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I wish to open a topic on Christian fundamentalism. The world heard all about the Islam Fundamentalist, and their false doctrine, that off course cause people's lives. But how about the Christian fundamentalist? Those who call people names, such as NON-CHRISTIAN even though the person is an Anglican, or Catholic.

I challenge anyone, if Jesus Christ taught the early apostle to tell people to yield in Jewish tradition, because the salvation came from the Jew. (Jesus is NOT A CHRISTIAN but a Jew).

Today, I observe Evangelicals, Pentecostals, and even the hard core Baptist, always address other Christian faith as "Non-Christian". Are they the only people in the face of the planet who loved God?

And to think they are all AMERICANS!!!!! Remember that the United States light as a beacon of democracy throughout the world! But some Christian refused to accept other faiths. Why? Is home grown Bible Christian was developed through hatred against Papist?

Remember this verse? Matthew 7:12 " In everything do to others as you would have them do to you; for this is the law and the prophets."

If Bible Christians sow hatred to other Faiths then this verse fit for them:
" Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are
ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered
from thorns, or figs from thistles?" Mt 7:15-16

Like this example: June of 2009, somewhere in Texas ( Real place and date hidden for security reason)
A 20 year old pastor throw a hot steaming coffee to a Benedictine nun who is just
visiting a relative. The Pastor said he does not want a harlot Papist prostitute
walks his street. The nun suffers 3rd degree burn. Just imagine a scald form in the
chest, arm and hands of a 72 year old woman?


If you are Jesus' follower, please shed some light. Why this thing happening.
amg0364730 said:
I wish to open a topic on Christian fundamentalism. The world heard all about the Islam Fundamentalist, and their false doctrine, that off course cause people's lives. But how about the Christian fundamentalist? Those who call people names, such as NON-CHRISTIAN even though the person is an Anglican, or Catholic.

Never done that, but, ok.

I challenge anyone, if Jesus Christ taught the early apostle to tell people to yield in Jewish tradition, because the salvation came from the Jew. (Jesus is NOT A CHRISTIAN but a Jew).

Clarify that a little.

Today, I observe Evangelicals, Pentecostals, and even the hard core Baptist, always address other Christian faith as "Non-Christian". Are they the only people in the face of the planet who loved God?

Hmmm, don't know how one could call another Christian faith non-Christian. There are a lot of religions that claim to be Christian but aren't.

And to think they are all AMERICANS!!!!! Remember that the United States light as a beacon of democracy throughout the world! But some Christian refused to accept other faiths. Why? Is home grown Bible Christian was developed through hatred against Papist?

Ummm, what?

Remember this verse? Matthew 7:12 " In everything do to others as you would have them do to you; for this is the law and the prophets."

Yes I do.

If Bible Christians sow hatred to other Faiths then this verse fit for them:
" Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are
ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered
from thorns, or figs from thistles?" Mt 7:15-16

Actually, that verse does not fit in this situation at all.

Like this example: June of 2009, somewhere in Texas ( Real place and date hidden for security reason)
A 20 year old pastor throw a hot steaming coffee to a Benedictine nun who is just
visiting a relative. The Pastor said he does not want a harlot Papist prostitute
walks his street. The nun suffers 3rd degree burn. Just imagine a scald form in the
chest, arm and hands of a 72 year old woman?


Wow. A pastor at 20? Really?

If you are Jesus' follower, please shed some light. Why this thing happening.

I would really try if I had any idea what you wanted to know.
The given situation above is true, BUT the age and place where change to give way to COURT HEARINGS.


If a So called Born Again group claim that they alone are the truth and they sow hatred to other people and curse other faith, then that group is NOT christian at all. Sorry I never explain in detailed, I thought the reader get the allegory I given.
To elaborate my complain further:

1. Jesus Teachings about the law; Jesus Christ taught to love one another (basic Christian Moral). Jesus said he does not came to abolish the Law but fulfill it. Plus, apostles like Paul NEVER impose to Gentile Christians that they MUST become a Jew to become a Christian.

2. My Situation given about the Nun: I change the date such as the age, the place and date to avoid being charge of CONTEMPT OF COURT. I suppose you understand what I mean.

3. Americans as beacon of light: Accept it or not, it was the world think about the United States. Freedom fighter, and the largest democratic power in the world! get it? You may agree or not but hey ask the Asian migrants, they will tell you more about it.

4. Home grown Christian: TOO LITERALISTIC AND FUNDAMENTALIST. Let me explain it. There are Christians who accept verses in the Bible that should take as literal and let the other verse to be allegorical. Example the apostles traveling to Emaus, it could taken literally as it happen. But when Christ said that he was the Lamb of God, does not mean that Mary has a Lamb. Get it?

FUNDAMENTALIST accept 100% Bible only. Example if you do not believe the Bible in literal sense all of it even the verses that should be taken as rhetorically then they will call you ANTI-CHRIST or PAPIST or ANTI-CHRISTIAN
amg0364730 said:
To elaborate my complain further:

1. Jesus Teachings about the law; Jesus Christ taught to love one another (basic Christian Moral). Jesus said he does not came to abolish the Law but fulfill it. Plus, apostles like Paul NEVER impose to Gentile Christians that they MUST become a Jew to become a Christian.

2. My Situation given about the Nun: I change the date such as the age, the place and date to avoid being charge of CONTEMPT OF COURT. I suppose you understand what I mean.

3. Americans as beacon of light: Accept it or not, it was the world think about the United States. Freedom fighter, and the largest democratic power in the world! get it? You may agree or not but hey ask the Asian migrants, they will tell you more about it.

4. Home grown Christian: TOO LITERALISTIC AND FUNDAMENTALIST. Let me explain it. There are Christians who accept verses in the Bible that should take as literal and let the other verse to be allegorical. Example the apostles traveling to Emaus, it could taken literally as it happen. But when Christ said that he was the Lamb of God, does not mean that Mary has a Lamb. Get it?

FUNDAMENTALIST accept 100% Bible only. Example if you do not believe the Bible in literal sense all of it even the verses that should be taken as rhetorically then they will call you ANTI-CHRIST or PAPIST or ANTI-CHRISTIAN

Not all who claim to be saved are saved.
You will know them by their fruit.
22-23 said:
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
Here is my own personal experience

August 23, 2006. My aunt dies due to complication of Diabetes Mellitus. As Asians we the immediately family arrange the funeral in our ancestral house in xxxxx. All of us came back from the States, just to mourn our aunt.

In the 7th day, we arrange a Mass for her. In the middle of the Mass, during the homily, a bystander walk in from the street, he had a Bible and shout out that we worship the dead. When we call up the Police, the other so called Bible Christian members rose up to defend their member.

The same thing. The person who disturbed us is a Pastor. He is young and full of hatred against us (Catholic).

THAT IS THEIR FRUIT! HATRED Now is my given verse fits? (Opening Statement)
amg0364730 said:
Here is my own personal experience

August 23, 2006. My aunt dies due to complication of Diabetes Mellitus. As Asians we the immediately family arrange the funeral in our ancestral house in xxxxx. All of us came back from the States, just to mourn our aunt.

In the 7th day, we arrange a Mass for her. In the middle of the Mass, during the homily, a bystander walk in from the street, he had a Bible and shout out that we worship the dead. When we call up the Police, the other so called Bible Christian members rose up to defend their member.

The same thing. The person who disturbed us is a Pastor. He is young and full of hatred against us (Catholic).

THAT IS THEIR FRUIT! HATRED Now is my given verse fits? (Opening Statement)

We have a lot of so-called Christian churches here in the US. There is a group called Westmoreland Baptist...I believe it is...that pickets outside the funerals of our dead soldiers...they're obscene people who have no love of the Lord or of their fellow man. It's wrong what they did to your family. We live in a world filled with sin and wolves walking around in sheep's clothing. It's a shame what happened, and I hope you will know that those are not examples of true believers.
There is no such thing as basic fundmentals when it comes to God's Word. God's Word is deep and awesome for such basic understanding.
glorydaz said:
We have a lot of so-called Christian churches here in the US. There is a group called Westmoreland Baptist...I believe it is...that pickets outside the funerals of our dead soldiers...they're obscene people who have no love of the Lord or of their fellow man. It's wrong what they did to your family. We live in a world filled with sin and wolves walking around in sheep's clothing. It's a shame what happened, and I hope you will know that those are not examples of true believers.

Isn't it Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, KS that does that?
Amg - we are humans. We have not conquered humanity.

All faith traditions with the Christian faith have baggage that needs to be shed. Even the Catholic church (as one who identifies himself with the Anabaptist faith tradition, I used to have very hard feelings against the Roman Catholic church for it's abuse and torture of Christian believers).

The question in regards to your personal story, is are you holding unto anger towards that person, or have you forgiven him?
prough91 said:
glorydaz said:
We have a lot of so-called Christian churches here in the US. There is a group called Westmoreland Baptist...I believe it is...that pickets outside the funerals of our dead soldiers...they're obscene people who have no love of the Lord or of their fellow man. It's wrong what they did to your family. We live in a world filled with sin and wolves walking around in sheep's clothing. It's a shame what happened, and I hope you will know that those are not examples of true believers.

Isn't it Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, KS that does that?

That's it....I knew it was West something. :wave