Just logging in and catching up on the thread...Nathan, I'll be putting more thought into your other posts, but as for this one...I agree 100%. There is nothing about it that I truly disagree with and I believe it shows the proper perspective we should have about food...that it's in the realm of "everything is lawful, but not everything is profitable". One thing you may have already addressed (forgive me if you have, I'm responding pretty "off the cuff" right now) it is not sin to eat a pepperoni and olive pizza (which would violate OT dietary laws) but one shouldn't consider such a food as "healthy" and eat it all the time.
This is the interesting part as I see it. It brings up the issue of sin. So is it sinful or not has to be based on something, right? Well, the way I see it is that I may or may not choose to eat it. But if I choose to eat it when I am being directly called not to eat it then I would be sinning.
What we do is try to compartmentalize "sin". We base it off of something in relationship to another. For instance, I could say that it depended on the situation at hand whether or not I would eat it. If I had a choice then "I should not choose to eat it". Or if it was put in front of me "I should not question it and eat it".
But when we do that, which we do all the time, we are compartmentalizing sin. But for me this is where it all ends up. There was a time when I did not understand just what my 'body' was. There was a time when I did not understand, or care to, what certain things did to my body. But the older I become, and the more mature in the Spirit I become, there is more wisdom and understanding being given to me. I now have the responsibility to use this 'faith'. (Faith come by hearing, hearing comes from God).
So the more I understand about Christ, the more I understand about God. And I understand that He is the same; yesterday, today, and forever. I realize that it was His law, and it is still His law. But I understand that the law is not how I earn anything, nor how I keep anything. But it is a declaration of His love for us, written down in common words for our understanding. Some people like to call it an "instruction manual" for our time here on earth.
His desire is that we do not physically consume anything into our bodies that would harm us. Is a pepperoni pizza going to do that? I don't know. Seriously. Now He states that we should not eat swine. So I am going to say that I will not sit down to eat pepperoni pizza without thinking about that fact. But at the same time I am not going to scrutinize every step I take and every piece of food that enters my mouth in
fear of punishment from God.
I will walk as a wise man, observing what I do to see whether or not it is in step with God. But I could spend all my time focused on the fear factor, or on the liberty factor. I choose the liberty factor because it allows me to walk in love toward my fellow man. When we walk in the fear factor, we will quickly find ourselves in the same situation that they did back then; judging others based upon what they saw them doing.
So the pizza. I do not purposefully choose to eat pork. But I am not going to spend all my time trying not to either. Here is where I draw the line. And some may say that its on an "individual basis", mistranslating what Paul speaks about in Romans. The closer we draw to Him in the faith He has given us, the closer we become one with Him. If we dwell in the 'physical' realm, thinking that we will conform our spiritual life through it, we have missed the point.
But, in our focus on the Spiritual life we will find that our physical life will follow suit. And if it is not, then its a good indication that there is something wrong. Yes, we should have control over the physical life. And that control is supposed to be in every aspect, even our food. Some say this is a complicated issue, some say that its a rather straight forward issue. I fall in between personally. I see the way Paul states it as the truth. What happens is we take it too far one way or the other.
God stated that pigs are not food for us to eat. Therefore, I am going to choose to decide He knows best about whats good for the body He created. But I am not going to make up a whole bunch of little "laws" to govern all aspects of this truth from God. I hope I am not coming across as finding 'loopholes' to jump through trying to please both sides. Even though there are going to be some on here that think I am. I am not. I just have an understanding of it in regards to Paul's understanding and will stand firm in that faith.
The more I grow in this faith, the more I am amazed at what I 'instinctively' have grown apart from. I have grown apart from eating certain things, not out of fear, nor out of self will, but out of a simple distaste that comes from within. And the same is true with a lot of other areas of my life. Food is but one small portion. This is true peace for me. When I can see the fruit of God being born from myself, without any self effort, truly and surely this is God's signature in my life. That is rock solid faith that no one will ever be able to take away from me no matter what happens. And I know that it comes only from Him.