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[__ Prayer __] Thanksgiving gone wrong


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I really am not a drama queen. This year has been a doozy for me. I'm going to need a lot of prayer. My cousin is back with her abusive husband who uses the bible to mandate her. Just what I need right. She told me she is bringing him over for Thanksgiving. This is the evil man 2 weeks ago she was desperately running from. Git a new apartment got due custody of the kids. Went to a woman shelter, told my grandad she is going to fight this and not go back. Blah blah blah well she is back with him and we are just not like Jesus. He has the audosty for all of them cone over for Thanksgiving. The man is older than me and literally has never had a job. She paid for all of it. Now she is like, everything is fine your not being a good Christian and my we told my grandad and he doesn't want him over. Again as I told her he is not welcome. This is going to be one of these hick redneck domestic drama craziness. I hate confrontation. I am not good at it. I hate it. Why so much drama in my family because of this. It's a mess. It isn't going to go well. So thrilled to go to Thanksgiving with all of us that were taking him to court. Great. She is so brainwashed. If she tries to run again ots going to be very very hard. He's such a evil coward. He even has strong muscles to beat her. It's disgusting she almost was out of this. She was so close. So close. Please pray. I am not looking forward to tomorrow. It's making me feel sick. Yea for domestic violence tomorrow. Who knows maybe the cops will come. That actually would be great. He doesn't even need to be drunk to be a threat. I really dread this. Who does this? We are the ones that we're helping her get free from him. Please pray something good comes out of this and that I don't talk and that the holy spirit help me to practice self control. My emotions are going to be lit.
Yes don't only control my cousin, let's control her own family. Let's take their authority over everyone so he can be in control of everything Ike we are his slaves. I really hope my grandad has the strength to make him leave. It's all on him the poor man. Please pray. I'm sure this is taking years off his life and he is elderly. It's hard to kick a violent person out of your own home when your so elderly. Blah no respect


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