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Bible Study The Bible, Have YOU read it?

YOUR level of COMPLETION of the Bible

  • I have read the ENTIRE Bible

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I have read ONLY the NT

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I have read ONLY the OT

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't NEED to read the WHOLE Bible

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


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I am curious; Out of those that choose to offer comments on The Word, HOW MANY HAVE READ IT. NO, I do NOT ask 'how many have read IN IT, but have YOU read the Bible?


Have you EVER asked those that you commune with IF they have EVER read the Bible? It is amazing how many PROFESS a 'belief' in Christianity Yet have NEVER even read The Word.

When president BUSH stated that he HAD read the Bible from cover to cover, it made NATIONAL NEWS. As if THIS was some kind of 'MONUMENTAL ACCOMPLISHMENT'.

I have read statistics concerning this issue and was 'dumbfounded' at the results. Previous to my 'coming to the Lord', I always ASSUMED that EVERYONE carrying this book HAD READ IT. Then to find out that MOST have simply 'read IN IT' was a MAJOR SHOCK.

Now, HOW much creedence would be prudent to place in the opinions of ANYONE that has NEVER even READ The Word? I mean; I am WELL aware that God is able to pass on knowledge and understanding to ANYONE regardless of The Word. He does as He will. But, for the sake of 'speculation', how MUCH creedence should we allow ourselves to PLACE in one's 'opinions' that has NEVER read The Word?

I have read every book. The New Testament Books I have read some of them hundreds of times. Some in the OT I have read but confess I very quickly "skimmed" through a lot of details about the furnishings of the tabernacle, generation lists, and such things.
I read through the whole Bible and the book of Psalm twice in one year. 2006 That was quite a bit of reading.
I have read the bible cover-to-cover, front-to-back and back-to-front too many times for me to count.

About 10 years ago I did a detailed study looking up words in Strong's and have 6 THICK written notebooks about the bible. (I wish these computers were around then it would have made that job easier).

In addition, I have the whole KJV bible INCLUDING the apocrypha (which by the way I read all of that several times as well) uploaded on my web site for anyone anywhere to read. It's in HTML format zipped up with a navigational index page that I created.
I have read every book in the Bible at least once, some a lot more than once.
jgredline said:
What is your web address?

I don't give that out any longer. I used to go under a different handle and was actually a member of this forum several years before the present listed date. But I did not want my posts to be associated with my web site since sometimes they got ugly against me. In addition, this is so that I am not seen as pushing my web site as many people find it with search engines anyway.

On my web site, I claim that I do not participate on Christian forums any longer under that handle, but I now participate as a person called Tim from Pa because that's name and where I live. So, I never give the web address out any longer to keep that promise to the readers of my site.

Tell you what I did. I have one of those yahoo geocities under another handle so I uploaded it to that---- It's about 2 MB zip file. This way you (and anyone else here) can download it without actually going to my main site.

You will find an html file called "contents". Make a shortcut to that, and then it will navigate to any book of the bible, including the apocrypha without having to search thru your whole folder.

To anyone trying to get that link to the bible, the link shows "us shares" before the geocities. Just type it in as you see it and it will work. I'm not sure where the extra address line is coming from, because I did not type that in. But then again, these windows based computers ask for your input, and then they patronize you by doing what it wants to do anyway.
Reading everything possible about the tabernacle isn't easy, but yep, I've read through every book in the bible atleast once. I must admit though, the pages from the NT have alot more miles put on 'em.
jgredline said:
Reading through some of the geniologies can be tough as well...

Yes, I don't understand all of them, but they give vital links ("between the lines") between some people past and future in the bible and explains the relationship.

The most important genealogy is that of our Lord, from the Pharez-Judah lineage. Back in Genesis 38 when Pharez and Zarah twins of Judah were born, the midwife uttered a prophecy that Pharez means "breach". There certainly was a breach in the Pharez line in the land of Israel just to continue in Zarah's (the prince of the Scarlet Thread)---- genealogies show that these kings became the kings of Europe in the same location the lost house of Israel migrated. But unlike the Israelites, the Jews did not have a King in their land after Zedekiah (the throne there in that lineage was breached). In the end, Jesus will restore that breach.

This stuff gets into lost tribes teaching, and this subject brings out cruel hatred in some Christians(?) because they think it is false teaching. I'm not sure what the threat is teaching about a migrating society, however, when they are asked, they have no better solution to the scriptural dilemma of these genealogies and basically sweep them under the rug not seeing past their hands in front of their faces.

The "Da Vinci Code" has a basis in this concept (of a continuing monarchy) but their error is that to continue Jesus's physical descendants (since they do not believe in the curse of Jehoiachin) means that the lineage would be from Pharez instead of Zarah.

Enough genealogy for today?
One last comment on genieology (I can't spell that word :oops: ) is this....
They add credibility to the bible...For those that don't get it, think about it.. 8-)
jgredline said:
One last comment on genieology (I can't spell that word :oops: ) is this....
They add credibility to the bible...For those that don't get it, think about it.. 8-)

Do you mean adding stories or interpretations to make the bible more palpable?
Jeffrey1188 said:
Reading everything possible about the tabernacle isn't easy, but yep, I've read through every book in the bible atleast once. I must admit though, the pages from the NT have alot more miles put on 'em.

I like the study of the tabernacle.... very interesting with certain numbers that stand out (symbolic significance), and the materials used also portray a story. in addition, God wanted Moses to make it to the exact dimensions (like a blueprint). I find these passages of scripture comforting when folks think I'm getting too exact or mathematical relating to the bible. The bible is replete with numbers!

Sir Isaac Newton deduced from history and the Great Pyramid the length of the "sacred cubit" used by the Hebrews. When using that measurement, I find that 100 cubits square is virtually one acre within a fraction of a percent and the tabernacle court was 50 x 100 cubits or half an acre. I find that interesting since the Ark of the Covenant was also in "halves" being 3 X 5 half cubits. This is one of those "coincidences" that relate Israel, Egypt and Britain (incl. USA) together. I believe one day that these sacred measurements will be revealed and used again.
tim_from_pa said:

To anyone trying to get that link to the bible, the link shows "us shares" before the geocities. Just type it in as you see it and it will work. I'm not sure where the extra address line is coming from, because I did not type that in. But then again, these windows based computers ask for your input, and then they patronize you by doing what it wants to do anyway.
... or you can just copy/paste the link. It's easier and you don't risk the chance of making a typo. 8-)

Tim, you may need to create an index page, according to this:
Tim, you may need to create an index page, according to this:

I have an index page, or actually it's just a filler.

If you go to

You will simply see the word "Abreone" in the upper left. I deliberately left out links, etc so that I could use the "site" for merely uploading pictures, books, and the like for forums. I have everything from the bible now, religious stuff, avatars and even pictures of Jayne Mansfield! But nobody knows what those links are unless I specify them depending on the forum I am on.
Imagican, here's a bible study Jesus and me just completed. He led, I read.

If any preacher, pastor, priest, or teacher or prophet tells you this order of events is wrong,
please tell them, kindly, to read and study in depth, the book of the Revelation.

The Order of Events
Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ
Chapters 1-16

First, a book with 7 seals
Each seal is opened by the Lamb.
The first 4 seals loose the 4 horses and their riders.
Riders and horses:
1. white horse, rider has bow and crown, conquers.
2. red horse, and rider, takes peace from the earth, has a great sword
3. black horse, has a pair of balances in his hand; extremely high prices
4. a pale horse, the rider is Death, and Hell followed with him.
6th seal, opened by the Lamb, as are all the seals:
great earthquake, multitudes in white stand before the throne of God and the Lamb.
7th seal: silence in heaven; 7 angels with 7 trumpets get ready. A censer is
cast into earth, this produces voices, lightning, thunderings, and another earthquake.

3 woes come next

Next: beast with 7 heads, 10 horns, 10 crowns, names of blasphemy upon the heads
Next: beast with 2 horns comes up out of the earth
Next: an image of the beast is made by them that dwell on the earth
Next: all who refuse to worship the image of the beast are killed
Next: mark of the beast, in right hand or forehead
Next: 144,000 are redeemed from the earth
Next: angel flying in heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation,
and kindred, and tongue, and people, saying with a loud voice: Fear God, and give glory to him. for the hour of his judgment is come
Next: another angel says: Babylon is fallen
Next: 3rd angel says with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, be tormented with fire and brimstone, and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever, no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
Next: a white cloud, with Jesus upon the cloud.
Next: angel cries to him that sat on the cloud, Thrust in they sickle, and reap, for the harvest of the earth is ripe
Next: the earth is reaped
Next: another angel cries to him with the sharp sickle to thrust in they sharp sickle, and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth;which are gathered
into the winepress of the wrath of God, windpress is trodden.
Next: blood comes out of windpress, and the blood comes unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and 600 furlongs
Next: a sea of glass mingled with fire, and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God.
Next: 7 angels come out of the temple in heaven and have 7 plagues.
Next: the vials of the wrath of God are poured out upon the earth.
7 vials-
1st vial: noisome and grievous sore upon all who had the mark of the beast, and on them which worshipped the beast, and which worshipped his image
2nd vial: sea becomes blood
3rd vial: rivers and fountains become blood
4th vial: sun scorches with great heat the people on the earth
5th vial: beast's kingdom full of darkness and pain
6th vial: river Euphrates dries up
7th vial: poured into air, great voice from the throne says, "It is finished"
Next: worst earthquake occurs, the earthquake is such as was not since men upon the earth.

SO: 7 seals, 4 are riders and horses
3 woes
3 beasts: one with 10 horns, one with 2 horns, one is an image
mark of the beast is enforced
7 angels
with 7 plagues. Plagues are poured out upon the earth
last, up to chapter 17, is the worst of the 3 earthquakes occurs
Next: 7 angels hold 7 plagues
Next: worst earthquake, It is finished, said by God.

Jeffrey1188 said:
Reading everything possible about the tabernacle isn't easy, but yep, I've read through every book in the bible atleast once. I must admit though, the pages from the NT have alot more miles put on 'em.
I cant remember how many of those little NTs Ive worn out.
I used to buy them to keep from ragging out my good bibles.
I finally got smart and started using software instead and then I also own the whole audio bible that I listen to.
I used to listen to it for 8-14 hours a day while I worked those long days. and then at home many nights.
I can always hear that guys voice when Im reading :biggrin


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