- Jan 4, 2011
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Dear Ashua, This is beyond my competence, how to calculate the date o Pascha, the rising day of Christ, but I implicitly trust the early Church to provide us with the answer. The Church does not celebrate the Resurrection according to the Jewish Passover, as Christ spoke against the Pharisees. The nation of Israel is temporarily out of favor, because they are in unbelief. They will be grafted into the Church later when they believe, and so be saved (Romans 11). The same standard is for all believers, as God is no respecter of persons, and does not favor Israel over the Gentiles. He is the God of all nations equally. Israel was and is His chosen vessel to bring Messiah to all peoples, and that is what is going on. They are blessed in Christ, not outside of Him. The warning of God goes out to them first, and then to the Gentiles. All nations need to repent and seek the face of God in Jesus Christ. In Erie Scott H.But the Bible already provides us with an exact annual date to observe the Resurrection. The Feast of First Fruits; which occurs the third day of the Passover/Feast of Unleavened Bread.