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The 10 Horns of Daniel


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Can there be any doubt the the Tribulation affecting the ME are the countries below
And we are at the start of the ''Tribulation''?.

They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from [being] a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.
For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee:
The tabernacles of Edom, and the Ishmaelites; of Moab, and the Hagarenes;
Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek; the Philistines with the inhabitants of Tyre;
Assur also is joined with them: they have holpen the children of Lot. Selah


''Quote'' From

The 10 countries that will be represented are members of the Committee for Furthering the Arab Peace Initiative. Moussa heads the committee, which includes Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Syria, Lebanon, Qatar, Tunisia, Bahrain and the PLO. Dan:7v7.

God bless .....Ivanm

P.s we can put the views of Hal Lindsay firmly to bed i would say!
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Can there be any doubt the the Tribulation affecting the ME are the countries below
And we are at the start of the ''Tribulation''?.

They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from [being] a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.
For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee:
The tabernacles of Edom, and the Ishmaelites; of Moab, and the Hagarenes;
Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek; the Philistines with the inhabitants of Tyre;
Assur also is joined with them: they have holpen the children of Lot. Selah


''Quote'' From

The 10 countries that will be represented are members of the Committee for Furthering the Arab Peace Initiative. Moussa heads the committee, which includes Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Syria, Lebanon, Qatar, Tunisia, Bahrain and the PLO. Dan:7v7.

God bless .....Ivanm

P.s we can put the views of Hal Lindsay firmly to bed i would say!

Call me Thomas, but I don't see Libya up there.:biggrin
Interesting. It has the 10 nations as Middle Eastern Confederacy, and I see Assur (Assyria) is in there as well. Some, as myself, believe that the beast will be Assyrian according to Isaiah 10. I never connected that passage of scripture with the end-time revived empire. Although I am reserved as to picking out specific nations, this is a promising find that will be well worth the watch.
Im old enough to remeber when its was all going to be the Ten Member Comon Market..oooops
You are right! Libya is not mentioned as one of the 10.
Neither is Persia,(Iran)Ethiopia,or Togarmar(Turkey).
But Libya is mentioned in this separate group of nations that also come against Israel. as shown in Ezek:38v5-6.

God bless....Ivanm.
You are right! Libya is not mentioned as one of the 10.
Neither is Persia,(Iran)Ethiopia,or Togarmar(Turkey).
But Libya is mentioned in this separate group of nations that also come against Israel. as shown in Ezek:38v5-6.

God bless....Ivanm.
Im curious whether you expect the Libyans to ride agaisnt Israel on their camels and horses brandishing swords and bows? How do you account for the return to ancient weaponry?
Hi Hitch,
They were describing weaponry of their day because they didn't know of the weaponry of our day,simple.

God bless.....Ivanm
Hi Hitch,
They were describing weaponry of their day because they didn't know of the weaponry of our day,simple.

God bless.....Ivanm
So when the Word of God speaks of swords and shields , it means any thing but swords and shields?
Come off it Hitch,
Are you telling me that you expect Libyans in the 21st Century to use weaponry
that was available to them thousands of years ago?
So the Anti-christ will literally have a Bow without arrow.

And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.Rev:6v2.

The terms described are figuratory,but describe warfare.

God bless ....Ivanm
Come off it Hitch,
Are you telling me that you expect Libyans in the 21st Century to use weaponry
that was available to them thousands of years ago?
So the Anti-christ will literally have a Bow without arrow.

And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.Rev:6v2.

The terms described are figuratory,but describe warfare.

God bless ....Ivanm
You're the literalist not me.

In case you dont know , Walvoord, Pentecost and Ryrie each hold to a literal standard including the ancient weapons.
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Come off it Hitch,
Are you telling me that you expect Libyans in the 21st Century to use weaponry
that was available to them thousands of years ago?
So the Anti-christ will literally have a Bow without arrow.

And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.Rev:6v2.

The terms described are figuratory,but describe warfare.

God bless ....Ivanm

That rider is Jesus; His bow is the new covenant; His crown was given Him by His Father; and Christianity has been conquering the world ever since. Figurative spiritual warfare. Go figure.:biggrin
That rider is Jesus; His bow is the new covenant; His crown was given Him by His Father; and Christianity has been conquering the world ever since. Figurative spiritual warfare. Go figure.:biggrin
Probably why Paul says we are more than conquerors in Christ.
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Sorry to disappoint you all. the rider on the white horse is the AC in Rev:6v2(AC rides out)
Christ only comes into the picture in In Rev:19v11-20.
In his physical return to this planet.

God bless....ivanm.
Hi all. First post. :)
I always think the Bible is never too hard to work out. The trick is to cross reference words from throughout the entire Bible and all will makes sense. God just makes the non-Church blind. Whenever God reveals about the beginning of time or the future it is always in symbolism. What I notice is God repeats the same symbols throughout to give us a clue. Words like leopard, Lion & bear are used in Isaiah, Daniel... and always refer to spiritual character of either man or empire. Words like tent refer to a man's body etc etc.

It is like the other Daniel prophecy of beast with one horn that turns into four.
The Bible expains this vision and any history will know that Alexander the Great took the Persian empire in only 7 years and just as his did he died and the empire was divided between his four generals. To the corner of one of these four divisions was Rome which grew to be the greatest ever empire yet.

Baring this in mind when we look at Daniel 7, it should also be as easy. These beast are beast that were to rule the Holy land.
As this is the time of Daniel, we know the first beast is Babylon. (We also know through the Bible how God humbled the Babylonian kings). The next empire that took the rule was Persia (Persian also took. then Greece (once conquered fell into four).
The four then that took over from Greece was the Roman empire.

If we look in Revelations 12 we will see the same beast. Notice that Revelations 12 confirms the beast is waiting at the birth of Christ. It also chases out the Jews from their promised land (to their place in the wilderness).

If this is the case it means that Rome was built on ten kings as the prophecy says.

Is this true?

Well like all things in the Bible are blatant for all to find then this is the case. Wikipedia is the easiest site for those that want to look this info up. Type "kings of Rome / Roman kingdom". "second Triumvirate" & "Augustus".

Rome had seven kings whilst it was a Kingdom

The Kings of Rome (The Roman Kingdom 753 bc – 509bc)

1. Romulus (753bc – 716bc)

2. Numa Pompilus (715bc – 674bc)

3. Tullus Hostilius (673bc – 642bc)

4. Ancus Marcius (641bc – 617bc)

5. Lucius Tarquinius Priscus (616bc – 579bc)

6. Servius Tullius (578bc – 535bc)

7. Lucius Tarquinius Superbus (534bc – 509bc)

After the rule of Rome’s seventh king, Rome was declared a republic (The Roman Republic 508bc – 43bc) Rome therefore had no king but all rule was done by a senate of the people.

End of the Republic and the three rulers

In 43bc a Roman law known as the Lex Titia was passed that granted three leading men known as a Triumvirate the right to rule for a period of five years. This rule was given to Gaius Octavius, Marcus Aemilius Lepidus and Mark Antony. This rule of the three men lasted for two five-year terms (43bc – 33bc) which officially marked the end of the Roman Republic.

Octavian was a master of propaganda and through clever manipulation of the people of Rome He managed to overthrow the Lex Titia and make himself sole master of the Roman world. After the Triumvirate Octavian restored the outward ideals of the republic with governmental power given back to the senate but in reality he retained his autocratic power. As a result of this the Roman world became known as the Roman Empire

He ruled the Holy lands during the time of the birth of Christ.
In 27bc the senate gave Octavian the title of Augustus meaning “the exalted / illustrious oneâ€. He received the title of pharaoh in Egypt.
Rome was at its mightiest under the rule of Augustus and is often regarded the mightiest man the world has ever seen, ruling most of the known world.
He was even granted the title of Divi Filius meaning “the son of god†and upon his death was declared a god by the senate and to be worshipped by all Romans. The month of Sextilis was renamed Augustus (now August) in honour of his memory.
That rider is Jesus; His bow is the new covenant; His crown was given Him by His Father; and Christianity has been conquering the world ever since. Figurative spiritual warfare. Go figure.:biggrin

Agreed, To some extent, i would say that the white horsemen is The word of God simular to the Pictorial given in Rev 19. and the other horsemen are like paul Reveer, messengers from false prophets Islam as the 4th horsemen.


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