Lewis W said:
Been a fan of this site for a while now, and I love to see this program on TBN. But I wish some of you would go over there and look at the Creation model sessions 1-13. And see why evolution is a big lie. Look under Scientific Evidence For Creation, on your left. And look at the other proofs on this site, if you have never been there before.
I see it's not far from USA's capitalof live music: Austin,Tx... :multi:
so y'all can rejoice in song @ the glories of God as revealed in creation! :angel:
Kinda fits with these ID testimonials
From http://www.crosswalk.com:-
Religion Today Feature
October 20, 2005
Ken Ham: Intelligent Design Not 'Christian' - but Not a Bad Thing Either
By Allie Martin and Jody Brown, Agape Press
The trial continues in Pennsylvania where the ACLU and Americans United for Separation of Church and State are seeking a halt to the teaching of the theory of intelligent design alongside the theory of evolution. They claim the Dover School District is trying to bring religion into the classroom.
But the president of Answers in Genesis feels it is necessary to point out
that intelligent design is not a Christian movement - and Christians need
to be aware of that, he says.
A leading advocate of intelligent design has testified in the Dover case
that some biological systems, like blood clotting, are too complex to have
evolved step-by-step. Lehigh University microbiologist Michael Behe says
blood would not clot - and evolving creatures would have died off - without
all of the interconnected parts in place.
Behe, the author of Darwin's Black Box, returns to the witness stand today
on behalf of Pennsylvania's Dover Area School District. The district is
being sued for telling students that evolution is unproven and that
intelligent design offers another explanation for the origins of life.
I'm sure that the thread, "Evolution goes to court" will reveal much more of the draconian arrogance & irrational paranoia of evo-loopies.. :evil:
to say nothing of the fact that it is evo-loopy-poop that is that is
barbarically unscientific.. :roll:
Don't be offended by my jolly jokes & quips, Conan. :wink:
..just tryin' to warm up the winter, for that sad, cold heart - & that of any other unbelieving reader - by recommending what the Bible so beautifully calls,
"the sunshine of God's love" :-D
Right back with links...
As well as those 23 highly qualified scientists who contributed to that Grand Canyon: A Creationist View book, there are hundreds of MSc/PhD-level scientists, from micro-biology to astronomy, who see so much clear evidence of Intelligent Design that they reject the atheistic brainwashing of their education & worship the Almighty Creator
Appropriate place to recommend the helpful menu @ http://www.answersingenesis.org/home/area/qa.asp
As promised, I've brought in their "Revised & Expanded Answers Book" by Drs Ken Ham, Jonathan Sarfati, Carl Wieland, Werner Gitt, John Baumgardner, Russell Humphreys, Len Morris, David Catchpoole & others
Here's an amazing menu of online evidence for a young Earth & universe:-:-
Do hit their website - & the comprehensive 1 @ http://www.creationism.org
& a 2nd menu of articles there - http://www.creationism.org/articles/index.htm
& details of 21 books:- http://www.creationism.org/books/index.htm
& the ID one @ http://www.discovery.org/csc
& more books here:-
Here's their "Top Questions" link:-
i]This 1 may be especially helpful:-
http://www.discovery.org/csc/topQuestio ... nEvolution
& this 1:-
http://www.discovery.org/csc/topQuestio ... gentDesign