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The Destruction Of The Churches (US and Canada)


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Hidden In Him

Staff member
I will be citing several prophetic dreams I've received from others in this thread, but the gist of it is that the destruction of Christian churches in the West is coming, and is already underway in Canada as I will show in a second. But the dreams also suggest it will be increasingly coming to the United States as well. The disturbing part is that these things will happen with the tacit endorsement of the politicians who runs these two nations, though most will be smart enough to distance themselves from it.

A friend posted this at another forum back in November, and I came across it a few weeks ago and informed him about what it meant. There is additional information contained in it that relates to his personal life that I won't share here, but I will isolate the section that dealt with the subject at hand for this thread.

I saw a huge tornado on the mountain, ripping closer and closer to town. I grabbed my phone to record it because I wanted to show my wife the news. Then as the tornado got within 100 feet, it turned into a projection, a woman was in the tornado speaking to all the public. I don't remember what she said, but immediately I knew the man [I was pursuing] was an angel of God, and I had failed to minister to him. I ran to him and asked if it was the end. He said "No, but there's not a lot of time" while his hair was being assaulted by the wind.

This man lives in Canada, and I knew immediately what the tornado represented when I read it. I've seen the imagery in dreams before. Tornados represent spirits, and nearly always destructive ones, that will manifest to tear apart some established fabric of society, and in this case I discerned that the target would be churches in his area. In fact, now that I think of it, other appearances of tornados in dreams specifically referred to the destruction of churches as well. But in this one, the tornado turning into a woman likely represented an evil spirit manifesting itself through a female politician, given she was "speaking to all the public." So I went to look up how many women were currently serving in Canadian government, and found this:

The 44th Canadian Parliament includes a record number of female Members of Parliament, with 103 women elected to the 338-member House of Commons of Canada (30.5%) in the 2021 election. Of those 103 women, 22 were elected for the first time in the 2021 election.

I don't know when this dream will be fulfilled in his particular region, but I know the destruction of churches has already begun in certain parts of Canada. The following are several articles on how it has been going on since 2021, with specific references to the fact that Trudeau and his cabinet have been turning a blind eye to it all, despite the fact that Canada is still a predominantly Christian nation.

I will elaborate on dreams and prophesies that relate specifically to the US in later posts, but the point of this thread is that the coming destruction of the churches in both nations will not be by accident. It will be a systematic strategy executed by the powers that be to quietly begin eliminating Christian influence in North America.

Christianity Under Attack in Canada As Politicians Silent On Church Burnings

July 21, 2021 by Brad

Regardless of political affiliation, most Canadians will be in agreement that our nation is changing at lighting speed. Events which ten years ago would have raised a collective gasp today barely register on the social radar. No issue symbolizes this transformation as well as recent arson attacks on Canadian churches. This week, an early-morning fire destroyed St. George Coptic Orthodox Church in Surrey, Greater Vancouver’s largest suburban community. Thirty additional churches in Canada have been burned to the ground in past weeks. Media have labelled the burnings as acts of arson in response to the discovery of graves found beneath Indigenous residential schools.

Cultural Action Party are not here to question the validity of the claims. What we will focus on is reaction to these recent events. Curious it is to witness government response to the situation. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has labelled the church burnings “understandable.” Conservative Party Leader Erin O’Toole condemned the actions. Yet, what is unusual is not public statements from politicians – but rather the collective silence from within Canada’s political arena.

It is here we uncover a giant mystery: There are 338 members of Parliament. The number of Provincial MLA’s across Canada include some 700 individuals. On a municipal level, we have at least 100 city mayors, and some 500 city councillors. As our elderly generation will recall, Canada was founded by British and French-Europeans. Nearly all were either Catholic or Protestant. Every prime minister in history has come from these two denominations. As such, Canada’s general population was for 90% of its history of Christian heritage. Fast forward to 2021 society, and some 70% of politicians – as well as the public– are of Christian extraction. And yet none have a problem with the torching of forty Christian churches? Holy Cow – is this not the odd-ball occurrence of our time? Think it over, fellow patriots – not a single MP that CAP is aware of has stood up and publicly condemned the arson attacks in clearly defined terms. What does this say about the state of our society? Plenty, to be sure. The very reason why establishment media’s lips are sealed in this regard.

Let CAP draw a salient conclusion: there is something horribly wrong with Canada at this point in history. It is also at this point that the leader of our nation is a Trudeau family member. In this fact is found the seed for the “hour of our discontent.” Naturally, if media refrain from positioning the current attack on Christianity in the manner referenced herein, then they do not have to answer the most pertinent question of all: Why is it that a collective silence on the church burnings exists? From St. John’s City Hall to Ottawa, onward to the provincial legislature in Victoria, B.C. Silence is the order of the day. Therefore, it is up to fringe players like Cultural Action Party to offer speculation:

— Canada is in 2021 an anti-Christian society. Our government is not anti-Sikh or anti-Muslim— these religious communities are sanctioned as acceptable, and worthy of advancement throughout our nation.

— Someone must pay the cost for historical racism. The fact that it is historical indicates that contemporary citizens are not responsible for the oppression. This is to be overlooked entirely by media as instructed by government.

— Our nation is earmarked for a transformation in governance. Democracy is to be eroded, and replaced with neo-communism. As such, “Old Stock” citizens– Anglophones, Christians and such– are to be marginalized within post-modern society.

And then we have the most insidious reason of all

– to support Christianity is to advocate racism.This Justin Trudeau accomplished by synthesizing the Christian faith with persecution of Aboriginal Canadians— so perfectly manifest in the residential school discoveries.

Bottom-Line Result: Canadian politicians at all levels refrain from speaking against church burnings because they do not want to appear racist–a death knell for any public figure in Canada. See what tricky Trudeau has done? He and his scheming backers have elevated the issue of race to the level where it is today controlling Canadian society. Racism is no longer a social phenomenon– but rather a neo-totalitarian weapon to control all aspects of life in our country. Such are the manifestations of Trudeau’s nascent proclamations of a “sunny ways “society. Oh Canada– you have been successfully swindled.
— Brad Salzberg, CAP Founder (Est.2016)
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How Justin Trudeau Established An Anti-Christian, Pro-Islamic Canada

July 9, 2021 by Brad

Within Canadian politics, few circumstances are as misunderstood as ideological affinities shared by Pierre and Justin Trudeau. Between the two there exists a mental malignancy which has impacted Canadian society in a negative capacity. Both family members share a mode of thinking grounded in presumption and arrogance. It is an unjustified entitlement reaching beyond political influence into the realm of a fundamental transformation of society. No wonder Canadian media never speak of it.

Such as it was when Pierre Trudeau became Liberal prime minister in 1968. Within a three-year period, Trudeau Sr. took it upon himself to cancel existing Canadian identity. His decision to abandon English and French Canadian bi-cultural identity was an action wholly devoid of public approval.

As a replacement, multiculturalism was forced upon society. Apart from minor solicitation of left-leaning special interest groups, the decision was wholly devoid of democratic process. Thus, of his own volition, Pierre Trudeau transformed Canadian identity for all-time.

Fast-forward some fifty years, and our nation finds another Trudeau elected as prime minister. Every bit as presumptuous as father— Justin Trudeau has mimicked Trudeau Sr.’s political style. Just as media accepted multiculturalism as a de facto standard in Pierre’s time, present-day media stood by in silence while Trudeau Jr. executed another national transformation.

Here we speak of Canada’s transition to an anti-Christian society. As with multiculturalism, nobody asked for it. Citizens did not approve it. Just as it was with institutionalized “diversity,’ no one voted for it.
Talk about the transformation of the century— all emanating from two individuals from the same family. In no manner do the political affinities end here. Both Trudeau’s had/have little time for the pesky “little people” of Canada. The Trudeau family has a personal vision for our country, and nothing on earth is to prevent its implementation.

Who cares if the decimation of English Canada occurs in the process? The Trudeau’s are French-Canadian. What does it matter if Anglophones and Christians are systemically transferred to second class citizenship status? According to our prime minister, they deserve it— just look what their predecessors did to Aboriginal Canada. Take a gander at the racism and bigotry white Canadians have perpetrated upon 3rd World migrants.

Why, the racism is so extreme that immigrants from China, India, Iran and Pakistan are lined up by the hundreds of thousands to enter Canada each year. Systemic racism is so extreme that Sikh and Muslim politicians have been voted into office at every level of government. Because of bigotry and xenophobia, MP’s Harjit Sajjan, Omar Alghabra, and Ahmed Hussen are present members of the Liberal Cabinet.

Logic has never been a strong point among government and media advocates of Canada’s Globalist Revolution. What should be recognized is the phenomenal success 3rd World citizens have achieved within Canadian politics. What should be front-and centre is the degree to which Anglophones and Christians have been run down by a French-Canadian family with blatant communist leanings.

Instead, media force-feed our citizenship the idea that all racialized citizens suffer at the hands of privileged white Canadians. The insatiability of the multicultural industry knows no bounds. Nothing is good enough, nothing will suffice. Their vehemence is so extreme one might think it is a calculated plan for an accumulation of power.
Over the six years Trudeau Jr. has held Canada by its political throat, his so-called “progressive” politics have instituted a decimation of the Christian faith. Conversely, our Liberal government have promoted 3rd World religions such as Sikhism and Islam to the top of the religious pecking order.

As witnessed by a detached response to a plethora of recent church burnings, our prime minister is indifferent to our Christian communities. Despite what borders on an absurd claim that he adheres to the Catholic faith, Mr. Trudeau is quoted as saying he feels that dozens of cases of church burnings are “understandable.” After six years of branding prejudice against Canadian Muslims as “hate crimes,” Trudeau offers no such thought regarding the burning of churches of more than two dozen Christian churchesfrom coast-to-coast. The hypocrisy is as obvious as the back of one’s hand.

CAP find it astounding that these two men—Pierre Trudeau and Justin Trudeau— have successfully transformed our country into something not a single citizen voted for.

What should be recognized are Trudeau-family traits which have come to define a fifty-year history of Canadian politics: complete distain for the will of the people, as well as perpetual disrespect for democratic process.
Just as politics are structured within societies Pierre and Justin Trudeau most admire: the communist nations of Cuba and China.

— Brad Salzberg, CAP Founder ( Est.2016)

71 Christian churches in Canada have been vandalized, burned down or desecrated since the announcement last month of the apparent discovery of graves found near a residential school in Kamloops, BC.
Since then, three other first nations have announced similar findings of burial sites located near former residential schools.

In response to these announcements, far-left radicals have used this opportunity as an excuse to terrorize Catholic and other Christian communities by targeting churches.

Here is the full list of churches that have been targeted by the radical vandals:


St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Gitwangak First Nation, BC.,
  • On June 26th suspected arsonists lit a fire on the door steps of the church, several days later arsonists returned and burned the church completely down.
St. Columba Church, Tofino, BC.,
  • On July 2nd, firefighters were called to put out a fire at the church. One side of the church was seriously damaged but the fire was eventually put out.
Saint Ann’s Catholic Church, Princeton, BC.,
  • St. Ann’s Catholic Church was one of two churches burnt down on June 26 on Similkameen First Nations territory. The over 100-year-old building was engulfed in flames early Saturday morning. Nearby Chopaka Catholic Church was also burnt down only an hour later. Police are investigating whether the two incidents are connected.
Chopaka Catholic Church, Chopaka, BC.,
  • On June 26, Chopaka Catholic Church was burnt down after a suspected arson targeted the building. St. Ann’s Church which was nearby was also burnt down only less than an hour prior. RCMP are treating both fires as suspicious but have yet to determine whether they were connected. The church was located on Similkameen First Nations land.
Sacred Heart Mission Church, Penticton, BC.,
  • Sacred Heart Mission Church was burnt down on Monday, June 28. The church, which was built in 1910, was the second to be engulfed in the south Okanagan on the same day. Nearly 40 minutes away, St. Gregory Mission Church near Osoyoos was also burnt down. Sacred Heart Mission Church was located on Penticton Indian Band lands.
St. Gregory Mission Church, Osoyoos, BC.,
  • St. Gregory Mission Church was one of two churches in the south Okanagan to have been destroyed by fire on June 28. The church, which is located on Osoyoos Indian Band land, was set on fire at 3:10 am on Monday. Investigators are continuing to look into the incident.
Grace Lutheran Church, Kelowna, BC.,
  • On July 10, firefighters responded to a suspicious fire at the church in West Kelowna. The fire had engulfed the entire garage before being put out. The incident is currently under investigation.
Our Lady of Peace, Peace River, AB.,
  • On July 3, arsonists attacked Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church with Molotov cocktails causing a fire. According to police, the suspects threw the incendiary devices through the church windows. Firefighters were able to put out the fire with minimal damage to the ƒbuilding.
House Of Prayer Alliance Church, Calgary AB.,
  • Investigators with the arson unit are looking into a fire that broke out on July 4 at a local Calgary church. The fire damaged the building externally and also caused some smoke damage inside.
Siksika First Nation Catholic Church, Siksika, AB.,
  • On June 28, RCMP and fire officials responded to a fire at Siksika First Nation Catholic Church. Firefighters were able to extinguish the fire before any significant damage took hold. According to an initial investigation, the fire was believed to have been set deliberately.
St. Jean Baptiste Parish, Edmonton, AB.,
  • St. Jean Baptiste Parish church in Morinville was engulfed in flames on Wednesday, June 30. Fire crews attended the building around 3:20 am but were unable to fully extinguish the flames. The church was totally lost as a result of the fire.
Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church, Kehewin, AB.,
  • Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church was completely destroyed following a fire that was deliberately set on Friday, July 9. An under-aged individual was arrested and charged with arson following the incident.
Co-Cathedral of St. Patrick, Yellowknife, NWT.,
  • Yellowknife RCMP are investigating a suspicious fire lit at the Co-Cathedral of St. Patrick in Yellowknife on July 1. No injuries were reported and the building was slightly damaged. According to a statement from the diocese, the fire involved an incendiary device.
Polish Roman Catholic Church, Saskatoon, SK.,
  • A former Polish Roman Catholic Church located on private property near Redberry Lake was burnt to the ground on July 8. A local resident had noticed smoke coming from the historic church’s general location and found the church to be engulfed in flames. Saskatchewan RCMP are investigating the incident.
St John’s Anglican Church, Saint Johns, Ont.,
  • On May 12, the 200-year-old St John’s Anglican Church was set on fire after somebody doused the building with gasoline. Local First Nations authorities believe the fire was set in response to recent residential school grave announcements.
Johnsfield Baptist Church, Saint Johns, Ont.,
  • Police with Six Nations of the Grand River are investigating a July 5 arson attempt. The suspect attempted to light the building on fire while residents were located inside on the lower level. The resident was able to extinguish the fire and claimed that he heard a car door slam shut before he came outside of the building. Following the arson attempt, residential school survivor Jessie Malcolm condemned the actions.
Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, Sipekne’katik First Nations, NS.,
  • A suspicious fire broke out on June 30 on Sipekne’katik First Nations land at the Saint Kateri Tekakwitha church. According to investigators, threats targeting the church were circulating around the community before the fire was set. Firefighters were able to contain the flames but the fire managed to damage parts of the building before it was put out.
Samson United Church, Maskwacis First Nation, AB.,
  • A fire broke out at Samson United Church in Maskwacis First Nations on June 19. The church is currently waiting on a final report on the fire. As a result of the blaze, the main floor experienced some interior damage and additionally, the basement was flooded.
Continued next post...
Angus Bonner Memorial United Church, MB.,

  • According to Manitoba RCMP, someone reported a fire at Angus Bonner Memorial United Church at 2 a.m. on July 5. By the time police arrived, the abandoned church was already on fire. The building was totally destroyed and police are treating the fire as arson.
St. George Coptic Orthodox Church

  • Early morning on July 19, firefighters responded to a fire at St. George Coptic Orthodox in Surrey around 3:30 am. The flames engulfed the entire structure and only a few charred pieces of the walls remained. Police are still investigating the fire.
Central Heights Church, Abbotsford, BC.,

  • Abbotsford Police Department is investigating a July 21 arson incident at Central Heights Church. A suspect described as 30-40 years old, male, dark-skinned and wearing a bright yellow rain jacket with a grey baseball hat is being sought by authorities.
Little Flower Mission Church, Fox Lake, AB.,

  • RCMP are investigating an arson incident after a fire was deliberately set at Fox Lake Community Church on Saturday, August 7, 2021. The building sustained significant interior damage.
St. Mary’s Parish, Prince George, BC.

  • On July 26, a suspect placed two containers of gasoline near St Mary’s Parish church and lit them on fire. The incident caused the side of the church to catch aflame. Police are still investigating the incident.
Knox United Church, Prince George, BC.

  • Police responded to a report of an individual spraying flammable material and spray painting an alley near the church. Messages made reference to the residential school findings.
St. Andrew’s United Church, Prince George, BC.

  • Fire services responded to a structure fire at St. Andrew’s United Church on July 4. The outside of the building was damaged as a result of the fire. Police are still investigating the matter.
Upper Pine Gospel Chapel, Rose Prairie, BC.

According to Fort St. John RCMP a report was received at 12:34 a.m. of a fire engulfing Upper Pine Gospel Chapel. Police are investigating the incident.

St Joseph’s Lutheran Church, Armena, AB.

Camrose RCMP responded to a fire on Dec. 31, 2022 at the small parish St. Joseph Lutheran Church near the village of Hay Lakes. When first responders arrived the church was completely engulfed in flames. Police believe the fire is suspicious and are investigating it as an intentional act.

(VANDALIZED list added in next post)

St. Augustine’s Parish, Vancouver, BC.,

St. Jude’s Parish, Vancouver, BC.,

St. Joseph’s Parish, Vancouver, BC.,

St Joseph’s Church, Kamloops Indian Band, BC.,

Cathedral of Mary Immaculate, Nelson, BC.,

St. Luke’s Parish, Calgary AB.,

Sacred Heart Church & Columbarium, Calgary AB.,

Grace Presbyterian Church, Calgary AB.,

St. Elizabeth of Hungary Catholic Church, Calgary AB.,

St. Anthony’s Catholic Parish, Calgary AB.,

St. Joseph Catholic Church, Calgary AB.,

St. Mary’s Cathedral, Calgary AB.,

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church, Calgary AB.,

All Nations Full Gospel Church, Calgary AB.,

Holy Trinity Church, Calgary AB.,

St. Anthony’s Catholic Parish, Calgary AB.,

St. Bonaventure Church, Calgary AB.,

Our Lady Queen of Poland Catholic Church (Polish) – Kosciól Matki Bozej Królowej Polski, Edmonton, AB.,

Holy Rosary Catholic Church (Polish) – Kościół Różańca Świętego, Edmonton, AB.,

Horse Lake Mennonite Church, Duck Lake, SK.,

St. Paul Co-Cathedral, Saskatoon, SK.,

First Presbyterian Church, Brandon, MB.,

St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church, Fisher Branch, MB.,

Basilica of Our Lady Immaculate, Guelph, Ont.,

Merciful Redeemer Parish, Mississauga, Ont.,

Cathedral Of St Peter-In-Chains, Peterborough, Ont.

Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, Sault St. Marie, Ont.,

Basilica Cathedral, St. John’s, NL.,

St. Peter and St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Victoria, BC

First Hamilton Christian Reformed Church, Hamilton, Ont.,

Mount Tzouhalem Cross, North Cowichan, BC

St Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church, Bridgewater, NS.,

St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Church, New Westminster, BC.,

St. Joseph’s Church, Radium Hot Springs, BC.,

Paroisse Sainte-Anne-Des-Pins, Sudbury, Ont.,

St. Peter’s Cathedral Basilica, London, Ont.,

Ukrainian Orthodox Church Of All Saints, Kamloops, BC.

St. Augustine of Canterbury Church, Brandon, MB.

St. Francis Xavier Mission Catholic Church, Kahnawake, QC.

Sacred Heart Cathedral, Prince George BC.

St. Philip Anglican Church, Oak Bay, BC.

St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Victoria, BC.

Hedley Grace Church, Hedley, BC.
I remember hearing about this. A number of our members are Canadian including the pastor and not a word was said. It is hard to know what to think. Is this the removing the dead afraid-to-speak-the-truth churches? Is this a cleansing? Is this the end of the christian world view affecting modern culture? Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
Is this the removing the dead afraid-to-speak-the-truth churches? Is this a cleansing? Is this the end of the christian world view affecting modern culture? Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

It's going to be a combination of things, Dorothy Mae. It will actually serve to strengthen the true church, i.e. those whose Christianity is not confined to the four walls of a church building. Let me cite for you an extended vision that relates to this, and to the dream I posted in the OP.

This is from The Heavens Opened, by Anna Rountree, and prophesies why God is going to allow the destruction to come. Those who are His will be called to draw closer and closer to Him, while those whose Christianity is fleshly and tied primarily to the earth will eventually pay a terrible price for it.

The sound was ancient and terrifying. Startled, I spun around to see a colossal battering ram relentlessly moving under its own power across a desert basin.’ Its wooden wheels were at least sixty stories high, and they groaned and yawned under the extreme weight they bore. Blasphemies were carved into its black battering arm, the end of which was the iron head of a goat.

Although it moved slowly, people on the desert floor seemed helpless to avoid its path; they were crushed as it rolled over them. Screams filled the desert valley and ricocheted off distant rock formations, filling the desert basin with terror.

Slowly the battering ram topped a sandy hill and began to pick up speed going down the other side. Breathless from shock, I clawed with my hands and dug with my feet into the deep sand of the hill in order to reach the top and watch its path.

It picked up tremendous speed as it plunged down the other side of the hill into a deep valley. In its path at the bottom of the hill was a walled city. Both city and wall were the color of the sand and seemed to be half sunk into it, almost reclaimed by the sand from which they had come. In faded lettering on the side of the wall, I could read: THE CHURCH.

The battering ram was massive, and the adobe wall of the city did not look strong. With brutal impact, the goat’s head smashed into the wall and continued through it. It plowed through houses and buildings, losing little of its speed. When it broke through the wall on the opposite side of the city, it slowed to a stop, settling into the sand.

A strange silence fell.

Occasional screams broke this silence. They came from those who had been mutilated or from those who recognized that a loved one had been killed. But stranger than the silence was the fact that few sought to escape across the rubble of the wall—few.

Then slowly, all by itself, the battering ram turned and began to start up the hill again, moving in my direction. The goat’s head on the end of the ram was laughing, exhilarated, as if drunk with blood.

I thought it might see me, so I left the top of the hill and began to run in the opposite direction. As I ran, I frantically scanned the desert basin for a hiding place. I could hear the huge wheels laboring as they carried the battering ram toward the top of the hill again.

Suddenly an angel began to fly beside me.

“Where can I hide from the battering ram?” I shouted as I ran.

“The battering ram rolls relentlessly over all the earth now. Up high,” the angel said, “up higher than it can see is the only safe place. Let me show you”...

With a wave of the angel’s hand, a stairway appeared, touching the earth and reaching beyond my view into heaven. I moved to the base of the stairs and looked up. I was still heaving from running.

The angel flew beside the stairs, higher than its base on earth, and waved me upward: “Come on!” the angel shouted. “The ram is coming, and we don’t want him to see this stairway. Come on!”

There were no hand rails on the narrow stairs. The stairs were clear like glass, which can be slippery. I could hear the battering ram rolling; although I was still panting, I began to run up the stairs.

“Faster!” the angel called.

I kept my eyes on the stairs. In his hands the angel had a scarlet cord fastened to the stairs at the bottom. I could hear the battering ram getting closer, but the angel pulled the cord and brought up the first section of the stairway, like attic stairs that can be lowered and raised.

“Hurry!” the angel urged.

I continued to run up the steps, breathless. The angel pulled the thin rope, and another section of the stairs rose.

“Keep climbing,” the angel said, although now his tone of voice was less urgent.

With a mighty effort, I completed the stairs and turned to make sure I had indeed escaped. The battering ram was directly below, rolling beneath us as the third section of the stairs was pulled up.

“You were safe after climbing the second set of stairs; but to be really safe, you needed to pass the third,” he said.

As the battering ram rolled past, I tried to catch my breath and settle myself. Only then did I look around.

“Where am I?” I asked.

“Paradise,” the angel smiled, as he tied the cord holding the stairs to a docking post. A sign above the post read STAIRPORT. I looked out over the most beautiful park I had ever seen...

He stood up, putting the boots under his arm. “You’re safe here,” the angel continued, “All of that is down below.”

“What was that?” I asked.

“The great enemy of our Lord and of His church.”

“But it was destroying the church,” I exclaimed.

“Some of it may be destroyed—that which calls itself the church,” he continued. “It has a sign saying it is the church, and many live behind that sign. But the church—the real church—escaped; the real church is alive and can run faster than any battering ram can roll. It’s clumsy, really; but if you are dead stones, if you are not alive, then of course it is more than any man-made structure can resist. However, the real, living church of Jesus Christ can hide in caves, float on the water, or climb into Paradise.” A member of the real church will know where the hidden stairs are located. That person can call for help, and we will let down the stairs so that he can escape. The real church is more agile than the battering ram. Living stones have feet.” (Rountree, The Heavens Opened, Chapter 1 opening)
Is this the removing the dead afraid-to-speak-the-truth churches? Is this a cleansing? Is this the end of the christian world view affecting modern culture? Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

What's eventually going to happen is an increasing return to true New Testament Christianity, where believers lives are more in danger, and the church returns to more of a home church format for safety's sake. Any building or ministry or institution that blatantly stands out on the landscape while publicly identifying as "Christian" will eventually be a target, and not just by the powers that be in secret but by the masses, who will increasingly be indoctrinated by the media into thinking that Christians are evil and deserve it.

In fact... I read another piece just yesterday where they are essentially already saying this. Let me find it.

From a piece in 2021 on the church burnings in Canada, and how the civil liberties organization there would not tolerate equating what was happening to "guilty" Christians with the opposition being suffered by Muslims. See second paragraph:

US media shamefully justified a string of Canadian church burnings

Kelly Jane Torrance


One day this month in Canada, 10 Catholic churches were vandalized in a single city, Calgary. In the last month, arsonists and vandals have attacked dozens of Canadian churches, burning some entirely to the ground.
America has 70.5 million Catholics; Canada, with just over a 10th of the population, has close to 13 million. So this is a big story. Yet the US media aren’t interested in reporting our northern neighbor’s plague of church burnings — except to suggest it’s understandable...

Church critics used this framing to justify, and even encourage, the rash of arsons. “Burn it all down,” tweeted the head of the BC Civil Liberties Association and the chair of the Newfoundland Canadian Bar Association Branch. “It’s very dangerous to conflate the string of church fires with violence against mosques,” activist Nora Loreto said, insisting they weren’t “hate crimes” — in other words, the Catholic Church had it coming.
I think we need to be careful in simply labeling all of these church burnings as persecution or something of that sort. They started largely of out anger and desire for revenge for the evils done by supposed Christians to the Indigenous populations of Canada.
I think we need to be careful in simply labeling all of these church burnings as persecution or something of that sort. They started largely of out anger and desire for revenge for the evils done by supposed Christians to the Indigenous populations of Canada.

Yes, I think that last piece references it, only the counter-argument is that this too has been framed a certain way - and deliberately manufactured - to make Christians look bad; and downright genocidal, which is part of the same strategy.

Not really arguing that all Christian churches are innocent, however. Simply that all Christian churches will eventually be lumped together under the same sorts of accusations, which is why I personally believe we should be standing together against the enemy, and willing to believe the best about each other and not the worst, because the media will constantly be "reporting" on the worst, even if they have to make it up.
But the dreams also suggest it will be increasingly coming to the United States as well.

There was a dream I interpreted back in 2020 which prophesied that Trump was going to lose the 2020 election. This was when most were still saying he would win.

But in that dream, there were strong allusions to the possibility that those who would take power after 2020 would be of the same character as Trudeau and company, and secretly eye the church "lustfully" with a view to abusing and "raping" her in the US, and we actually have a pretty long history here of allowing church burnings to go on with little to no retribution.

I should also state that I am not approaching this subject from a political perspective but a spiritual one, and have no political axes to grind. But suffice it to say that I think that part of the dream alluded to the fact that the powers that be plan on eventually doing the same things in the US as they are currently doing in Canada.

Original thread to it, for anyone who wants to read. I could elaborate further on the interpretation if necessary. There were things I left out at the time in my explanation of everything it was saying:
In the end what they did was a crime. Doesn’t matter the supposed reason was. Arson is not excused by what generations ago did. And the Canadian government did nothing. Scary!!
On how US media and politicians have generally been following similar patterns in the past. Publicly they use church burnings as an opportunity to denounce racism in the US, yet rarely actually seem to do much to prevent it from continuing to happen.

‘Two thousand black churches burned between 1995-2005, but no one paid attention’

Since a massacre on June 17 when a white man killed nine black worshippers at a church bible study in Charleston, South Carolina, the media has reported an explosion of arsons targeting black churches across the US south. However, our Observer says that this rash of fires is not out of the ordinary. In the past twenty years, black churches have been going up in flames monthly, sometimes weekly—it’s just that no one was paying attention.
Since a massacre on June 17 when a white man killed nine black worshippers at a church bible study in Charleston, South Carolina, the media has reported an explosion of arsons targeting black churches across the US south. However, our Observer says that this rash of fires is not out of the ordinary. In the past twenty years, black churches have been going up in flames monthly, sometimes weekly—it’s just that no one was paying attention

...burnings of black churches are not relegated to the past nor the immediate present. They’ve been occurring constantly for years. As the former pastor of Mount Zion AME Church, Terrance Mackey said: “The told story about church burnings is that churches were burning. The untold story is that they never stopped burning.”


Firefighters on the scene of the Mount Zion AME Church fire during the night of June 30, 2015. (Photo: Elijah James Curtis)


Daylight showed the full extent of damage to the Mount Zion AME Church, the seventh black church to be burned in the past few weeks...


Students help to rebuild a burned church as part of a programme run by the National Coalition for Burned Churches and Community Empowerment (photo from the NCBC website)...

“Sometimes, I wonder how hard the authorities were trying”

President Clinton’s bill may have passed, but it did not eliminate the fact that people were still being evil. You can’t legislate to remove a hateful mind. However, when things of this nature happen, people should be prosecuted to set an example. But, often, that doesn’t happen.

No one was ever arrested for the arson of our church. Evidence was consumed in the fire, of course. But, sometimes, I wonder how hard the authorities were trying. We just don’t know. [Editor's note: In his 1996 speech, President Clinton claimed 200 federal agents had been assigned to assist local and state law enforcement in solving these arson cases.]

We had no indication something like this would happen to us before it did. The racism here is subtle—you don’t see open hatred. It’s not like in the Carolinas, where some people openly show off being members of the KKK.

When my wife and I heard about the fire at the Mount Zion AME church yesterday, the first thing she said was that maybe it could happen to us again.

We pray that it does not.


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On how US media and politicians have generally been following similar approaches in the past. Publicly they use church burnings as an opportunity to denounce racism in the US, yet rarely actually seem to do much to prevent it from continuing to happen.

‘Two thousand black churches burned between 1995-2005, but no one paid attention’

Mount Zion AME church congregant and Observer Elijah James Curtis took this photo of his church burning on the night of June 30, 2015 in Greeleyville, South Carolina.

Since a massacre on June 17 when a white man killed nine black worshippers at a church bible study in Charleston, South Carolina, the media has reported an explosion of arsons targeting black churches across the US south. However, our Observer says that this rash of fires is not out of the ordinary. In the past twenty years, black churches have been going up in flames monthly, sometimes weekly—it’s just that no one was paying attention.
Since a massacre on June 17 when a white man killed nine black worshippers at a church bible study in Charleston, South Carolina, the media has reported an explosion of arsons targeting black churches across the US south. However, our Observer says that this rash of fires is not out of the ordinary. In the past twenty years, black churches have been going up in flames monthly, sometimes weekly—it’s just that no one was paying attention

...burnings of black churches are not relegated to the past nor the immediate present. They’ve been occurring constantly for years. As the former pastor of Mount Zion AME Church, Terrance Mackey said: “The told story about church burnings is that churches were burning. The untold story is that they never stopped burning.”


Firefighters on the scene of the Mount Zion AME Church fire during the night of June 30, 2015. (Photo: Elijah James Curtis)


Daylight showed the full extent of damage to the Mount Zion AME Church, the seventh black church to be burned in the past few weeks...


Students help to rebuild a burned church as part of a programme run by the National Coalition for Burned Churches and Community Empowerment (photo from the NCBC website)...

“Sometimes, I wonder how hard the authorities were trying”

President Clinton’s bill may have passed, but it did not eliminate the fact that people were still being evil. You can’t legislate to remove a hateful mind. However, when things of this nature happen, people should be prosecuted to set an example. But, often, that doesn’t happen.

No one was ever arrested for the arson of our church. Evidence was consumed in the fire, of course. But, sometimes, I wonder how hard the authorities were trying. We just don’t know. [Editor's note: In his 1996 speech, President Clinton claimed 200 federal agents had been assigned to assist local and state law enforcement in solving these arson cases.]

We had no indication something like this would happen to us before it did. The racism here is subtle—you don’t see open hatred. It’s not like in the Carolinas, where some people openly show off being members of the KKK.

When my wife and I heard about the fire at the Mount Zion AME church yesterday, the first thing she said was that maybe it could happen to us again.

We pray that it does not.
If a mosque were burned the cry would be long and loud!!
If a mosque were burned the cry would be long and loud!!

Yes, and that's the other trend that suggests the exact same modus operandi is at work in both countries. I posted on this as well during that time, and the dreams in this thread were truly disturbing as concerns where things could be going in the US, and what may be coming the church's way when Islam gains an increasing foothold in this country.

I include how the current administration immediately installed a record number of Muslims into higher positions in the US Government upon inauguration (Post #3):
Yes, and that's the other trend that suggests the exact same modus operandi is at work in both countries. I posted on this as well during that time, and the dreams in this thread were truly disturbing as concerns where things could be going in the US, and what may be coming the church's way when Islam gains an increasing foothold in this country.

I include how the current administration immediately installed a record number of Muslims into higher positions in the US Government upon inauguration (Post #3):
That’s pretty scary since persecution of christians today is mostly in muslim countries.
That’s pretty scary since persecution of christians today is mostly in muslim countries.


Let me give the positive side to this as well, though. Just as God is going to allow the persecution of Christianity in the West to strengthen the true church, so too will allowing the Muslims to come into conflict with us here have an unintended effect that Satan won't like:

I'm no enemy of Muslims. Their enemy and mine are the same spirit, they just don't know it. But many Muslims today are dead serious about their faith - more serious than most Christians - and willing to die for and in some cases kill for it. These are the types I would personally be looking for. I can do more with one dude who would die for his faith than a thousand who would not, and the coming persecution - which is also referred to as a "culling" in some prophesies - will separate the men from the boys within Christianity. Only the strong are going to still be standing, and I'd take a devout Muslim who converts to Christ over several churches worth of spiritual cupcakes any day of the week.
I think we need to be careful in simply labeling all of these church burnings as persecution or something of that sort. They started largely of out anger and desire for revenge for the evils done by supposed Christians to the Indigenous populations of Canada.
The key there..."supposed Christians".
The key there..."supposed Christians".
Probably would be more accurate to include "supposed evils" in the description as to motives to burn down churches. It is a mistake to think that all caucasian settlers even said they were christians let alone were.


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