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The Cross

Why is the cross seemingly almost deified? Think about this. If you were Jesus, what would you think about those who claim to be your followers praising and almost worshiping the cross? The cross is the very tool used that was used to torture and mame you and is now the object of affection and praise. Many of Jesus' followers even wear it as jewelry, kiss its graven image, and sing songs of praises about it that say, "I will cherish the old rugged cross." Seems kinda weird to me.
For me the Cross has much more meaning then the lumber. When i use the word Cross in my head i see Christ leaving Glory to be born so He Jesus the God/man could die in my place. I see the reserrection, his kingdom, and His return.

I dont see 2 pieces of wood.
For me the Cross has much more meaning then the lumber. When i use the word Cross in my head i see Christ leaving Glory to be born so He Jesus the God/man could die in my place. I see the reserrection, his kingdom, and His return.

I dont see 2 pieces of wood.

It is so funny to me that in christendom the cross has become venerated. Not trying to be funny, but if Jesus was killed by firing squad, would we celebrate the shotgun? Seems to me that the cross has become a graven image of sorts.............
I've asked myself the same question. From a technical aspect... the bible never uses a word for "Cross"... the word's basic translation is simply a "stake" ... True, sometimes a prisoner was brought up tied to a crossbeam, and attached to the stake WITH that crossbeam... but I'm not aware of any historically verifiable situations where a "Cross" as a single unit was used as a torture implement. The stake MAY have had a cross-beam attached to it, but there's no indication of it, and it very well may NOT have had a crossbeam. Yet, how would most christians react to wearing an idol of a simple stake around one's neck? Or had a spear on their wall to remind them of the spear that pierced Jesus' side?

Most that I've talked to are greatly offended by the idea that Jesus may have died on ANYTHING other than a roman catholic shaped "Cross." ... that anything else is blasphamy. ... which shows where the focus lies.

There are so many songs and sermons being preached about how people are "saved by the cross" and how people should "preach the cross" .... First they replace God with his Son... then they replace the Son with what killed him. it's a shame.
Except that it's inaccurate -

Crucifixes are generally nice clean almost romantic portrayal of a serene and relaxed spotless Jesus in a dainty swoon with some tasteful applications of "blood" in the required locations.

Contrast that with Isaiah's picture of Jesus on the cross: "the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint. From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment.

Behold, my servant shall deal prudently, he shall be exalted and extolled, and be very high. As many were astonied at thee; his visage was so marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men:

One commentator said that "he lost even the appearance of anything human".

The Cross is a REMINDER of what I cost Him - when he saved me.

It's SUPPOSED to be hideous. Simple as that.
Why is the cross seemingly almost deified? Think about this. If you were Jesus, what would you think about those who claim to be your followers praising and almost worshiping the cross? The cross is the very tool used that was used to torture and mame you and is now the object of affection and praise. Many of Jesus' followers even wear it as jewelry, kiss its graven image, and sing songs of praises about it that say, "I will cherish the old rugged cross." Seems kinda weird to me.

Nobody cares about a pile of lumber. The point, and that which we're referring to when we talk or sing about the Cross, is the event that took place on the Cross. The Cross has become a symbol of the redemptive work of Christ. I've never heard of anyone exalting the literal cross. Much like when people pay respect to the flag. No one cares about some old fabric. It's what the flag represents.
Why is the cross seemingly almost deified? Think about this. If you were Jesus, what would you think about those who claim to be your followers praising and almost worshiping the cross? The cross is the very tool used that was used to torture and mame you and is now the object of affection and praise. Many of Jesus' followers even wear it as jewelry, kiss its graven image, and sing songs of praises about it that say, "I will cherish the old rugged cross." Seems kinda weird to me.

When a Christian makes such a statement, it serves to mis-characterize how the Church looks at the cross. I would understand this coming from a person that rejects the cross, but not when it comes from within the Body of Christ. We all should have a very Christ-centered remembrance in pondering it. No Christian that I know makes it into the focal point of their worship. It is simply something to serve as a reminder of His Sacrifice. There is nothing reverent or powerful in the cross or any other man-made object. All Power and Glory be to the Lord! Christians understand that.

When a Christian makes such a statement, it serves to mis-characterize how the Church looks at the cross. I would understand this coming from a person that rejects the cross, but not when it comes from within the Body of Christ. We all should have a very Christ-centered remembrance in pondering it. No Christian that I know makes it into the focal point of their worship. It is simply something to serve as a reminder of His Sacrifice. There is nothing reverent or powerful in the cross or any other man-made object. All Power and Glory be to the Lord! Christians understand that.
Mat 23:17 - [Ye] fools and blind: for whether is greater, the gold, or the temple that sanctifieth the gold?
The point being that it is never the symbol itself, but the meaning behind the symbol that is significant. This perspective should also be applied when considering all the "pagan" symbols and rituals that have been re-purposed according to the Christian faith.
Mat 23:17 - [Ye] fools and blind: for whether is greater, the gold, or the temple that sanctifieth the gold?
The point being that it is never the symbol itself, but the meaning behind the symbol that is significant. This perspective should also be applied when considering all the "pagan" symbols and rituals that have been re-purposed according to the Christian faith.

Re-purposed by who's authority and ultimately for who's glory? We must remember how our God feels about graven images............
Re-purposed by who's authority and ultimately for who's glory? We must remember how our God feels about graven images............

Obviously by God's authority for God's glory.:salute

What makes an image graven? Any 'image' can be graven depending on the meaning we apply to it and the attitude we adopt towards it. Yet just because some foolish people worship the sun, stars, etc. in no way means those aspects of creation are graven to the healthy Christian. Likewise, a reverence for the true meaning of Christmas, or the true meaning of the Cross for that matter, glorifies God. On the other hand, believing that fellow Christians are actually participating in some sort of pagan solstice ritual every December 25th is condescending to both sincere Christians and their faith.

Some Muslims are so lost they have actually turned the absence of a physical image of Muhammad into a 'virtual graven image' they are willing to kill for.:screwloose