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The evangelical movement and harry potter?

  • Thread starter sportsdude11751
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Ive noticed that Harry Potter has been in the news lately by Christian evangelical's trying to get them out of shelves. Do you guys think that harry potter has that much of an influence on people?

I feel some evangelical's used bible versus to condemn people without reading around that scripture or studying that author and what that book was written for.
I think its a bit ridiculous to be upset abotu a fictional character that teaches decent morals to children.

the Evangelicals wern't upset when davey and goliath, a freakin talkin dog, was introduced to kids. Or any of the tons of movies geared towards kids with fictional talking animals, or any of the disney shows that are completley fictional involving time travel and other weird things.

Why harry potter?


A woman who maintains that the Harry Potter books are an attempt to teach children witchcraft is pushing for the second time to have them banned from school libraries.

Laura Mallory, a mother of four from the Atlanta suburb of Loganville, told a Georgia Board of Education officer that the books by British author J.K. Rowling, sought to indoctrinate children as Wiccans, or practitioners of religious witchcraft.

Referring to the recent rash of deadly assaults at schools, Mallory said books that promote evil - as she claims the Potter ones do - help foster the kind of culture where school shootings happen.

That would not happen if students instead read the Bible, Mallory said.

She added that the books were harmful to children who are unable to differentiate between reality and fantasy.

The children, she said, try to imitate Harry Potter and cast spells on classmates.

"They're not educationally suitable and have been shown to be harmful to some kids," Mallory said.

She argued that teachers do not assign other religious books like the Bible as student reading.

It was Mallory's second public campaign against the popular fiction series, after trying to get her son's elementary school to ban the books in August 2005. ... ge_id=1811

I think that a child would have a harder time realizing that parts of the bible, should not be done around your classmates, than parts of harry potter. If kids are likely to cast spells (like they would even work) from a purely fantasy book, then they are surely likely to try to stone people, toss people off cliffs, and destroy whole towns with fire. right?

(that last statement was completley sarcastic, I can't picture a chidl reading the bible, and then doign any of those things)
I figure Peter Pan, Wizard of Oz and talking vegatables would rank higher on the concerns for misuse of sorcery in children's media.
The evangelical movement needs to quit embracing apostates and shooting sheep before it worries about Harry Potter.
I think Harry Potter is fine, with regards to books its the DaVinci code that is a major problem
sportsdude11751 said:
Ive noticed that Harry Potter has been in the news lately by Christian evangelical's trying to get them out of shelves. Do you guys think that harry potter has that much of an influence on people?

I feel some evangelical's used bible versus to condemn people without reading around that scripture or studying that author and what that book was written for.

At least with Harry Potter there is no deception about it being Fiction.
I personally believe Harry Potter is a silly and stupid series, but it is not evil. Harry Potter does not promote evil, but rather good. Harry only fights for good, using magick. You can make the claim that magick is evil, but the book does not promote using it to harm others.
Harry Potter, along with many, many, other fantasy, fictional, idle books, movies, music, art, etc. are simply yet another tool of satan for the deception of mankind. They do teach good morals, but through a wicked character medium. They literally teach that we can have goodness apart from God...this is actually ultimate evil disguised as good morals. They are not only a waste of time that leads to idleness, but they are trickery in that our children are being familiarized with evil under a false sense of goodness, and security. The source of all that is good is God, not the things He hates, and tells us to avoid. The good morals that are children learn should be taught in proper context. They are from Him...the TRUE source of all that is good, even for those who do not believe in Him.

As far as this woman saying they teach a religion, they do, by the testimony of the very ones who practice it. Will it change the schools to rid them of Harry Potter? No, the schools have omitted God, and will not be blessed because of it. Harry Potter, The Wizard of Oz, whatever you want to mask as goodness, is a result of the deceiver portraying evil as good. Same old story, and we best not ride the fence about it. The Lord bless all of you.
Yes, peace. If C.S.'s allegory portrays things that should be evil, as good, then we should not take it lightly, even if he was a young believer at the time. The same can be said about other such authors. They are not above God. The Lord bless you.
wouldn't anythign fictional like talking dogs (Davey and goliath) be considered evil, because it is unreal, made up, and "magic" ( I don't remember how this dog got the power to talk) even though the show is a christian values show that teaches through example how to be a good person (sort of like goofus and gallant if anyone remembers highlights magazine)

So is santa clause also something you disagree with? and are you going to tel your children straight up santa isn't real? I mean, he does magic. even if it is good magic.
Peace wrote:
wouldn't anythign fictional like talking dogs (Davey and goliath) be considered evil, because it is unreal, made up, and "magic" ( I don't remember how this dog got the power to talk) even though the show is a christian values show that teaches through example how to be a good person (sort of like goofus and gallant if anyone remembers highlights magazine)

So is santa clause also something you disagree with? and are you going to tel your children straight up santa isn't real? I mean, he does magic. even if it is good magic.

Hi again, peace. I think that Biblically, when we are speaking of making evil good, it is safe to say that it is not acceptable in any form. This is not something we can align with the Word, and should not wink at as believers just because of the packaging, or the author.

My method is something else altogether, though, and can not be mandated for all believers. I hope others do not judge me because I prefer to not let my children read, or view, specific things that I believe do not honor God...even if they are popular with other believers, or considered classics.

It seems like Quath and I just had a conversation about this, but anyway I think the obvious things like witchcraft aren't the only things we need to watch out for...there are other things that go against Scripture like humanism, psychology, evolution, feminism, false religions, etc. too. Of course, some do not believe that all of these are against Scripture, and I do not represent them obviously. I may not represent anyone on this board, actually. I think this is at the parent's discretion according to their own understanding of the Word. If they believe that Davy, and Goliath are okay because they do not teach principals that are against Scripture, or contain magic, then I do not judge them. They will be held responsible by God for what they approve.

As far as Christmas goes, or Easter, or any other such fairy tales we do not observe them, promote them, or teach them to our children in any form...through books, celebrations, videos, etc. In other words, my children do not believe that santa, the easter bunny, or leprechans, or whatever, are real. The Lord bless you.
peace4all said:
wouldn't anythign fictional like talking dogs (Davey and goliath) be considered evil, because it is unreal, made up, and "magic" ( I don't remember how this dog got the power to talk) even though the show is a christian values show that teaches through example how to be a good person (sort of like goofus and gallant if anyone remembers highlights magazine)

So is santa clause also something you disagree with? and are you going to tel your children straight up santa isn't real? I mean, he does magic. even if it is good magic.

First off, yes, Santa is a phony replacement for Jesus Christ. Satan is always trying and always will try to imitate Christ.

I have little faith in most religious cartoons.

Most are not doctrinally sound and either add to or take away from the account. Personally, I read the actual story straight from the Word of God.

I have thrown away many of our cartoons that misrepresent the true Word accounts of stories.

In bible accounts when animals talked it wasnt magic, it was God using his creation to accomplish a task.

In movies and such when animals talk it is usually magic that turned people into animals or unclean spirits.

There is enough to draw my children away from the Lord, I dont want to put something "religious" in my house to aid the drawing away.
lovely said:
It seems like Quath and I just had a conversation about this, but anyway I think the obvious things like witchcraft aren't the only things we need to watch out for...there are other things that go against Scripture like humanism, psychology, evolution, feminism, false religions, etc. too. Of course, some do not believe that all of these are against Scripture, and I do not represent them obviously. I may not represent anyone on this board, actually. I think this is at the parent's discretion according to their own understanding of the Word. If they believe that Davy, and Goliath are okay because they do not teach principals that are against Scripture, or contain magic, then I do not judge them. They will be held responsible by God for what they approve.

Out of interest how does feminism go against scriture?

Ok.... You answered my question i guess :-P and, I sort of will be blunt i guess.. I find it to be scary...

lovely, out of curiosity, I now have learned much about this particular part of your faith. and im pretty sure i understand your position on this next question, but I want to clarify.

You believe that parents have the right to teach their kids whatever they wan't basically right? its the parents discression, and not the schools libraries or anyone else. But, do you care if parents teach something that is 180 degrees to what you teach yours? and if so, on what level (does it bother you, or are you up in arms trying to change people)

dancing queen said:
Out of interest how does feminism go against scriture?
Feminism is the belief that women should be equal to men in power and opportunities. The Bible goes against this in several places like

1. Evengets all of Adam's punishments as well as being made subserviant to Adam.

2. Giving birth to a daughter makes a woman twice as dirty as if she had given birth to a son.

3. If a woman commits pre-maritial sex, she is to be killed in front of her parents. There is nor punishment for a man.

4. Rape is bad because it ruins a woman so no other man will take her. So if a virgin is raped, she must marry her rapist. (There is no punishment if she were a slave.)

5. God wanted to meet with the men of the tribe. He never would meet with the women.

6. Women should be quiet in church and ask their husbands later at home about church.

There are many more, but that is all I remember from the top of my head. If you believe that women have equal worth as men, then it is hard to accept these passages as divine.
Hi peace,

peace wrote:
You believe that parents have the right to teach their kids whatever they wan't basically right? its the parents discression, and not the schools libraries or anyone else. But, do you care if parents teach something that is 180 degrees to what you teach yours? and if so, on what level (does it bother you, or are you up in arms trying to change people)

I do believe strongly in parental rights, but I am also aware that abusive parents should be held responsible for those choices, and brought to justice. I think God has given me the responsibility to teach/train, care for, and nurture my children...I am to abide that duty in every way joyfully for Him.

Yes, I am personally convicted that my children do not belong in government schools by any means. Any outside teaching is with me present. We generally move as a family in most areas. My children are still under training by their parents, and it is not best for them to be influenced by sin (the omission of God, along with many, many false teachings) at this age...their impression should be proper from the start. If they decide to turn their back on that training later, I put that in God's hands. I can not save them, nor would I even want to because it's not real...I want their faith to be genuine. However, I will, and must, do my duty before God, and my conviction is that I am to teach my own children, and God has blessed me with the circumstance, and grace, that allow for that.

I think muslim, or atheist, parents have every right to teach their children what they believe, and I think that freedom should be protected. I do not agree with them, obviously, but I believe that it is their duty to do so, and I appreciate all parents who assume responsibility in caring for their children properly. My prayer is that my family can be a light to them, and that a genuine faith would be born from our walk, witness, and prayers, as the Lord sees fit to bless them, but I am not about forcing any of it...God doesn't call His children to that. I am called to be obedient to God by sharing the Gospel, by first living it, shining it to my children, and other family, and the world through real relationships, hospitality in my home, and helping those in need, etc...and God will take care of the results.

The level on which it bothers me is spiritual. I am sorry that they are lost, and I hope, and pray, that they turn to God. I use the rights that the government gives me, but my beliefs are not usually represented in this nation by the two parties that dominate. My spirit grieves over the lost ones, but ultimately, I trust that God allows all for His divine purpose, and plan, and rest in that being accomplished in my efforts to seek Him first above all. My duty is to love with God's love, pray, live the Truth, and speak it, and let the divisions come that God allows, but to be obedient utmost to Him. The Lord bless you.
ok thats cool then. I was getting a little worried you were leaning towards the psycho parent way... phew :-P
Hi dancing queen,

dancing queen wrote:
Out of interest how does feminism go against scriture?

Here are some of the verses in Scripture that may help you to understand how feminism contradicts the Word of God. Submission to your husband is God's protection, and vision, for women and families. And, interestingly, it adorns a woman in the sight of the Lord for her spirit to be meek, and quiet. The Lord bless you.

1 Peter 3:1
1 Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;
2 While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear.
3 Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel;
4 But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.
5 For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands:
6 Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.
7 Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.


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