merci, so if you were looking for scriptural references for what I just said, the apostle Paul's life is a good example. He faced opposition CONTINUALLY, and God very well allowed it. The enemy was constantly hindering him from getting to churches to help them. He talked about this in 1 Thessalonians for instance, when he told that congregation that he had meant to come to them not once but twice, yet Satan hindered him from doing so through the Jews (1 Thessalonians 2:17 - 3:5).

This was not happening by accident, and this is the important thing to understand. There was a spirit that was stirring up trouble against Paul everywhere he went, what he called "an angel of Satan sent to accost me," or in other words a demonic prince with the authority to raise up persecution and opposition against Paul everywhere he went. The purpose was to keep him from sharing with others the revelations that God had given him (2 Corinthians 12:1-7). But the thing is this: Satan did NOT prevent Paul from doing the work he was called. He only hindered it. And God's reply to Paul when Paul asked Him to deliver him from it was, "My grace is sufficient, for My power is being made manifest in [your] weakness" (2 Corinthians 12:9). What that meant was that when Paul was at the end of his human strength and abilities, the miraculous and supernatural power of God would manifest on his behalf, and deliver him, so the Lord was using the attacks and hindrances of the enemy to prove both to and through Paul that His Power was greater.

I have studies on this subject. If you would like me to post links on it, I can do so later. I am currently at work, so I can't copy and paste.
Trust God. I just recently got sick as well. I don't think He ever promised Christians they wouldn't get sick, so we have to endure things like that just like unbelievers do, only I do believe He can give us the wisdom to know how to take very good care of ourselves when it happens. I seem to be getting over the same cold much faster than my co-workers.

About finances, it's the same thing. You just trust God and relax. It's part of the growing process of learning how to depend entirely on Him. The Bible Study group won't die just because they don't get to have any food so I'd say just relax and trust Him that things will be fine.
that wasn't the point, I didn't worry about food.

the point was God has been gentle and kind with me because of my past (we all have different stories).

My reason for frustration, I was making progress as a believer and was thirsty for the word and wanted to grow as a believer.

And the journey threw me off, my faithful sister encourage me to go as I was going to go home.

but thankfully I managed to fellowship and was blessed.

We serve a merciful God.
I learned a long time ago just to get exceedingly determined about what I was doing where my faith was concerned. If I didn't get a job tomorrow, I WAS getting one, and there was no question. If I didn't get to a Bible Study or a Church Service I wanted to, I WAS going to be getting to it, and there was no question about it. The more opposition confronted me, the more determined I would become, because I knew that even if it was the enemy he couldn't resist me forever.

God bless, and keep going. Opposition does not and cannot stand in the way of God's people forever.
- H
Your story is different from mine, all of us are on different journeys.

I am tired off fighting and resisting.

I do not have strength, I can only ask the Father above, I lean on him.

I know christians will face battled. But I don't have the strength for.
I didn't notice that this was in the Bible Study section, Merci, so if you were looking for scriptural references for what I just said, the apostle Paul's life is a good example. He faced opposition CONTINUALLY, and God very well allowed it. The enemy was constantly hindering him from getting to churches to help them. He talked about this in 1 Thessalonians for instance, when he told that congregation that he had meant to come to them not once but twice, yet Satan hindered him from doing so through the Jews (1 Thessalonians 2:17 - 3:5).

This was not happening by accident, and this is the important thing to understand. There was a spirit that was stirring up trouble against Paul everywhere he went, what he called "an angel of Satan sent to accost me," or in other words a demonic prince with the authority to raise up persecution and opposition against Paul everywhere he went. The purpose was to keep him from sharing with others the revelations that God had given him (2 Corinthians 12:1-7). But the thing is this: Satan did NOT prevent Paul from doing the work he was called. He only hindered it. And God's reply to Paul when Paul asked Him to deliver him from it was, "My grace is sufficient, for My power is being made manifest in [your] weakness" (2 Corinthians 12:9). What that meant was that when Paul was at the end of his human strength and abilities, the miraculous and supernatural power of God would manifest on his behalf, and deliver him, so the Lord was using the attacks and hindrances of the enemy to prove both to and through Paul that His Power was greater.

I have studies on this subject. If you would like me to post links on it, I can do so later. I am currently at work, so I can't copy and paste.
THank u good message.

I Am not worried about God, I am worried about how this will throw me. I need of God and this world and myself are not easy.

I admire Christ and God because they have the patience we human may struggle even a little of.

And that is what is great we don't have to and we are not supposed to me.

I say I don't trust myself but God over me, he knows me better than I know myself.

What I don't get is what opposition, I am still learning of my calling.

Even the spiritual warfare I got as a child.

But thats between me and the father
Now I am really confused, I have waited 5 years patiently to move forward in my life.

I had taken time our become a caretaker while working in between, I responsed to my calling and created a new resume, to actually follow and seek Gods will and I still listening other callings he would like to use me in.

And before there are suggestions for solutions, I have tried all routes, Overtime shifts, seeking internships, seeking oral care clinics (I called 32 for the poor), as I cannot just manifest money out of nowhere, I regularly have applying steady stable jobs but non are permenant contracts, volunteering at church and when I do make process, I am hit with sickness.

I also practise being outdoors in nature and fellowship but I got attacked with weariness (illness)

I say attacked because I take of my health and body, I dress accordingly to the wheather, I practise hygiene.

One thing that bothered me was I was early and on my way to a bible study group and I even left 1 hour earlier to bring group food and ended up late I was so frustrated, I took the correct route to the destination and ended up on another line by diverdion. WHY ARE THESE THINGS ALLOWED TO HAPPENED.


I also am praying regularly in touch with Gods word (not perfectly) so why is this allowed.

I still practise gratitude.

What are God's priorities for you? What are the things He thinks are most important in your life? Well, He tells us in His word, the Bible, that He wants us to know Him, to love Him, to enjoy Him, and to glorify Him. In everything in your life, God wants you to be pursuing these things, too.

God wants you to know Him by studying His word, the Bible and discovering Him in it. (Psalms 1, Psalms 119, Matthew 4:4, 2 Timothy 3:16-17)

God wants you to love Him as you understand how much He loves you, receive by faith the life of His Son in the Person of the Holy Spirit, and express His holy, infinite love to all around you. (1 John 4:16-19, Romans 10:9-10, Romans 8:9, Romans 5:5, Galatians 5:22-23).

God wants you to enjoy Him, who is the Source of All Good Things, and of Reality itself. God wants you to see Himself in the changes He makes in you, teaching you, strengthening you, comforting you, convicting you and disciplining you. As God works upon you by the Holy Spirit, changing your desires, attitudes and thinking, He will cause you to desire Him more and more and to find deep joy and delight in Him. (Philippians 3:7-10, Philippians 2:13, Ephesians 3:16, John 14:8, Romans 8:13, 1 Corinthians 2:10-16; 2 Corinthians 1:3-5, Hebrews 12:5-11, Psalms 16:11, etc.)

God wants you to glorify Him. You do this best from a life of loving, joyful fellowship with Him. As you experience God and all the good and great things that He is, you'll naturally and enthusiastically praise and worship Him. God doesn't want worship from people who don't know, love and enjoy Him every day (1 Corinthians 10:31; 1 Corinthians 1:9; 2 Corinthians 13:14; 1 John 1:3; Psalm 150:2; Psalm 100).

In everything you face, God always has these things as His priorities for you. He wants, in the end, to make you more like Jesus because, as you are, you can enjoy Him more fully (Romans 8:29). And so, God is working all things in your life toward this good end. We all have to submit to God's will and way, though. If we don't stay in a place of submission to God throughout each day, we cut ourselves off from all the good things God says we can have in Him. We're rebels, you see, when we aren't yielded to God, to His will and way. And so long as we stay a rebel, we can't enjoy God. (Romans 6:13-22; Romans 12:1; James 4:6-10; 1 Peter 5:6)