The Doomsday Super weapons
By Grant R. Jeffrey
The weapons used in the battle of Armageddon will be the most destructive in history. Jesus warned that no one would survive the horrors of the Great Tribulation if He did not return from heaven to end the battle. The truly advanced weapons that will be unleashed in the cataclysmic wars at the end of this age will stagger men with their armories destructiveness. The weapons in the secret armories of the nations will produce devastating casualties in a future war. America, Britain, Russia, China, and Israel are designing advanced neutron atomic bombs that can kill every one in a city block without damaging any buildings. During the Gulf War Special Satellite cameras transmitted instantaneous pictures of the live battle back home to the War Room in Washington. Special Russian killer satellites are now equipped with lasers capable of destroying vital American surveillance satellites that allow our military commanders to observe military operations. In response America has produced a series of back-up satellites orbiting in deep space that will be activated when our first set of satellites are destroyed. The replacement satellites will fire their rockets and descend into the proper orbit to observe that conflict. Israel has recently developed several new high energy plasma physics weapons that will revolutionize the nature of warfare. The Israelis did not use these advanced weapons in the War in the Gulf because they knew that the danger from Iraq was limited to a few SCUD’s. Despite denials, the Russians have spent billions on the development of Particle Beam Weapons that can vaporize a target at great distances. In a future war targets will be destroyed at great distances through new high energy weapons. A single particle beam weapon can be aimed at hundreds of targets per minute destroying them at the speed of light with the destructive power of a tactical nuclear weapon. As we approach the final conflict, the total manpower of the standing armies and reserves of the total manpower of the standing armies and reserves of the nations exceed 500 million soldiers. Over 85,000 nuclear weapons and huge stockpiles of dangerous biological and chemical weapons are in the armories of the nations. The military establishments are constantly developing new armaments to replace our obsolete armaments. Our ten year old weapons are sold to countries like Egypt who then sell their twenty-year old equipment to Yemen. The arms race of the last five decades has turned the world into an armed camp. There are now enough arms in the world to supply every human on the planet with a military weapon. There is something obscene in the nations spending a trillion dollars a year for armaments while we cannot find the money to feed the hungry or house our homeless.
By Grant R. Jeffrey
The weapons used in the battle of Armageddon will be the most destructive in history. Jesus warned that no one would survive the horrors of the Great Tribulation if He did not return from heaven to end the battle. The truly advanced weapons that will be unleashed in the cataclysmic wars at the end of this age will stagger men with their armories destructiveness. The weapons in the secret armories of the nations will produce devastating casualties in a future war. America, Britain, Russia, China, and Israel are designing advanced neutron atomic bombs that can kill every one in a city block without damaging any buildings. During the Gulf War Special Satellite cameras transmitted instantaneous pictures of the live battle back home to the War Room in Washington. Special Russian killer satellites are now equipped with lasers capable of destroying vital American surveillance satellites that allow our military commanders to observe military operations. In response America has produced a series of back-up satellites orbiting in deep space that will be activated when our first set of satellites are destroyed. The replacement satellites will fire their rockets and descend into the proper orbit to observe that conflict. Israel has recently developed several new high energy plasma physics weapons that will revolutionize the nature of warfare. The Israelis did not use these advanced weapons in the War in the Gulf because they knew that the danger from Iraq was limited to a few SCUD’s. Despite denials, the Russians have spent billions on the development of Particle Beam Weapons that can vaporize a target at great distances. In a future war targets will be destroyed at great distances through new high energy weapons. A single particle beam weapon can be aimed at hundreds of targets per minute destroying them at the speed of light with the destructive power of a tactical nuclear weapon. As we approach the final conflict, the total manpower of the standing armies and reserves of the total manpower of the standing armies and reserves of the nations exceed 500 million soldiers. Over 85,000 nuclear weapons and huge stockpiles of dangerous biological and chemical weapons are in the armories of the nations. The military establishments are constantly developing new armaments to replace our obsolete armaments. Our ten year old weapons are sold to countries like Egypt who then sell their twenty-year old equipment to Yemen. The arms race of the last five decades has turned the world into an armed camp. There are now enough arms in the world to supply every human on the planet with a military weapon. There is something obscene in the nations spending a trillion dollars a year for armaments while we cannot find the money to feed the hungry or house our homeless.