The Rhythm Method is not the same as the Sympto-Thermal Method. NFP has come a LOOOOOOOONG way in recent years and is probably the most effective form for spacing births. There are many NFP methods, Sympto-Thermal is but one. The Creighton and Billings models are probably the most popular these days, and these methods involve a great deal more than simply following a woman's menstrual cycle: temperature, cervical mucus, etc. are usually involved as well. (Also, breastfeeding is one of the easiest and most natural ways to space out children... usually a woman who consistently breastfeeds her baby wouldn't likely conceive for 18-24 months... just another reason why breastfeeding is best--for both baby and mom!)
All that being said, NFP can be abused. As Vic aptly pointed out, spouses can view NFP as just a "natural form of birth control". NFP is not promoted as the Catholic alternative to birth control. NFP is permissible. In grave circumstances wherein it would be prudent to refrain from conceiving a child, husband and wife may use NFP to space out the birth(s) of their children until a more appropriate time for conceiving new life comes about.
Babies are blessings! God blessed Adam and Eve by telling them to "be fruitful and multiply" and then said the same thing to Noah and his family after the flood, and promised to make Abraham's descents as numerous as the stars... and on the flip side of that, barrenness was viewed as a curse.
...and from a simply practical perspective, a fertility is the only thing we try to "fix" when it's not broken (we even casually call it "getting fixed"). Condoms, expensive and risky surgeries, and chemicals that we pump into our bodies to "fix" our fertility only serve to alienate spouses from the natural blessing of sexual intercourse/the marital embrace. God's plans are perfect. He designed sexual intercourse as the means through the miracle of new life is co-created because it was the perfect way for spouses to co-operate with Him in bringing new life into the world.
All that being said, NFP can be abused. As Vic aptly pointed out, spouses can view NFP as just a "natural form of birth control". NFP is not promoted as the Catholic alternative to birth control. NFP is permissible. In grave circumstances wherein it would be prudent to refrain from conceiving a child, husband and wife may use NFP to space out the birth(s) of their children until a more appropriate time for conceiving new life comes about.
Humanae Vitae said:10. Hence conjugal love requires in husband and wife an awareness of their mission of "responsible parenthood," which today is rightly much insisted upon, and which also must be exactly understood. Consequently it is to be considered under different aspects which are legitimate and connected with one another.
In relation to the biological processes, responsible parenthood means the knowledge and respect of their functions; human intellect discovers in the power of giving life biological laws which are part of the human person.
In relation to the tendencies of instinct or passion, responsible parenthood means that necessary dominion which reason and will must exercise over them.
In relation to physical, economic, psychological and social conditions, responsible parenthood is exercised, either by the deliberate and generous decision to raise a numerous family, or by the decision, made for grave motives and with due respect for the moral law, to avoid for the time being, or even for an indeterminate period, a new birth.
Responsible parenthood also and above all implies a more profound relationship to the objective moral order established by God, of which a right conscience is the faithful interpreter. The responsible exercise of parenthood implies, therefore, that husband and wife recognize fully their own duties towards God, towards themselves, towards the family and towards society, in a correct hierarchy of values.
In the task of transmitting life, therefore, they are not free to proceed completely at will, as if they could determine in a wholly autonomous way the honest path to follow; but they must conform their activity to the creative intention of God, expressed in the very nature of marriage and of its acts, and manifested by the constant teaching of the Church.
Babies are blessings! God blessed Adam and Eve by telling them to "be fruitful and multiply" and then said the same thing to Noah and his family after the flood, and promised to make Abraham's descents as numerous as the stars... and on the flip side of that, barrenness was viewed as a curse.
...and from a simply practical perspective, a fertility is the only thing we try to "fix" when it's not broken (we even casually call it "getting fixed"). Condoms, expensive and risky surgeries, and chemicals that we pump into our bodies to "fix" our fertility only serve to alienate spouses from the natural blessing of sexual intercourse/the marital embrace. God's plans are perfect. He designed sexual intercourse as the means through the miracle of new life is co-created because it was the perfect way for spouses to co-operate with Him in bringing new life into the world.