Suffering as a Christian
1 Peter 4 Expanded Bible (EXB)
12 ·My friends [Beloved], do not be surprised at the ·terrible trouble [fiery ordeal;
Zech. 13:9;
Mal. 3:1–3] which now comes to test you. Do not think that something strange is happening to you. 13 But ·be happy [rejoice] that you are sharing in Christ’s sufferings so that you will ·be happy and full of joy [L rejoice exulting/joyously] ·when Christ comes again in glory [L at the revelation of his glory]. 14 When people ·insult [ridicule] you ·because you follow Christ [L for the name of Christ], you are blessed, because the glorious Spirit, the Spirit of God, ·is with [rests on] you [
Is. 11:1–2]. 15 Do not suffer for murder, theft, or any other crime, nor ·because you trouble other people [as a meddler/troublemaker]. 16 But if you suffer because you are a Christian, do not be ashamed. ·Praise [Glorify] God ·because you wear that name [
or because you are called by his name; L in that name]. 17 [L For] It is time for judgment to begin with ·God’s family [T the household of God;
2:4–5]. And if that judging begins with us, what will ·happen to [L be the end for] those people who do not obey the ·Good News [Gospel] of God?
18 “If it is very hard for a ·good [righteous] person to be saved,
·the wicked person and the sinner will surely be lost! [
or What will happen to the wicked person and the sinner?;
Prov. 11:31]”
19 So those who suffer ·as God wants [
or because God has allowed it; L according to the will of God] should trust their souls to the faithful Creator as they continue to do what is ·right [good].